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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. I hate that complaint because how do we know? Because the players are not yelling and screaming? I think anyone who says this never played sports competatively. I think this is a team that does not have the personel to compete - it is just that simple. So, what do we do? You must build upon small successes, which will build character, which will turn into winning (with a few personel changes as well). This is a very important year for the Bills. Even though they may only win 5 games, the issue is, can the rebound from adversity? That is why I think the last three games could be blessings in disguise. It provides this team with the opportunity to build the character necessary to win next season.
  2. I hate looking at TSW after a game like this because I know how all the topics will read? The topics generally cover the following topics: - "Does JP Have it" - "Team Does Not Have Heart" - "Offense Lacks Identity" - "JP Sucks" - "OL Sucks" - "Juron Sucks" - blah, blah, blah I think these complaints reflect unrealistic expectations for this team. I did not expect more than 4-5 wins for this season given the cluster-!@#$ that was the last 5-years. Given my feelings about the team, here is what I expected goin in to this season and my thoughts on how we are meeting those expectations: - slow steady improvement as the season progresses: I expected that the Bills in week 17 would be better than the Bills in week 1. It is begining to look like things are unraveling. However, for a young team, it is unrealistic not to expect bumps. Here is the test, can they dig themselves out of this funk and string together 2-3 wins? If they do, they can build some character and identity going into next season. This is critically important to me. In a way, the last three weeks may be a blessing in disguise because it gives this team the opportunity to look within itself and ressurrect itself. - JP steady improvement. Pretty much everything I said about the team applies to JP. However, I am very concerned that he reads defenses too slow. By the time he figures out who to throw to he is already beat, meaning the WR is no longer open, sack, int, or bad decision. I am hoping that with all the gametime reps he is getting he will start processing quicker. - Defense: I expected the defense to suck against the run, but be able to put pressure on the Qb with their quick front four. This has been an utter failure and is the biggest reason for our team sucking. We get no pass rush which places our CB's on islands. McGee is not good enough to cover Roy Williams for that long. Our secondary needs a CONSISTANT pass rush. We just do not have the players to do it.
  3. They are working on it . . . Here you go - a linky
  4. OK, here is a wacky theory: What if the castaways were animal/human hybrids or something along those lines? Sawyer and kate were monkeys/apes and Jack was a dolphin (from the cages they were put in). Now Locke is a wolfe? I hate this theory - but there is some animal-human connection going on. Combine that with the Walt/dog/bird connection.
  5. I agree - Penn is f-ing great. His flexibility is freak-ish.
  6. That is awesome. The lake in that video was Hoyt Lake in Buffalo. Is it a Buffalo company?
  7. Nice article about BJ Penn on the UFC web site:
  8. WHOA!!!! Look at this!!!!! Is that Kate's voice at the end? Or maybe Miss Windmore?
  9. Link of theories Some things are interesting - but they are all wrong because they don't agree with my theory in my sig.
  10. That weight class is weak right now. However, the welterweight division is stocked (hughes, penn, st. pierre, stevenson) with the light-heavies being almost as good (Liddell, Ortiz, Griffen)
  11. I didn't know about the original until I read this thread - I will see it.
  12. This movie was great. Leo has returned to his great actor status after his "Titanic" phase. However, is it just me who thinks the ending was terrible? I am all for unpredictable endings - but this one had no set-up. It seemed like Scorcese didn't know how to end it and just said - "screw it."
  13. Thanks - I missed the fight. It is the first one I missed in a while. I saw when Silva destroyed Luben earlier this year. He is very good. I can't wait until the St. Pierre v. Hughs fight. I really don't like Hughes and he should have lost against Penn. If there were ten seconds left in the second round Penn would have beat him.
  14. They style comes from the movie which was done in a documentary style. This was done to reflect the narrative voice of the book which was done by a reporter. Read the book! It is about much more than a football team or a west texas town. Rather, it is also a commentary on social forces at play in the 1980's. Great stuff.
  15. Jae Lee jumping, Balerina falling, Boone falling in plane, Oceanic 518 breaking in two, . . . Could the "Carrie" (i.e. telekenetic forces) phenomena have something to this? Walt may fit into this. I would not be surpried if it is revealed that ALex has (or had) Walt-like powers. Now they need to replace her. None of this invalidates my theory in my sig however.
  16. Check this out from the Hanso Foundation's website. It seems that there was a strange (and possibly violent) conflict within the foundation. This statement about the foundation's goal is bring rebirth to a dying people from a dying land. Interesting. Could this letter explain Ben's and the Deadwood whore's statements that "we are the good guy's"? Are they refering to the internal battle within Hanso? Did the "other's" take over the "hatch people" as part of that battle?
  17. It was interesting that Ben said in response to being told that Said was on a boat, "let them sail around in circles." I think we may have our first concrete evidence that this is not a real island.
  18. IF Matt Hamill can desimate people with no MMA skills (just great wrestling), how good will he be when he learns Ju Jitsu, boxing, and kicks? ANd that McDOnald guy who beat Ed Herman was impresive as hell! That was one of the best ju jitsu battles I have seen, even though it was short. IT was reversal after reversal. great stuff.
  19. The all blue Jersey looks great. I saw a guy wearing it at a party I went to this weekend. I can't explain why it looks good - I am not a fashion guy. I could say something like: - it looks modern yet classey; or - sleek yet rugged; or - cutting edge yet true to tradition BUt then I would sound gay yet manly.
  20. I know - I loathed them at first. They looked like uniforms from a video game. But I think I like them . . .
  21. I am starting to like the jerseys aFter seeing the first three games and seeing folks wearing the jerseys around town. Am I the only one?
  22. NOthing bad with biased - just be up front with it. Don't say your "fair and balanced." However, bias is not the problem I have with the picture. Lying is the problem I have. The stupid CNN article posted by VABills was not lying.
  23. Yep, I am focused entirely on this picture of Foley and losing the larger picture. Yes, I agree that all cable 24 hour news outlets are bad - but most of their reporting goofs are just that - goofs. This, after being repeated three times, is a blatent effort to dis-inform. That raises Orwellian concerns that this outlet is the propaganda arm of this government (which many thought before).
  24. You cite two Wall Street Journal articles by Lindzen. INteresting. First, his data is old (first article you site is 2001 and teh 2006 article is simply Lndzen sticking to his '01 opinion). Also, Ever ask how LIdzen made so much money (he has made a bit of cash)? He is a paid consultant by big oil and coal. Here is a counter directly to what Lizden says: Lizden is wrong Anyone else? How about someone not on big oil's payroll? nice try.
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