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Everything posted by djp14150

  1. Wind does funny things shortening the kick making short field FC possible.
  2. With the Chargers winning….. hopefuly I didn’t do any mistakes…. 5 Ravens 9-5 ( W or L sat, they will stay at 5) 6 Chargers 9-6 7 Broncos 9-6 Fins, Bengals, Colts are 6-8 and still mathematically alive eherr… Chargers or Broncos LL. …. broncos beat colts bengals have to beat broncos Colts beat Fins. vhargers beat brngals if not a H2H game it would come to conf record where Fins and Colts would be 7-5 Chargers and bengals 6-6 Broncos 5-7 chzrgerscswept broncos Colts would have the edge in most 9-8 ties except if it’s just broncos and colts st 9-8 where denver W on h2h Fins win on tiebreakers without the colts at 9-8 Bengals would W on only bengals but colts and fins would win if also st %9-8 if both chargers and broncos LL then you can have other teams make it who are 9-8 with colts and dolphins better conf records in over chargers, chargers over bengals. Broncos need chargers in first before they could get in.
  3. That's the point. If you are pinned deep in your own end zone you can get FCs around your 45 to their 40. Usually when teams are pinned inside their 5 on a punt the ball usually does not go as far as a notmal punt. many kickers if they didn’t need to wort about a snap or rush hit 60-65 yd FGs
  4. I just posted the video of the one I remrmber. thr logic innthe move us you need 2 scores and if it’s within kicking range is getting points without burning the clock thrn you have more time to get another score. scenario… you failed to get TD on 4 th down with 6 to go. You didn’t get a safety but punt was back of end zone. You FC atthe off 40. You kick FG preserving time to get the ball back for another score.
  5. the rule has been around since the start of the NFL. College football eliminated this rule. This was the 6th time in the last 20 seasons. they also moved the posts to the back of the end zone making it harder. it’s not that common because it only happens at the end of half or end of game with kickers improving today regularly kicking 55+ FGs you are likely to see it more frequently. it could be used in strategy like if a team is down 9-11 points with under10 min to go, they have the team pinned deep and they punt and you fair catch it on their side of the field. the kick is uncontested and can’t be blocked. this was something Houston could have tried after buffalo punted from deep in their own end. I don’t know if coaches even thought about this scenario. the one I remember was the divisional playoff game of niners vs Vikings in 1989 where the niners tried it and failed. this sometime occurred on fair catches of attempted onside kicks. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/packers-missed-an-opportunity-at-a-rare-fair-catch-free-kick-before-halftime
  6. I’m very familiar with this rule free quick is rare but not new. It usually happens at end of half or end of game. Houston could have tried this against buffalo with the situation of buffalo deep in their end stvthe end of the game creating an uncontested kick.
  7. It has been done before with KC playing on sat and win their in, lose then #1 up for grabs KC playing DEN still could matter on who KC plays and seeding or making playoffs for Denver.
  8. they did clearly state flexing rules around late season games. For a long time therr has been a possibility of moving game time on sundays. thry woukd have a bigger issue if this was moved to Thursday 10 days ago, but they got 4 weeks notice. therr has bern talk of a team outside thr US in Canada, Mexico, and London. If a Super Bowl is in London the Super Bowl kick off would likely move to around 2 pm ET from 630 pm ET. I don’t see an issue with that. if they did it out of Sydney ,they could do the kick off at 12 pm on Sunday ( local Sydney time) is 8 pm Sat ET and 5pm SAT PT They already flexed one of the 3 from 2 pm to 435p if chiefs LL and Bills WW they likely move bills- pats to the early Saturday slot on espn with a bills win earning top seed/ bye
  9. He grounds the ball to kill they play because he sees a CB possibly trying to pick it.
  10. They lost to the chargers…the chargers has 8 wins while den has 9. BAL and DEN is W one and in, Chargers need W 2 Cincy need to W out. They will have the worse conf record so they need to be tied with denver alone at 9-8 to get in or be clearly ahead of everyone else. They need chargers or broncos to LLL and have MIA and IND each L one to be best 8-9. they more likely is broncos to L out given who opponents are. charges are 4-1 vs nfc, den 3-3, Indy/ Mia are 1-3 with one g to play in a tie weaker NFC means better conf record both MIA and IND W out will win ties with chargers/ broncos at 9-8 due to better conf record With a 3 team tie. Indy loses to den due to h2h L to them. If bengals/ fins tied with colts and den/LAC then Indy gets in.
  11. Back then it was rare to see an OL above 300 pounds the fridge would be a mini cooler today
  12. Style of game is different. The game has gotten more passing.
  13. If it’s close enough like say up 28-6 in 4th they go for the FG
  14. There was a thread yesterday…
  15. if bills W one and PIT L2 and balt/ Hou each lose 2 thrn thry are locked in at #2 seed and KC locked at 1 seed if PIT LL and BAL WL thr PIT/BAL tiebreaker goes down to strength of schedule and strength of victory. thr noncoomon games are PIT— Jets, colts, falcons while Ravens —Bills, Texans, Bucs . It will come down to who has the most W because within division and 2 other div cancel out. Balt has the edge.
  16. I have a different one to caption but it won’t post….the jersey stretch thst was like a rubber band
  17. Snap counts says under 50%
  18. The ideal situation…. next week hou beat KC, Balt beat Pitt, bills win week after pitt beat kc, balt beat hou, bills win Bills control fate for #1 seed Steelers control fate for division with a W on week 18
  19. 2026 should be Lions at Bills as long as they don’t switch team pairings….
  20. Ravens W one for 10 W they earn a playoff spot because none of the 6-8 teams can get to 10.
  21. Right now 3 divisions are clinched. Steelers beat Ravens on Saturday would clinch the division being 2 games up with 2 g to go and season sweep Denver W one clinches a playoff spot Chargers need to W2 or W 1 and have the 6-8 teams all lose one.
  22. If Bills and Steelers are tied, Steelers get tie-breaker edge based on conference record. Bills are 4-1 against NFC ( losing to rams) Steelers are 3-2 ( losing to eagles and cowboys) thus if tied, steelers would have better conference record. right now Bills magic # for seed #2 — would be 3 wins or steeler loses but they also need to be above houston and Baltimore in standings. Bills W 3 to get to 13 guarenteed thst. over the next 2 week—-Bills WW, Steelers L one to either balt or KC if Steelers lose to balt next week and both WW the Steelers would win division based on common games record. They play Texans, at Steelers, at Broncos. They can easily lose 2. Broncos should have beaten them but for a blocked FG. That assuming Mahomes plays. If he doesn’t
  23. They had to reach for the hair because pulling the jersey didn’t work….
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