This will help EJ also Where Lewis spent his game days
October 07, 2013 12:28 PM | Chris Brown Bills practice squad players usually spend game days in a suite in the stadium. QB Thad Lewis however, spent his in the coaches’ booth. Now the Bills starting QB, here’s how he helped and what he learned while sitting at the elbow of offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett.
Appearing on the John Murphy Show this morning Lewis talked about how he helped coach Hackett in the booth on game days.
"It's benefited me a lot just helping the coaches out with seeing what coverages the teams were presenting to us,” Lewis said. ”Helping coach Hackett out and letting him know what coverages they're showing us on first, second and third down. You'll say, 'Hey coach they're playing this against this coverage. This is what we have that might be good.' I have to pay attention because he would ask me, 'Thad what do you see out there?' It was like I was an extra set of eyes in the booth.
“So just seeing things from a bird's eye view helps you out once you get on the field. Hopefully you can know what the guys are going to present and show you."
Lewis also got a feel for Hackett as a play caller during games, which he thinks could help him on Sunday when he’s hearing the plays being called into his helmet, instead of in the coaches’ booth.