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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. no its not - four justices (Alito, Roberts, Scalia, and THomas) will likely find that the D.C. reg violates the 2nd amendment. Four justices (Ginsberg, Beyer, Souter, and stevens) will likely find that the regulation was a reasonably necessary restriction within the city's powers that serves an important interest. That leaves Kennedy as a "swing vote" and nobody knows where he sits on this issue.
  2. The video linked on that page is priceless: Worst TD Celebration EVER!!!
  3. You are aware that the Court has not issued its holding? This was merely oral argument
  4. Did you even watch or read the speech?
  5. I am 33 years old. This is the first time in my life that I have been moved by a political speech. It was needed, relevant, and most importantly honest. I am going to annoy everyone I know and e-mail them the video of the speech. This is the most important political speech I have heard. I am glad I took the time to watch it.
  6. By the way, I just watched Obama's speech today. I was on the fence as to who to support, but his speech today drew me to him. I have not seen a front running presidential candidate talk about race so honestly. I am not sure a president has done it since Johnson. It was a perfect speech. It made all this Rev. Wright nonsense sound trite and cynical. I am a proud obamamaniac!
  7. I agree that my tagline is ruled out, except I do still feel that the survivors were "chosen" for their past problems for them to resolve in some way. Reading VALIS has provided some very interesting viewpoints on this season (see my post above). I also posted back in season one (I think) about the materialism v. idealism issue (i.e. Rousseu v. Locke). That is still a very prevalent theme in the show.
  8. This is great! It is one of my favorites. As far as best - you may have to go to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero for those. Such as Autumn Leaf Duel
  9. Or lost in another time/space/dimension. It is not a question of where the other survivors are, it is a question of when.
  10. Still re-reading Phillip Dick's "VALIS" and came upon some interesting excerpts VERY applicable to LOST: also about the "Constant" It goes on - is the "Black Iron Prison" the island and are the "grey-robed Christians" Dharma and/or the Widmore boat? Also, the character Fat is in a mental hospital - i.e. Hurley? Remember, this is the book that was on Ben's book shelf and read many times.
  11. This is the "Day the Music Died." Rock-n-roll is dead.
  12. I am not sure what is funnier - Sanjaya or you thinking that this is a talent contest. Clearly it is not. Rather, AI is a marketing contest that promotes a brand (American Idol) - not artists. Notice that if any of the "logos" (my name for the AI contestants) try to show originality the judges and voters lash out at them. They need to fit a pre-made corporate pop-culture mold. That is why my punk rock hero - Sanjaya - could bring down corporate pop machine. BTW - am I alone in thinking that Melinda looks like Shrek?
  13. Porch Monkey
  14. I can't remember what my first Pynchon novel was - it may have been The Crying of Lot49. For a GREAT pynchon resource visit the wiki page for his new novel, "Against the Day." There are links to other Wiki pages for his other works. I will check out "The Road." I admit that I have never heard of it.
  15. Anyone notice that Ben told the person filming Juliette's sister that he should "come back" or something like that. I took this to mean that the "filmer" was close. This gives credence to a "virtual world" or that the island is some kind of bio-dome.
  16. Cheney kills a bird - needed a better weapon.
  17. I actually think Mason & Dixon and "V" are Pynchon's best works. The author of Infinite Jest is David Foster Wallace. I really do not like him. THere are two predominate theories regarding Wallace. Either he has tried to mirror Pynchon and Delillo or he wrote an elaborate parody, thus the title. By the way, I think Delillo's Underworld is one of the top five novels ever written. It truly is a masterpiece.
  18. In my opinion I think Pynchon and Faulkner are the "most influencial" in the 20th century. I would also not underestimate Don Delillo or Doctorow. These are authors who I feel pushed the genre forward. Here are others (this is a open list - not exclusive. I I thought about this more than five minutes I would add many others): - Vonnegut - Faulkner - Kerouac - Toni Morrison - james baldwin - Pynchon - Delillo - Doctorow -
  19. you suck - get laid
  20. Or Thomas Wolf ("You Can't Go Home Again")
  21. uh... that is what you got from that article?
  22. Article from Dave Zirin (edgeofsports.com):
  23. Article by Dave Zirin (edgeofsports.com), my favorite sports writer:
  24. I agree that the prose styles are very different - Pynchon is alone in that regard - I think Vonnegut was one of the first "hypertext authors." Vonnegut may be that bridge between modernist and post-modern writers.
  25. I liked his quote in the CNN story: Vonnegut was one of the precursors to Thomas Pynchon. Truly one of the most original and funny authors who supplied biting social and political commentary.
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