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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. No, I don't want anyone censored. I would settle for Fox to quit saying "Fair and Balanced" and to replace it with "Biased, and we lie once in a while"
  2. What science have you looked at? Cite me the scientific research that you point to that states humans have not caused/accelerated global warming.
  3. if its free I am in
  4. Man, do you get a lot of dirt in your ears when you stick your head in the sand?
  5. Foley picture Apparently, they showed this three times in one day. It was not an innocent mistake.
  6. ok, I picked up Huard who is matched up against Arizona. He was the best FA out there. I think he is a better play than either Rivers or Big Ben for this week.
  7. It looks like the theory contained in my sig is holding more and more water with each passing episode.
  8. Problem is that this is a 12 team league - there really is not a better option on the wire.
  9. Now you have something fun to talk about at parties. You will get all the hot babes now. If others want to ensure hot sex then you too must learn about the fertile octegenarian. Read this link
  10. I am conflicted - I am concerned about Big Ben's bad performances, but this may be the game he collects himself. However, S.D.'s defense is great! Rivers is consistant and accurate. Good for at least a TD a game with no pics. But, S.D. plays Marty-ball and he is up against Pitt's defense.
  11. The law governing licenses, and most property issues, is largely common law dating back to old (i.e. 1500's) English case law. There are examples where the common law is codified and changed or adjusted. For example, ask your friend about the "fertile octegenarian" realating to the rule agains perpetuities. It is absurd and has been changed in most states (but not all).
  12. confirmation of the role of Reynolds's chief of staff: Aide tries to cover-up story When will politicians learn that the cover-up is always worse than the actual scandal. If you believe that Reynolds had no knowledge of his aid's actions then I have a sinking house in Amherst to sell you.
  13. Correct - a ticket is what is legally called a license - and can be revoked at any time, barring any express contractual provision governing revocation.
  14. It looks like Reynolds is in big trouble. First, he throws the Speaker under the bus. Now, it appears he in part orchestrated the cover-up. Oops. Link
  15. This is why lawyers have secretaries! LOL!
  16. Leagally, (yes, I am a lawyer) having a ticket gives you no right of entry. It may be revoked at any time for any reason. For example, lets say you bought tickets to the best hypothetical concert of all time, a Pink Floyd reunion concert. You score front row tickets and a pass to hang-out with the band after the concert. You bought two tickets for $5000 a full year in advance. You get to the concert, find your seats, are sufficiently stoned and ready for the best experience of your life. However, five minutes before the concert begins, the manager of the facility taps you on the shoulder and tell you that you have to leave because President Bush showed up and they are giving the preseident and the first lady your seats. You are SOL!
  17. And you obtained your PhD in meteorology from where? Limbaugh's institute for Conservative Studies? Way to extrapolate from a cnn article. You convieniently forgot this part:
  18. I believe that the theory is that global warming does not effect frequency of storms, rather global warming makes existing storms more intense. Frequency of storms involves a variety of factors including whether El Nino exists or not. I may be wrong though.
  19. First, funny John Stewart - the great debate, Bush v. Bush: Bush v. Bush Debate Second, one of the most poigniant and sincere post-9/11 "speeches": john stewart - 9/11 Watching the second video really brought me back to that moment - maybe something we should all do from time to time - especially Mr. bush. While we are having fun with Youtube.com, here is keith obermann's response to the recent Clinton interview: Take that!
  20. VERY GOOD!!!
  21. I lived in Watertown for 18 years and it is winter hell - BUT, it is not as bad as Pulaski (in between Syracuse and Watertown). Pulaski is in the middle of the Lake Ontario snow belt and makes the south towns of Buffalo look like Florida.
  22. Montana must have been the worst QB ever under Holcomb's Arm's logic.
  23. Does "no" really mean "no?"
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