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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. LOL! No, I was not going to tell you to go post on that messege board. That would be hypocritical since I posted a long description of John Locke's (the philospher) theories of knowledge and reality.
  2. exactly! Donahoe showed great forsight by trading up for Losman because this year's draft sucks! The value of a first round pick this year is devalued due to the weakest draft class in 30 years (according to Dr. Z). So think of it this way, we got a first round QB in one of the strongest QB classes since '83 -or, we drafted the best QB in the draft with our first round pick this year.
  3. anyone know of a good messege board devoted only to LOST?
  4. I disagree - first, the Black Crows are an underrated band. They are fantastic and one of the best live acts I have seen. Second, Bo's rendition was very good (abscent the rediculous cow hat).
  5. What the hell is with constantine - did Seacrest rip his balls off? His little "story" before his performance was all about how grunge music defined early '90's music and was his motivation to perform. So I expected some Peal Jam, Soundgarden, STP, or Nirvana - yet we get some f-ing ballad that made me want to puke. I think he knows he can't outrock Bo, so he is playing the only card he has left - the sex magnet for teenage girls.
  6. OK, it is a similar situation and Delay still looks like the scum that he is. This is the guy that the Ethics Committee had to change the rules for in order to save his seat. That aside, my family was placed in a very similar situation with my younger brother. He was a 26 year-old teacher who had non-hodgkins lymphoma. After a mind-boggling painful battle he developed neutopenic (sp? lack of white blood cells) infection that was eating his flesh. We were given a choice, either my brothers whole right side of his body would be aputated/debrided with the promise of regular debridements until he would eventually die a very painful death - or to allow the infection to take its course and allow him to die in the peace of a medically induced coma. The second aniversary of his death was March 23, right in the middle of all this Shaivo mess. My mother is now on the verge of a breakdown because of the memories this stituation has brought up and the light it casts on it. Nobody can convince me that we did not have the right to make the decision of mercy that we made. It was our family andmy brother. F-them!
  7. Purple Horse!
  8. but,but,but - what has more credibility than the Lavuale Sape fan club? Ok, ok, maybe God's fan club has a bit more credibility - but what else? That being said, I would roll with Stevestojan's posse any day of the week (except on the 3rd tuesday of every month - that's when the Sape fan club meets).
  9. I remember hearing about that as well - but I am starting to like the "philosopher" angle the more I think about it. What if the island is a metaphysical forum where different theories of knowledge and reality are playing themselves out - and conflicting.
  10. Are you stevestojan? I know he has fun with himself.
  11. I am not an expert on the philosphy of John Locke, but I found this excerpt from a philosphy web site explaining some of Locke's general ideas on knowledge and reality: Thus, it seems as though Locke was an "idealist" in a philosophical sense. Then could the show LOST be casted as "The World According to Locke?" Meaning, if reality is formed by our ideas, and ideas are created by our expereinces, then the experiences of the survivors could be impacting the collective reality of the Loche-ian island.
  12. unfortunatly, the producers of LOST are not one of our clients, so we can not bill anyone for my reading of countless LOSt threads on twobillsdrive. And despite the collective intelligence and probative analysis displayed on this board, most notably in the PPP forum, I would not be able to rely upon any information here as mandatory or persuasive legal authority. That being said, anyone have any thoughts on John Locke being named after a philosopher?
  13. Could someone post a summary of what you all concluded about the "philospher angle?" My employer would not be too happy with me spending hours sifting through LOST threads.
  14. As I stated in two weeks ago, I just got into this show. I read all the episode summaries (and I am loving these repeats that I am seeing for the first time). Have any of you discussed the fact that Locke's name is John Locke, as in the philosopher? Any theories from that discussion that I may have missed? Any other characters named after philosophers?
  15. Exactly. We replaced him because he was a stupid one dimensional RB. Maybe, because the statement is blatently wrong, this is Green's sarcastic code for, "TD, you are full of poop if you think Henry is worth more than Henry."
  16. I was just giving him a hard time. To each their own.
  17. I think you grossly misunderstand the concept of genetic variation.
  18. Snobish Know-it-all Elitism for Snobby Elites, methinks. Your comment about the show is like those dweebs who find scientificly inaccurate portrales of outerspace in space movies. it is fiction.
  19. Then what about Batman - he was from Earth, not a fictional planet like Krypton - I hate Batman because there is no way in hell some rich dweeb can dress like a gay bat and round up all the crime in a city. The point is 24 is fiction. Thus, the literary concept of "suspension of disbelief" comes into play. I don't know what teh real "security protocols" are for an Air Force Base. But that is not necessary for me to enjoy the show. If you want real, watch a documentary.
  20. This is why I hated Superman - there is no way in hell that a guy could shoot heat beams out of his eyes! That is so unrealistic.
  21. I just traded Bonds in my fantasy baseball league last week - whew!
  22. the casino and the bridge at Hoyt Lake were original expo structures. The bridge can be seen in some of those photos
  23. Heller's involvement was one of my theories in a previous post. My theory was: I think this theory is becoming more plausible as the show goes on.
  24. wonderful.
  25. CLASSIC!!!!!
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