I remember actually looking at ads on thxgvg for sales.
My parents were the hosts of thxgvg. They would do the Turkey and the old school stuffing of sticking it in the bird. My dads sister and their mom ( and her husband when she was married) would come over for the day. Usually after dinner other relatives would come over ( usually my dads aunt,her son, her daughter and her son)for dessert.
my birthday can be close to thxgvg so my birthday would usually be done on thxgvg because my parents didn’t want to host people on Sunday and then on Thursday. The other reason this was done was because my older brother was away at college and then when I went to college I’d come home on thxgvg.
When my brother started dating his wife he’d do a split thxgvg. Her family usually ate early (1pm) at different places in buffalo area where it rotated among relatives. Then they would come to my parents around 630. My mom would save hime some stuffing and some Turkey they might eat then or take back to his place.
desert would be my birthday cake, my parents would have made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie( usually store bought)