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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Heart Foundation is by far the best!
  2. He, as did many others in the 1980's, saw the coming of the "religious right" as a potent political force and the damage it could do to a secular democracy.
  3. He was ahead of his time both musically and politically. "I am against a fascist theocracy" He saw what was coming with this administration.
  4. The jury is never informed as to what the sentence is - they are "fact finders." That is what they did here and applied those to the law as instructed by the judge. The law is fricking terrible and this story is a tragedy. Also, I read in a post above regarding whether this was consentual. As I understand the law consent is irrelevant, which adds to the injustice.
  5. I would do it! Let me know if it gets started.
  6. Holy Crap!!!! Wow, just wow!
  7. That was almost unwatchable. It could have been very exciting - but there were moments of dead air, players just standing around, and boring commentary. This is where the NHL needs to put on a SHOW and not just something akin to events at a trackmeet.
  8. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" - By pink Floyd once in college I had a stoned co-ed do the best lap-dance I ever had. You put the song on repeat and just have fun.
  9. I just saw the episode on Tivo. They looked like the Ramones beaten with an ugly stick and then given a sex-change operation.
  10. He went into a bathroom once? When was that?
  11. Did I really see Chewie from Star Wars sing tonight?
  12. See above post
  13. Everything you ever need to know about Evolution: Evolutionary Theory
  14. Here are my league's keeper rules. We love them!
  15. LOL!! Talking big on the messege board, but, as Roger Waters once wrote: "When they got home at night, their fat and Psychopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives." BTW: $30 in the flat screen fund. Haven't cought that damn dog yet though.
  16. Good idea! Maybe string up the other neighbor's cat onto the front of the treadmill to give the dog some motivation.
  17. Yes, but I will be setting the money aside. Nothing she can do. I have put up pictures of televisions all over the treadmill in our house. Since the treadmill can keep track of the total milage maybe I should borrow the neighbor's dog and put it on the treadmill while I drink beer. Let the dog do the running.
  18. She told me I have gained some weight in the last few years. To motivate me she said that for every mile I run we will set aside $10 so that I can buy the flat-screen hi-def TV of my choice. She has blocked this purchase for over a year. I start tonight! I am going to make those Kenyian marthon runners look lazy so that I can get this TV as soon as possible. Then I can sit on my ass in front of my new TV, drink my beer and gain back every glorious pound I lost. Where should I buy the new TV from? Suggestions?
  19. Oh man, I have to go and look at all the old Strongbad's. Now you have wasted my whole day.
  20. Nicole Kelly is the only one above the Mason-Dixon line and she is from Rochester!
  21. Ha! I am not the only one who likes the new unis! Everyone, come out of the Slug closet.
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