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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. I am looking for a fun place to hold a fantasy football draft in Buffalo. It must have good WiFi. Any sugestions?
  2. Big Pappy, I just sent you a PM. Thank you.
  3. Does anyone have a couple of tickets available for Friday's practice? I would like to take my son. Thank you.
  4. I am biased because I am a huge Floyd fan, but "bad" floyd (i would argue that there is no bad floyd) is like bad sex - it is still awesome!
  5. Way too many posts about the punter. Ban!
  6. Thank you from a huge Floyd fan.
  7. My hopefull eyes glanced over that part. Boo!
  8. Please be true! http://en.mediamass.net/people/pink-floyd/new-album.html
  9. The wife got me a couple of tickets as a gift. Are there any perks that go with being a season ticket holder?
  10. I am looking for a good bar to hold my fantasy football draft. IT must be in the City and not the suburbs. Any ideas?
  11. What about Rice and Bradford for Johnson and Hightower (I have Helu)
  12. My team is weak at WR. Currently I am starting Brandon Marshall, Donald Driver, and Mike Thomas. I am strong at RB with Rice and McCoy. I have been offered this trade: Ray Rice and Cam Newton for Andre Johnson and Mark Ingram. A few more details. We are a 12 team keeper league. To keep a player you have to give up a draft pick two picks above where the player was chosen last season. So, for example, I drafted Newton in the 13th round so I would have to give up an 11th round pick next year to keep him. Ingram can be kept for a 5th round pick. At RB, if the trade were to go through, I would have to start Helu or Ingram. I have Josh Freeman and Sam Bradford at QB. Should I pull the trigger given my poor WR's?
  13. Super Troopers and Tommy Boy!!!!
  14. Also, McDonalds pissed off the jury further by arguing to the jury that the 80 year old plaintiff did not need her vagina anyway (seriously).
  15. So I am taking a buddy to not only his first Bills game, but his first professional sports game. I want to give him a flavor of the total experience. Can anyone suggest a tailgate to crash? Thanks! We can bring whatever fluids and food are required.
  16. A Documentary: The Bass Pros and Cons
  17. That concert was my first date with my wife. Whenever she is pissed at me, I always throw that concert experience back at her. How can she be mad when I bought the tickets and took her to the worst concert of all time, and pretended to like it. Billy Joel is satin and now I am f-ing married with children. Thanks a f-ing lot Piano Man!
  18. HE won't be able to dance around like a WWE wrestler when he taken down by GSP and stays there for five rounds
  19. I fugging hate Anderson Silva. He looked like an ass with his taunting in the first two rounds. I hope to god that he fights GSP - St. Pierre won't let him dance around and throw his chin out to taunt him.
  20. Our team was placed in Canada AA#1. We renamed our team to the Canadian Ballet
  21. What is this GLB you speak of? LOL! It is my crack. I have owned the Prague Plodders since season 2. Went through a slow-build retooling in season 7 and have worked our way back to AA.
  22. I do not believe in ghosts. The math does not work out. How many humans have lived and died on this earth since the first humans came into existance? hundreds of billions, trillions? I don't know but it is a lot. Lets assume that 500 billion people have lived on this earth and died. If ghosts existed wouldn't we see them everywhere? Maybe not all dead people turn into ghosts (why? who the F knows). Lets assume one percent of dead people turn into ghosts. That would mean there would be 5 billion ghosts - and yet only weird red-headed (they all seem to have red hair) "mediums" or "sensitives" can see him. It does not make sense to me. The best show about ghosts is Ghost Hunters International. Here you have a group of Americans sitting in dark buildings in Europe speaking English to foreign ghosts and pretending they are getting answers. How dumb.
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