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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. As Johnny Coli once stated about a previous AI contestant: Sanjia is a Punk Rock hero because he is taking on the corporate "cookie-cutter" pop music machine that punishes creativity, fun, and originality.
  2. This kind of useless TV makes me think about My gross overgeneralization of the day: Mass media has ruined democracy.
  3. Wow, a new Soprano? This one only has two posts.
  4. so says the guy with the fancy wine bottle and glass as an avatar
  5. Is it just me or does anyone else think the actor playing palmer is terrible. IT makes it annoying to watch him.
  6. what the hell happened? He must have had sex with the GM's wife or something.
  7. no, not same logic. You are not making a political point - rather just a dumb one.
  8. LOL!!! I have bred, voted and have been a teacher - some at the same time.
  9. Sounds fair to me - does one ideology have to read like a Halmark Card? If you believe that Stem Cell research couls lead to wonderful medical soultions and save millions of lives, why would you not point out the irony when one right-wing official is suffering from a terrible condition that may be addressed with the fruits of stem-cell research?
  10. ok, I will be the first non right-wing grunt to say, I agreed with everything she said, except the 9/11 "first time in history fire melted steel" theory.
  11. The season finale that aired this past Sunday was the best hour of television I had ever seen! The writing is top-notch and each episode is like a mini-movie with great characters. I saved the episode and have watched it five times already.
  12. Go to Excelsior Orthopedic - they are the best in Buffalo. I refer my clients there and they did my Shoulder surgery. Their office is in Amherst.
  13. Shrek is going to win this - there is nobody even close. Though I do like that Blake injects some originality and artistry into this corporate cookie-cutter pop B.S. I never thought I would hear the Cure on A.I.
  14. your a !@#$ for tricking me into watching that
  15. THey had to play the "retarded card." This show has officially jumped the shark.
  16. JUST BOUGHT MY TICKETS!!!! WOO HOO! ($130 - I better get a BJ the whole concert by some groupies for that price)
  17. how about this classic Stupid Robber
  18. I really like this cast. SNL has been a lot better lately
  19. My favorite sports writer, Dave Zirin, wrote an article this week about a terrible case of injustice and a group of athletes who are willing to take a stand, including Etan Thomas, former SU basketball player:
  20. I really like The Edge of Sports. This is freelance sportswriter, Dave Zirin's web site. He is my favorite sports writer. I also like All Things Football. Great site integrating football news and fantasy info.
  21. I hope you did not take my posts to say that I did not think Waters was talented as a songwriter and performer (I put him in the same breath as Dylan and Springsteen). However, he was not a good bass player. Gilmour covered for his inadequecies many times. Floyd is my favorite band and I think Waters is great! However, I do hold a grudge against him for being a dick which caused the break-up of the band. Maybe I am a bit biased. Also, Waters had Clapton and Beck with him to help fill the necessary void left by Gilmour. Waters knows he can not carry the load musically - at least he has self-awareness.
  22. Coli's commentary on American Idol were legendary. I used to forward them to everyone in the office. They are pissed that he does not write them this season.
  23. My statement was relative. The Wall is not as interesting from a musical point of view as is WIsh You Were HEre or Dark Side. Hell, Dark Side has one of the most interesting modern songs, "Money" with two different time signatures. THe bass is playing 7:4 time while the sax and guitar is playing 4:4. The song also alternates time signatures. This is far more interesting than "Another Brink in the Wall." Don't get me wrong, The Wall has some great musical moments. Comfortably Numb which was written by Gilmour, if very interesting as "Is there anybody out there?"
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