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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Buffalo Chop House - rediculously expensive but great atmosphere and the best steak in town. They have a great "room" on the third floor that could accomodate that many people. Harry's Harbour Grill - Great views overlooking teh river to the Canadian side - great food.
  2. Drink - it helps with the depression that will overwhelm him.
  3. so, your saying that he go caught with a "strap-on!" LOL! Man, when he gets back from his suspension I bet a teamate who is a practical jokester fills his locker with strap-on's and other "toys."
  4. I think they are two different things with teh same answer - Anikan. As far as balance in concered - that is the Yin-Yang duality concept. It was Anikan who made the creation of the Empire possible and thus creating the rebellion/Empire power struggle (i.e. balance). It was also Anikan who defeated the Sith.
  5. I've been around here long enough not to fall for that one!
  6. I am liking this theme more and more!
  7. we may have a winner there! That would be interesting.
  8. Oh yeah, that reminds me - I can name the last place team as well. Using your theme the league name could be "Battle of the Bands" with a '70's division and '80's division (or what ever decade).
  9. I thought about "porn" as a league theme (we can post pictures on our league web site) but I want to be able to use the web site at work.
  10. I won my fantasy football league last year and the winer gets to set the League Theme for the upcoming year. This means that all the teams must name their team in accordance with the theme and division they are in. For example, one year our League theme was Star Wars with the Rebellion and Empire Divisions. Team names included "Princess I wanna Lay-ya," "Cloud City Storm," "Hairy Wookies," etc. What are some fun league themes that I could choose? PLEASE DO NOT MOVE THIS THREAD TO THE QUICK DEATH OF THE FANTASY FOOTBALL FORUM (It has more to do with football than the show "Lost!")
  11. my brother died of aniplastic large-cell lymphoma (nonhodgkins) at age 26. His cancer had progressed to stage III (both above and below diaphram and bone involement). I hope he beats it - but you have to be more than tough - you have to be lucky.
  12. uhhhh - while if you read the review you get that Lucas may have been trying to make a contemporary point, the author makes Lucas out to be Michael Moore or something. He forgets that the average Star Wars fan has not left his "apartment" in his mother's basement in 25 years. They have been too busy playing with thier action figures to take note of current events. Oh yeah, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!
  13. You seem to believe in Bush's view of the world where everything is an absolute truth. However that is contrary to how the real world works. Are there SOME absolute truths? Yes, there are poor people in this world who suffer. Or, Killing is a bad thing (unless done by the state or military - but lets not make this too murky). Your fundamentalist Christian morals are just not the same as mine and that is a good thing! Our differences are protected by our system of government. We have the freedom to live to different standards within some broad rules (i.e. no killing). The direct opposite to this view is a theocracy like the Taliban or Pat Robertson's world view where one moral vision is imposed upon a whole society regardless of the diversity of the citizenry. So, if Blue Fire wants his kid to hear the word *&^%, then I don't give a *&^%. That is Blue Fire's freedom to raise his kids the way he feels is appropriate. Now from your previous posts you will probably respond to me with a ridiculous question such as, "with your relative view it would be ok for Blue Fire to teach his kid to kill babies and eat their feces." Of course that would be wrong - where does the line of relativity stop and objective truth begin? I don't know - but it is far away from the ridiculous examples you would come up with and it is far away from a kid having a potty-mouth.
  14. Best Post Ever! Even though it can be summed up with "morality is relative" its the delivery that counts!
  15. Exactly, the Scientific Method was not used to test this theory. It is an untested speculation. That is not science. However, evolution has withstood the rogors of the scientific method.
  16. Georgie? George? Is that you? I told you that you should not be posting on website messege boards after you became president.
  17. This claim that conservatives are oppressed by forced to be voiceless in a liberal academic wasteland is scary. As though they don't control everything else in our society. To me, behind the new conservative movement (as constructed by the media) there is a tinge of red-baiting McCarthyism. "Hunt them down!" What I don't understand is why must a professor be objective? I sought out professors who were outspoken and had the experience to back up thier thoughts. Many of them were progressive (not liberal), liberal, conservative, or outright fascist (in my opinion). I want to be challenged. I want to have my view of the world challenged. I do not want my professor to reflect back at me what I already think I know. That is not what education should be about.
  18. Yeah, if you listen to the end of Another Brick in the Wall Part II, a little boy screams "ENIGMA!" Man, that blew my mind after researching the Enigma. Then the Jersey show on the Division Bell Tour where the lights flashed "Publius." That is what convinced me that there was something to the Enigma,
  19. That would be my #2 choice, though I agree with the person who mentioned ALice in Chains as well. I love the verse of Hundredth Meridian that goes:
  20. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Shine On You Crazy Diamond is the best song ever written in my biased opinion. There are so many stories behind the writing and recording of this albulm.
  21. You can buy this "foamy stuff" that you rub into the mit and then place it in the oven. Worked like a charm on my softball mit. However, I was a bit disturbed. I remember getting excited as a kid about breaking-in a new mit. It was like an art to make that glove turly yours. It fits your hand so that it becomes an extension. Everything about that glove was about your work, sweat, and effort. Now, its like TV dinners. The poetry has been taken out of it.
  22. That was a cool scene when Chloe and the girlfiend were in the car while the terrorist was shooting at them.
  23. At least Jason Peters has someone to sit with and talk to on the short yellow bus now that Henry will be leaving soon.
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