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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Really? Have you read any of the threads below? I don't. I would rank him on my list of prospects about one notch higher than Ray Handley.
  2. But I never recall rumors of Belichick being unorganized or the team being on the brink of chaos. These are the rumors out of NO. HOW you lose is relevant.
  3. What is your basis for this assertion? Really, i am serious. All account out of N.O. is that his team has always been on the brink of chaos. Being a former Bill does not quilify one to be a HC. Neither does kicking Bradsaw in the head, jumping up and down yelling at people, looking mean, talking mean, or otherwise being labled a "tough-guy". I really feel people really believe this list of non-qualifying characteristics reads as a resume for a HC. Two things that I would consider that are relevant to JH are the fact that he crossed a picketline and called out KEnt Hull indirectly. Both are forms of team betrayal. HE is a GREAT leader. I am sure Vincent would love him.
  4. Here, Here! Could not have said it better myself.
  5. what was the "shot?"
  6. As I mentioned before, that sound is the same sound the Oceanic plane made as it was crashing.
  7. Don't wreck my impression of Marv!
  8. What would have happened if he coached in philly or NYC - sheesh!
  9. Just wanted to Bump this topic - great posts on why NOT to hire Haslett. He is the WORST candidate out there. As I said in this thread, kicking terry bradshaw in the head and yelling a lot does not make one qualified to be a HC.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I would rather have Mularkey! I would rather have Ray Handley (I am almost serious).
  11. How much do you want to bet that the real disagreement is who will be hired as OC and DC.
  12. How do the Jets not take a RB? I am convinced that we need to get "Brick" in here - or, if not, get Ngata. I will go on record and say that I will be disappointed with any first round pick if it is not an OL. I may even be pissed if our second and third pick is not an OL (or DT).
  13. no offense taken. What makes this episode unusual is that Eko may have been the first character (maybe Locke too?) to resolve his guilt and to forgive himself. This is in stark contrast to Charlie, who can not forgive himself, and is in fact "literally" storing and building-up his guilt (hiding of the statues). The question for me is, what is the black cloud? Is it a real phenomena? Is it metaphysical? Or, are all the people on the island in a "matrix" type atmosphere where they are placed in a virtual world to face their demons - or experimented on? Therefore, everything is virtual - but real, in that the thoughts of an individual can be seen by others. The subjective becoming objective - a F'ed up group therapy? This goes back to my play on John Locke's name. As we discussed before, John Locke, the philosopher, was an "idealist," meaning that reality is what is perceived. What if the subjective nature of Lockean reality becomes objective - i.e., everyone experiences eathother's thoughts and can manipulate them. Maybe that is why Walt had to be removed - he could manipulate other's reality (make things happen) too easily and screw up the whole process. Or, as I said before, this may all be one big F'ed up reality show with unwitting and unwilling participants.
  14. BTW, the man who Eko told Charlie that saved his life was not his brother. Eko was refering to the gold toothed man - the one who kicked him off the plane.
  15. I paused frame by frame (TIVO is awesome!). There was a woman's face in AFrican garb (mother?), the image of the old man he shot with his head bowed, his brother's church, and his brother. This was obviously Eko directly confronting his demons. In a way, it was a cleansing moment for him, i.e. confession, where he forgave himself of his misdeads (He was obviously holding a lot of guilt, and guilt was a theme in this episode). BEcasue he was cleansed of his guilt is why he could tell Charlie confidently that he was a priest.
  16. I can't wait until he shoots heat-rays out of his eyes to ward of the pass rush or DB's covering his WR's.
  17. Drew? is that you?
  18. I may be oversimplifying this - but you outlined the average salaries for the starters only. Aren't there 21 other players on the squad that you did not account for?
  19. Ha, Ha!
  20. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Why is it that some Bills fans do not see that our most immediate need is an adequate offensive line and not another QB?
  21. I stopped reading after the first sentence.
  22. I was wondering when someone would point that out.
  23. THIS POST IS RIGHT ON! A few in posts above have stated "we didn't see JP progress." What!? I saw progression in his development between his first 4 starts and his last 4. I saw a more sure QB with much more authority in his throws. I saw quicker decisions. I saw increased accuracy. And I saw that he has a sweet deep ball. The numbers support that he progressed. The fact that he was able to progress while the running game and O-Line regressed is simply phenominal. Almost unheard of. He is the only reason I am excited about next season (if Mularkey doesn't screw it up again).
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