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Everything posted by ALF

  1. Warriors' Damion Lee on Texas school shooting: 'It’s easier to get a gun than baby formula right now' https://www.foxnews.com/sports/warriors-damion-lee-texas-school-shooting-gun-baby-formula
  2. The Bills will hold voluntary offseason workouts (OTAs) on: Week 1 OTAs: May 23-24, 26 Week 2 OTAs: May 31, June 1-2 Week 3 OTAs: June 6-7, June 9-10 Mandatory minicamp: June 14-16
  3. Well it does take 60 Senate votes to pass a non budget law.
  4. Also have local police at school entrance at start of day. Then keep all doors locked. Will cost a lot less then fulltime resource officer.
  5. How to keep guns out of the wrong hands is the problem. Until then would need one locked school entrance that can remote open from office with camera on someone wanting to enter . Other places still need a guard with body armor and armor piercing rounds. Does 9mm have armor-piercing rounds? The 9х19mm pistol-fired armor-piercing cartridge 7N31 is designed to destroy enemy manpower, wearing body armor, in the open, behind light covers, and inside vehicles. It is fired by the 9mm GSh-18 pistol
  6. Voters get the politicians they put into office.
  7. The US and NATO should not have been in Afghanistan for more then a year at the most also. The quagmire in Viet Nam taught them nothing.
  8. If the national debt is not a problem then all is well .
  9. Let Warren Buffett head a committee to recommend a fair tax code. That of course would never happen.
  10. Pass fair tax laws and there will be a lot less abuse. Loop holes are written by lobbyists for guess who.
  11. Nope , cutting taxes for the rich when they don't need even more money is unfair , per AOC 🙂
  12. Warren Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary March 4, 2013 https://money.cnn.com/2013/03/04/news/economy/buffett-secretary-taxes/index.html This was way before Trump cuts.
  13. Waiting for Trump to release all is tax returns so Rachel Maddow can audit them. Yes I do thank Trump for doubling the standard deduction.
  14. Michigan Bureau of Elections says top GOP gubernatorial candidates ineligible for ballot Half of Republicans running for Michigan governor submitted thousands of invalid signatures, won't be on the ballot Two of the most prominent Republicans running for governor in Michigan are ineligible after failing to submit enough valid signatures to make it on the ballot. Gubernatorial candidates are required to submit 15,000 valid signatures to appear on the state ballot. According to the bureau, the affected candidates were victimized via a series of petitioners who obtained nothing but invalid or otherwise unusable signatures, putting them well below the mark. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-bureau-of-elections-top-gop-gubernatorial-candidates-ineligible-ballot
  15. Always used standard deduction
  16. Tom Cruise is great as Jack Reacher, M.I. and Top Gun. The couch deal he was crazy about Katie Holmes. Mistake to choose Scientology over Holmes and Kidman (also my favorite) 🙂
  17. I'll bet you don't believe billionaires like Trump don't abuse loop holes. The national debt is no biggy also. I know cut spending would you be ok with less Defense , less Border Patrol ?
  18. Not everyone would volunteer , change the code especially loop holes would be fair to all.
  19. Millionaires at Davos say 'tax us more' Millionaires Marlene Engelhorn and Phil White joined a Davos protest calling for higher taxes on the wealthy They took to the streets on Sunday alongside left-wing activists to call for fairer tax systems worldwide. "It's outrageous that our political leaders listen to those who have the most, know the least about the economic impact of this crisis, and many of whom pay infamously little in taxes. The only credible outcome from this conference is to tax the richest and tax us now." https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61549155
  20. Opinion: Pete Davidson's 'SNL' signoff calls out this raging hypocrisy "A lot has changed. In three years, Fox News went from calling me a monster for making fun of Congressman Dan Crenshaw's eye patch to also making fun of Dan Crenshaw's eye patch." Davidson added, "Tucker Carlson called him 'eye patch McCain.' That's two veterans in one insult." Davidson could not be more right. And it wasn't just that a Fox News host was mocking Crenshaw's war injury but that the same people on the right who attacked Davidson over his earlier joke about the lawmaker were now silent when Carlson did arguably worse. His remark wasn't on a comedy show but on an (alleged) news network. As a reminder, in the lead-up to the 2018 election, Davidson sparked a backlash on the right when he joked on "Weekend Update" about Crenshaw, then a GOP congressional candidate -- who lost an eye from a war injury while serving in Afghanistan. Davidson -- with an image of Crenshaw on the screen -- said, "You may be surprised to hear he's a congressional candidate for Texas and not a hit man in a porno movie." Davidson then added, "I'm sorry. I know he lost his eye in war -- or whatever." That was too much for many on the right, including Carlson, who slammed Davidson's joke on his show in a segment featuring an on-screen graphic which read, "SNL Sinks To New Low By Insulting Wounded Veteran." Last week Carlson, who has a history of pushing pro-Putin propaganda, slammed Crenshaw for his continued vocal support of US help for Ukraine against Russia's invasion, calling the congressman "eye patch McCain." Carlson was strategically linking Crenshaw to the late GOP Sen. John McCain, a frequent target of former President Donald Trump's, even after his death. But there was no need for Carlson to mock Crenshaw's war injury. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/22/opinions/pete-davidson-snl-farewell-gop-obeidallah/index.html
  21. Living wage jobs regardless of ability for now.
  22. Pence is backing Kemp in Georgia while Trump was backing Perdue. 2024 will be a doozy of an election. The democrats have there work cut out for them , looks grim now . Then there is DeSantis maybe Nikki Haley
  23. Mental illness is on the list.
  24. The extremes on the internet and some cable tv anchors . OAN and Newsmax on the very far right, with Trump . Bipartisan is a thing of the past.
  25. So what is your policy with China now ? Did Trump's tariffs work , as far as I know they are still in place.
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