Hurley is funny as hell! I think the show is a classic philosphical argument of determinism vs. free-will. You can see that with Hurley with "the curse." no matter what he does he can not escape death. However, he seems to now have found free-will. Also Charlie, he beleived in free-will but now Desmond has told him he is going to die. There are mmany more examples as well.
BTW: I said last week this show is like a Thomas Pynchon novel. Such as The Crying of Lot 49 or Gravity's Rainbow. The last episode confirmed that for me. Hurley and Charlie are such Pynchon-esque characters. Also the themes of paranoia, conspiracy, uncertain meanings, non-linear plots, and lack of plot resolution really makes this enjoyable for me as Pynchon fan - while it is likely to drive most folks nuts.