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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. How about WR Brad Lamb (not sure that was his first name).
  2. It is the Department of Homeland Security's job, which FEMA is now a part of, to coordinate aomong federal, state and local agencies in situations like this. So if someone says its the city's fault, or state's fault, or another person says its FEMA's fault - I think they are all right, but the coordination and communication of these bodies was supposed to be facilitated by Homeland Security. That department FAILED MISERABLY in this effort. This agency was suppossed to fix the problems we saw in 9/11. I think it is fair to say we are seeing the same problems of miuscommunication and lack of coordination but worse.
  3. Wasn't Moore shot in the leg during a carjacking attempt?
  4. Just to update - I just finished my third draft using the VBD application from footballguys.com. I am sitting in a very good place right now.
  5. Again, this is what the Department of Homeland Security was designed to prevent!
  6. And the criticism of me is of my memory or whether I thought the guy was compelling? What a frivolous complaint. Do I remember the guys name? no. But if you saw the telecast you know who I am talking about. Your BS is just diverting from the substance. Is that you Mr. Hannity?
  7. Let me say this. I thought what Geraldo said was misguided - but it is undeniable the effect it had on him. I thought the reporter after Geraldo on Bush & Bush - uh I mean, Hannity and Colmes was compelling. I forgot his name but he was on after Geraldo and said, "I am not trying to blame anyone here, I am just giving you the facts." He then went on to say how those in the Convention Center are locked in and forced to stay rather than walk over a bridge to where "there is hope, where there is electricity." Hannity then stepped in and said "Let's put some perspective [i.e. spin] on this . . . " and the reporter interrupted and said "prespective?! this is all the perscpective you need? these are the facts!" I found it a compelling relation of reality. I am an unashamed leftist and that was damned good reporting from the Bush Television Network and I am proud of the reporter calling Hannity out on his BS spin doctoring fromt he airconditioned comfort of the Fox Studio with his RNC talking points in front of him.
  8. My opinion on this matter can be found in another thread. However, can we all agree that this disaster has been made exponentially worse resulting from a collision of incompetence, lack of forsight, bad planning, arrogance, and a whole lot of bad luck? Everyone had to contribute their share to accomplish what we have seen. That being said - I think everyone is trying to remedy the situation the best they can - even if Bush called this a "temporary disturbance." One question, isn't FEMA now part of the Department of Homeland Security - the department that is suppossed to coordinate between local, state, and federal agencies to prevent miscomunications and facilitate coordinated planning? Is this not where the breakdown has occurred?
  9. Admitedly I may be reaching - but I can't help but draw a comparison to the cluster F*&^ that occurred after we invaded Bagdad. There was no plan to restore order, usher in aid, or help the injured. Here, we knew for decades that a major hurricane striking New ORleans could cause these problems. In fact the Army Corps of Engineers were planning to create a levee system that would withstand a Category 5 storm, but the Fed Govt. gutted that program (that is another story). Yet, there was not a "worse case senerio" plan to be executed? That is FEMA's job (and now the Department of Homeland Security in teh case of a large scale attack). Where was the plan? It is an honest question that must be answered. It is too early to ask it now in any official capacity because now we have to fix the mistakes on the fly. But after things settle down (whenever that may be) someone better answer these questions.
  10. What do you want to bet that most of the "looting" is for water, food, diapers and necessities! I would be looting too since aid has not reached these folks! Survival instincts take over. (footnote: I am sure there are some people taking advantage of the situation - but the vast majority are acting out of desperation to survive.) The lead story should not be "looting," rather it should be where the hell is the FEMA plan? Where are the National Guard troops? How do we usher the aid into people in an orderly fashion.
  11. Yes - I won two leagues using it. You can change the projections of the players as well. It uses Value Based Drafting which, in laypersons terms, tells people who want to draft manning in the first round that they are dumb asses, LOL! It is the best tool out there, bar none. I used to do my value based drafting list by myself, calculator in hand, sheets of paper sprawled out. It took me days. Now, I can do the substantive work with the projections and the program takes care of the rest.
  12. I will put this argument to rest. The best scientific minds our country has to offer (Myth Busters from the Discovery Channel) conducted an experiment that conclusively found that driving with your windows down and AC off saves more feul than driving with windows up with AC on.
  13. We get 6pts/TD, yardage points, .5 pts/rec We also get 5pt bonus for 300 yds passing, 100 yd rushing, or 100 yd receiving. We start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DST I picked second in the first round 1: Tomlinson 2: Barber 3: Chad Johnson 4: Nate Burleson 5: Darrel Jackson 6: JJ ARington 7: Carson Palmer 8: Ashley Lelie 9: Ben Troupe 10: David Carr 11: Thomas Jones 12: TJ Duckett 13: Tamp Def 14: Terry Glenn 15: Derrick Blaylock 16: John Casey Starting lineup: qb: Palmer RB: Tomlinson RB: Barber WR: Chad Johnson WR: Burleson WR: Darrell Jackson TE: Troupe K: Casey DST: Tampa
  14. My league has a theme which changes from year to year. The league champ gets to name the league and each team must name their team in accordance with the theme. The champ also gets to name the last place team. I am the reigning champ and thanks to the imput here at TBD I named the league "The Venerable LEague of Venereal Diseases." The last place team is: "The Itchy Beavers" and my team name is "Ron Mexico's Lesion." Last year the theme was "GIJOE" and the best name was 12" American Hero with a picture of john holmes.
  15. I want to offer a team Micheal Vick and Larry Johnson for Chad Johnson. The team I am making this offer to has Priest Holmes so Larry Johnson is enticing. Should I mae the offer? I am in the school of thought that thinks Chad Johnson and Carson Palmer are going to have big years.
  16. Diary of a Fantasy Football Adict The sad thing is that I do some of these things.
  17. that won't help with a live draft - need something visual for the guys to see. I have called a few sports card shops - only one sells boards and they are sold out. Looks like I am going old school by using big peices of white paper and magic markers.
  18. there is a church on Abbott Rd where I park. You can use their bathrooms, they sell burgers and hotdogs, and it is a short walk. The cost is $10.00 I think.
  19. I am in Buffalo. CBSSportsline was supposed to send me a free draftboard but I did not receive it. My draft is Monday night. Does anyone know where I can pick up a draft board quickly? Do sports card shops sell them?
  20. Its the poor people's fault? Forget mass trans-national corporations who roll down forests all over the world like they are dominos. Just stop selling axes to poor people.
  21. WGR has been playing promos for their football programing. They say something to the effect of coaches, past and present will be on air, and that a new member of the monday crew will be added, but they hold us in suspense as to who it is. I say Dickerson is joining the roundtable and the monday show with Schopp and Bulldog!!!! I know most here hate him and worship Simon but he was by FAR the most knowledgable football guy on the air and was right WAY more times than he was wrong. I would welcome the Coach back to the WNY airwaves - he will add the entertainment, unpredictability, and non-corporate radio atmosphere back.
  22. I just got back from Chicago on a business trip. It was my first time and I fell in love with the city! I went to see the white Sox v. Red Sox game. IT was teh worst big league park I have ever been too but the best game I ever saw! I ate at Mike Ditka's resteraunt! It was an interesting place and I am glad I went. I also went to the Weber Grill. That was a trip. Best food was in Greektown. Wow - put Buffalo Greek food to shame!
  23. The best quote from the article: Crying is responding well?
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