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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. This is a no-brainer. If we can get him for a third round pick or less then I would do it. This draft is NOT deep at TE (contrary to a prior poster). He would supply a vertical threat in the middle, causing the safeties to remain honest. Thus, they could not cheat to Evan's side. Despite the posts to the contrary, teamates loved loved him and he brings attitude to the team. Our offense needs some of that. Forget Chad Johnson - an athletic TE would solve a lot of problems.
  2. Isn't all of WNY a dumpster?
  3. What happened yesterday? I woke up today at my bud's house and couldn't find my car.
  4. I thought he hurt his back when I was watching the Masters. There was one bunker where it looked like his caddy was supporting him on once side and he used his club on the other while he climbed out after the shot. He didn't look right. Still, to come in second place at the Masters in that condition is special. Augusta is very "hilly" so he would often have to put his weight on his knees at akward angles.
  5. IT is fake (obviously). The car is behind him (look at the shadows).
  6. Sign up pass-rushing expert, Eric Anti-Flowers!
  7. I have 750 flex points - should a create a new player for our team? If so, what position?
  8. Why is that so damn funny. I started watching it and said, "this is stupid." But I kept watching (and getting dumber by the second) until I burst out laughing.
  9. Any suggestions where I should spend skill points for Tyrone Slothrop, Alaska Darin, and Jerry Butler?
  10. So, what does this all mean for me and my avatar?
  11. This one is totally real! I bet he must have spent weeks in the hospital.
  12. the one that was upside down was lucky he didn't break his neck. What drugs convinced those idiots they were not going to get hurt?
  13. Uh . . . this was a stand-up comedy act. I don't get the uproar.
  14. TE Greg harris had a great block on the second TD pass. BTW, be sure to tell me when we have a new number 1 and 2 WR because in Slothrop's "tactics" I can name a favorite recieving threat and a second favorite.
  15. Ready to let it fly!!!
  16. I would give anything just to try that - even though I would probably go very slow and sh-- my pants.
  17. Vitamin World's Strawberry Whey is the best! I really like it. GNC's strawberry tastes like acid with a hint of straw berry.
  18. I take the tradition Creatine Monohydrate - how is BSN Cell-Mass different? Do you cycle? I was also taking LG Science's 1-GH-1 stacked with Methyl 1-D and then with Formadrol. I think these were a big waste of money - but a friends swore by them. I did loose a lot of fat in a four-month stretch.
  19. Here is my shake, which I got from Men's Health. I really like it: 2 scoop's whey protein; 5 g creatine (optional); 4. oz frozen blueberries; 1 tablespoon peanut butter (for protein and acts as appetite suppressant); 2 tablespoon ground flax seed (awesome stuff); 1.5 cups skim milk. This has about 60g protein, 10g fiber, and is about 350 calories. I never really ate breakfeast before this - I really feel much better now that I take this. I take it with two multi-vitamins as well. As a guide, if you are trying to build muscle mass, you should consume 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight per day.
  20. He also had the longest pass play of the season for the team - a whopping 18 yards! Are our other receivers slow? is it the game plan? How can we fix this?
  21. We have too many dropped passes - but we have a killer return man in Jerry Butler!
  22. 1) your first point is irrelevant to his argument (it is arguing rows) 2) there is technology that can help - and his point is why not try considering the consequences? Why fall victim to fatalism?
  23. Sign up my new client - the fastest player in the league, WR Jerry Butler. He even will bring his own custom equipment, condoms.
  24. Reports are that Alaska Darin took starting QB, Tyrone Slothrop, deep into the Alaskan artict nature preserve to meet with local shammans. The pair of elite rookies underwent hours of rituals, meditation, and repeated injections of WGH (Whale Growth Hormone). It is also reported that Alaska Darin, citing the Second Amendment, upgraded his custom equipment to "depleted uranium shells." when asked about his new equipment Alaska Darin said "You F&ck with me or Sloth and you will end up with a hole in your chest and your grandchildren will have two heads and cancer, B word!"
  25. no, you misunderstood the argument. You are arguing the rows and not the columns. That was his point.
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