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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Don't worry. I think we were 1-5 against them last year. But the Senators can not win in the playoffs.
  2. The problem with Forrest is that he is a very messy fighter so he is open for knockouts and submissions. But he may be the toughest SOB in the UFC. The guy wins with grit. Has he ever won by KO or submission?
  3. I also just reviewed a bunch of CroCop fights. (YouTube.com is the best thing ever!) He is great - but he is very vulnerable to a great wrestler/jui jitsu guy who can also strike. I think CroCop can beat Silvia because he is a better striker (as good as silvia is). But, I think that Brandon Vera could present a huge problem for CroCop. That would be a great fight.
  4. I just saw the first Jackson v. Liddell fight. All I can say is WOW! ALthough LIddell did not look like himself in that square ring - Jackson was a beast.
  5. I'm I the only one who thought that Arlovski's sucker punch was cheap as hell? Also, Who is Liddell going to fight now? He has beaten everyone.
  6. I am a lawyer who went to UB law. You had better do very well on the LSAT with your GPA. Letters of recomendation only help the admissions office settle "close cases."
  7. I am a bigger football fan than I am a hockey fan - BUT I LOVE WATCHING HOCKEY NOW! It is an awesome game since the rule changes. Also, the Sabres are a fantastic team - not just good. I also don't feel depressed when watching them -as I do with the Bills. I feel like I am watching a slow funeral when I watch the Bills because of all the talk of them leaving. The Sabres are much more fun to watch and talk about. That is it. Enough said. Oh yeah, nobody mentioned that WGR has a contract with the Sabres to carry the games on their radio station. That may slant their programming choices as well. You can not fault them for that. So go cry in your pillows.
  8. Did you see this comment to the story? Way to take the misguided actions of a 5'6" Briere to an extreme.
  9. You should just be honest and tell her - she will appreciate your constructive criticism especially if you volunteer to help her. (I will now check the Myrtel Beach newspapers everyday for a report about a humorous murder involving a severed penis.)
  10. I agree - the show is very good now.
  11. Some of the best boxing pundits settle the issue of the best fighter ever in this clip:
  12. Christians in this country are so oppressed that I think the Supreme Court should create a new class for them under the equal protection clause.
  13. It is the "War on CHRISTmas!" What a load of Fox news crap. I ain't stopping you from praying or buying things at box stores. I wrote x-mas because it is shorter to type. Listen to Rush some more you ditto-head.
  14. Hockey players don't like rap?
  15. I came out of the slug closet last month. I like the new unis - especially the new home jerseys.
  16. Cops using tasers on themselves
  17. I think Hecht is a liability. He was horrible last night
  18. Exactly!! I will be the a-hole who says it: the reaction of some people (whether the realize it or not) is motivated by race. Ok, I said it.
  19. That would be "Old School" - this was the basis of my unfunny joke in the post above yours.
  20. he also did a great job playing himself in "Old School."
  21. He tried to start the constitutional amendment process - and guess what - the process worked and his idea never got off the ground. So - what's your point? You just don't like his politics (BTW, he was a supply-side advocate until the last minute- until common sense prevailed).
  22. I would rank FDR as the best president. He lead this country through its most difficult historical period, aside from the Civil War.
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