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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. The the kind of game the Rams like to play. They have been winning, getting into the ugly slugfests with teams. So essentially, Buffalo beat them at their own type good. That's a good thing.
  2. Am I the only one who wants to see a color rush/regular uniform combo? Red jersey, blue pant. Or vice versa. I think it would either be amazing or flat out hideous. But I'd like to see it though.
  3. I can't even remember the last time the Bills won 3 straight.
  4. I'm actually a big fan if the Canadian style one. Minus the leaf and maybe a different facemask. I think that would be a good look with the all blues. I don't mind the white helmets, I just feel like they're kind of boring, esp with the home unis. Sort of reminds me of the Colts.
  5. I sat next to some Pats fans for the game at this bar. Just some obnoxious folks. The old lady asked if I was from the area and I told her I was. She responded with -Aww I'm sorry, I feel bad for you. The dad was dropping F bombs like crazy in front of his 10 year old daughter. Any time they made any kind of half decent play, they would all cheer and stare right at me. They just kept repeating "I can't believe we're losing to a scrub team like Buffalo." They ended up leaving halfway through the 3rd quarter bc they "couldn't watch such a bad display of football". So fairweather. 😂😂😂😂
  6. Why isn't it a thing that when he makes a play, everyone in the crowd yells HUUUUUUGHES!! Like we did for Bruce. I always do it at the bar when I'm watching the game. People usually end up joining in by the end of the game. This needs to happen.
  7. I'm on board. I loved the red helmets growing up. Can someone do a photoshop or something so we can get a preview??
  8. Ok.. so did Buffalo sign him? Ok nevermind I found they did. Thought he was still on Clevelands PS.
  9. That was freaking hilarious. Didn't know Ramsey was that sassy.
  10. He gets flagged a lot. But some of those PF calls were ridiculous. I get it, that once you've got the "dirty" label, they have a closer eye on you. But I remember him getting flagged when it seemed all he did was ass slap a teammate after a sack. He just doesn't get away with much. I wouldn't say he's a dirty player. But maybe just a bonehead at times.
  11. A 300 lb champion swimmer?? That's amazing! Can we call him Shamu??
  12. I like the influence Ed Reed has had on him so far. AW always played so hard and with a high level of emotion. Too much at times. He played a little out if control. I recall him saying that Reed has been teaching him to play smarter and how to protect himself. And I think it's been showing on the field. Reed IMO was one of the smartest DBs to ever play the game.
  13. How awesome would it be if he ended up in Buffalo again? The Kiko Alonso irony...
  14. Lol isn't that the same bet you had in the first place?
  15. Gahh.. please no setbacks, please no setbacks!
  16. I also questioned his coverage abilities. But if he can go stride for stride with Gronk...
  17. I feel like Romo is a decent cold weather QB. Yes he a liability when it comes to his health. But say he does stay healthy for 14 or 15 games, what do you think the ceiling for the team would be? This would be a talented team as any he's been a part of, IMO. I'd still be in favor of drafting a qb in rounds 1-3, as he wouldn't be a long term solution. But the passing game would be something that would strike fear into opposing defenses. He would instantly make the team better.
  18. They are for sure. I underestimated the impact of losing KW had on the defense last year. I'm now remembering what kind of animal he is. I hope he can remain healthy this year. *knock on wood.
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