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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. Stevie!! We love ya man. True warrior and true Bill. Keep ya head up high kid. #BillsMafia
  2. He was a beast yesterday. And that wasn't even close to a penalty.
  3. Jesus, that flag was hella late! Not until he was a good 20 yards passed everyone.
  4. Yeah, he's killing me in my fantasy leagues. Get the kid out in space or how about a screen pass?
  5. Okay so if they DID give him the contract he wanted, would he still be sitting? What would we, as fans be saying about him then? And how could he even ask for such money, if he didn't plan on playing.
  6. Don't get me started, ordered a Leinart jersey and won't even get to wear it proudly.
  7. The guy really can't catch on anywhere. It's a telling tale if you can't beat out Mark Sanchez.
  8. Wanny should have been canned after they got lit up by Sanchez in Week 1. Night and day.
  9. Great defense don't need nicknames. They just go down as the '85 bears or whatever. But I do like the ring of "The Pettine-files"...
  10. Bad service warrants a bad tip. Which bad to me is still about 15%.
  11. Yeah I used to shoot out of a dart league in Blinco's. Now that shizz closed down?? I heard the owner just quit paying the mortgage. Anyhow, no more darts or delicious wings from there. The question is, where is everyone headed for the season opener??
  12. Ok, so I tend bar at a pretty decent restaurant here in Raleigh. I have served quite a few professional athletes. The Carolina hurricanes are pretty much regulars during the season. Dre Bly, Az Hakim, Tory Holt, even met and chatted with Johnny White (remember him?) for a while, while he ate his delicious bacon burger and fries. Mario Williams has been in dozens of times. Bought him a Mai Tai last time and had him autograph two Bills hats, that I just so happened to have in my truck. Even random whackos like Ludacris. Point is some tip great and some not at all. Some lady left me a 20, because my Cosmo "changed her life". But credit card information should be discretionary and that girl will most likely be fired. My friend posted his $700 from Peyton and Eli Manning to his facebook page and got fired for that! As far as the whole etiquette thing goes, the guys put together to go orders are running around like hamsters all night. And they don't expect, but really appreciate a tip from the guest ordering take out. I'm an over tipper. I tip everyone, from the guy that rolls my sushi at Kanki, to the kid that cleans out my golf cart. But that's just me. But my drinks are always strong and my sushi rolls always comes out before everyone else's... And yes, I have tipped at McDonald's before.
  13. I hear that. I don't recall seeing too many Reggie Bush/Pierre Thomas packages when he was under Payton in New Orleans. And I feel like Jackson and Spiller are similar in skill set to them as well. It's weird, also if I had to compare Da'Rick Rogers to any pro, it would probably be Marques Colston, too.
  14. Can we PLEASE see a lot more CJ and Freddy on the field at the same time? They are both more than capable receivers. Freddy, IMO is a very underrated lead blocker and we all know he is a devastating pass protector. I remember when CJ got drafted a lot of draft nerds said he was talented enough to be an NFL receiver. There's just so much you could do with these two beasts in terms of mismatches and misdirection. I hate to be that guy that refers to Madden, but I'd always package them on the field together and really piss off my friends, even lost a few friends from the ass whoopins and trash talking that coincided with my abilities. Anyways, Gailey commented on the Spiller/Jackson package last year, his reasoning was that you don't want to hinge too much of your playbook with the two on field, because if one got hurt, you'd lose a lot your plays.... WTF? That was about the stupidest thing I've heard him say. Ok, so let's not play two of your best players at the same time and have this awesome, creative playbook, because if they get hurt, we wouldn't be able to run those plays. Gailey...smh. I'm pumped about Marrone.
  15. Whoa, nice. We have two of the best RB tandems in the league? Sweet! We need to a package to get them all on the field at the same time! I'm jk. I'm a fan of Syracuse football and when Marrone took over, they were absolutely horrific. Treacherous. Marrone has turned around programs in the past, amd this task seems quite daunting. Best case scenario - Pettite turns this defense into a top 10 type defense and they grind with Spiller and Jackson.
  16. I kept telling people before the game, that he is a liability against the pass and that the Ravens would probably attack him. He gave up the first two passing touchdowns and possibly the 3rd. It looked as though he was supposed to have deep help on that side of the field and bit on an underneath route, which is why Jones was so wide open.
  17. Music is a taste. You can sit here and say it's crap all you want. Fact is, there are millions of people who beg to differ. But you can't argue about her talent. Anyone that says she can't sing obviously has never heard her do so. "I can't understand her. Put on some clothes."?? Sounds like my grandfolks.
  18. http://dimewars.com/Video/Sammy-Morrison-Runs-Over-Donte-Whitner.aspx?bcmediaid=db582e1c-d72c-4842-b21a-d3ff933730c5
  19. I agree that Carrington has been almost invisible this year. But to be fair, he did make all the difference with his partially blocked field goal attempt at Arizona in week 6. And also agreed about the blitzing. You notice good things usually happen on the plays when we do blitz?
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