Look, you have to realize that WGR is trying to court the semi-sports fan. They figure the hardcore sports fans will be tuning in, but they need to offer something to those who do not want to hear sports 24-7.
It is all about broadening their demographics. If it was not working they would not continue to do it.
Also, to they guy who hates Brad: F-U!!!! He is the best on the station. it is not a coinsidence that he breaks most of the big stories with interviews. He does that while talking about which food you can eat for a week straight without throwing up! Funny stuff there.
As an attorney, I certainly agree that the prosecution has F-ed up this case. They have fallen into the O.J. trial trap - you do not need 50 witnesses!!!!! If this were anyother person the trial would have been a 3-5 week trial. I think this went beyond that point. The more you put out there, the easier it is to poke holes into. In law more is not always better (in fact it is usually NOT better).
LOL! That article is why i started this thread and it is linked above.
I just found that article very well written. I felt the author's fear as he stood in the box.
I don't agree with it but I can understand it. Palmer did very well in his first full year as the starter and many are predicting he will be much better this year. IF that is the case Johnson could be set for a big year.
Combine that with Holt's numbers deminishing last year - Harrison had a down year because Manning spread it around more - and Owens is being a F-head which may affect his production.
I can see it.
I was a pretty good baseball player back in high school and was friends with the best pitcher on our softball team. She bet me that she could strike me out. I laughed thinking how could I not hit that huge fricking ball that is thrown underhand by a GIRL!
one-two-three strikes. NEver got a peice of it. The ball comes a wicked angles, the pitcher is about 40' away, and the windup was confusing.
This article is about a reporter trying to hit of Jenny Finch. Going spinning!
It's a great read - very good writing.
Well usually the Renquist Court would agree with you - see my above comment. If a Court screws an issue up, at least they should do so in a consistent manner. This Court has muddied the Commerce Clause rendering it impossible to predict when Congress has overstepped its bounds.
Excuse me for standing up for Due Process and our judicial system - how liberal - or maybe its "revolutionary."
If he is guilty he shoud be sentensed to the full extent of the law - we should wait until after he is convicted before you start alleging people support sex offenders - Kangaroo Courts are generally not a good thing - at least so I have been told.
First, I am not a democrat - the two parties are bought and sold corporate whores. So quit talking about my "party." The political spectrum is not as narrow as you would like it to be with all liberals being democrats and all conservatives being republicans. I am not liberal - I am progressive. Look it up - its VERY different.
Second, I have no idea what you are talking aout with Rev. Jackson - I assume you are talking about Jesse Jackson. I have not been paying attention to the Jackson trial so I do not know his involvement. But, I will say this. I know there is not a verdict yet - so how do YOU know he is a sex offender? All trials should be conducted through the media - great idea!
I could argue with you on this - but I won't. I will only say that my 26 year old brother died of a very aggressive and painful lymphoma. The only thing that allowed him to eat and helped his pain was marijuana. The Doctor was so desperate that he allowed me to take my brother for "walks" where I would give him the joint.
With it my brother had a chance - without it he was wasting away.
holy shlt, you nailed it - as a progressive I am against everything american, I shlt on the bible, eat babies, and worship the devil (under the guise of secularism).
Get a clue before you spew your trite venom
I wrote the following concerning the Supremes' decision in the other medical marijuana thread but it applies to your statement:
To me the interstate commerce clause under Wickard v. Filburn allowed the Congress to enact groundbreaking legislation that broke Jim Crow, allowed for the New Deal which helped lift the U.S. into one of its more prosperous periods, outlawed employment discrimination etc. Now, with Lopez and Morrison that is no longer possible under the new federalism of the Renquist Court (except when it is politically convenient to deviate from their federalism crusade - i.e. Bush v. Gore).
Isn't it traumatic to see a God fall from grace?
Whitey is propping that geezer up - they need to replace Simon with Brad and reunite him with Jeremy. Simon's only admirable quality is that he is a Mets fan.
You are beyond help if you can't see the distinction between signing a law in a church which pertains to everyone in your state and campaigning to a specific group.