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Everything posted by K D

  1. AZ is actively tanking as they should. I don't see any other teams doing it. If LA dumped Stafford I would have believed it. I've heard AZ is actively going to keep the little guy off the field the whole year if that's what it takes to get #1. And just to be sure they dumped their backup Colt McCoy, who is good for a couple of wins. If AZ does all of this and somehow finishes with #2 it's going to be pretty funny
  2. Nothing about their ground game worries me. For the love of God please double team Wilson no matter where he is at all times. If he has 15 catches like I think he will my poor TV is going to get thrown out the window because what did you think they were going to do? It's pretty obvious that he is going to be Rodgers' target all game long. Limit those big plays to their best player. If they want Hall or Cook to run for 4 yards then so be it
  3. It's about dedication and commitment and wanting something so bad that you are obsessed and will give everything you have for it. Brady had it (best NFL player ever). Watch the Florida Gators documentary on Netflix, Tebow had it (best college player ever). Josh says the right things but doesn't do the little things to make it happen. He just seems happy to be here like many of you. That's nice, we have a good team and Josh is among the best at his position currently. That seems to be good enough for him and good enough for most of you.
  4. So we have Josh saying he doesn't like to watch film, doesn't do it on his own, but you think he watches a lot of film because....? If Josh says he doesn't watch film you should believe him. How else would he have so much time to golf? But that's what "works for him" as he likes to say. What has "worked?" The only thing he has ever won is the Potato Bowl!
  5. Read TB24. Brady is obsessed with football and watching film. Josh watches film when he is at the facility and he has to. Once he leaves, he puts football out of his mind because he thinks it helps him to escape. You can't escape reality. It's happening. Anyone who has reached levels of being ultra successful will tell you that they NEVER stop working. Nobody has ever achieved greatness working 9-5.
  6. You guys act like having an opinion different from yours means you are negative or trolling. Yes, it is nice that we have had a pretty good team with a good QB for the first time in a long time, but last I checked the goal was to WIN THE SUPERBOWL. As our team ages and the competition improves, we are not getting closer to that goal but just the opposite. To me, you are all the negative ones. When people bring an opinion saying this is could be why it's not happening, it's instantly shot down as negativity. If the Bills are so great and Josh is the best of all time then what do we have to show for it? Some AFC East banners? Wow, who cares! These are the facts: 1. Josh does not work out in the off-season - source Kyle Brandt podcast 2. Josh has no diet plan and drinks beer and eats whatever he wants - source Kyle Brandt podcast 3. Josh does not watch film because he wants to react and not think too much - source Barstool podcast 4. Josh plays more golf than most professional players - source Jordan Palmer podcast 5. Josh says he is focused on football yet he is flying around the country to visit his gf in LA and do commercials - source TMZ These are not rumors, this is from his own mouth. If I'm a coach and someone says one of my players does not work out at all, eats whatever he wants, drinks a lot, doesn't watch film, spends all of his time playing golf or visiting his long distance gf, I'd say that kid is not focused on winning football games. Please remove your lips from Josh's rear end and take a critical look at reality. Yes, he is the best player on our team but can he be better? Absolutely! What if there was a QB who was the best ever and he wrote a book about all of his secrets to success (TB24)? Wouldn't you want your QB to read and follow that advice? Or are you cool with him doing the exact opposite and not reaching that level of success? It's such a loser mentality for all of you to think that the Bills have somehow made it without actually having won anything. I'd say 3/4 of this board is just happy to be here so don't burst their bubble. Well there's a minority of us that want and expect better. Before instantly shooting down those ideas please be more considerate because we are fans of this team too.
  7. Yes but you can't see in to the stadium from the hotel if the dome is closed
  8. Can't have too many Cooks in the kitchen
  9. "Were you sad when you got cut from your brother's team?"
  10. My pregame analysis stands. Great athlete, he's going to be a very good TE in the next 2-3 years
  11. Cut Kyle Allen. Sign someone good and have Barkley as the backup until the new guy learns the offense
  12. Or phase 1 of the Bruce Jenner makeover?
  13. Finally, what we have all been waiting for! Allen leading the Bills in a must win game. Go get em Kyle 💪
  14. Couldn't make it in the NFL, going to try to make it in the WNBA apparently.
  15. I think it's more about him being broke now and wanting a pity party. He's probably trying to get his name back out there so he can do TV now that his comebacks have failed as a player
  16. Boo hoo. Poor Johnny Football. He had everything going for him and all he had to do was not be a total doosh and he would have made it in life and in the NFL. This story, much like our society today, lacks accountability for your actions. If you want to party and not work then good for you, but there are consequences! The guy would show up to games hungover and never watched film. He got back what he put into it. Nothing beats hard work and determination.
  17. Any news from camp about Dodson being amazing and taking the job by the reigns? Nope, it was between him and a "hybrid" special teams player and he's only winning by default because the little guy hurt his hammy
  18. Well then there's your answer. They, like some on here, probably think a backup is "good enough." I guess we'll see!
  19. The counterpoint to my argument seems to be "we had a top 5 defense with Edmunds, but let's spend the money elsewhere and worst case still have a top 10 defense with a backup. It's not that much of a difference." I think it will be a very noticeable difference. We saw it last year when Edmunds was out.
  20. He will be a TE in 2 years. We have had a couple of those guys on our team in the past
  21. This "competition" was never much of a competition to begin with. They had Dodson, who is a career backup but knows the defense, and they had Bernard, who is the size of a safety. They never even made an attempt to replace Edmunds and I think it will come back to bite them in the you know what. The MLB is a very important piece in this defense. It's the Luke Kuechly position. You can't just stick a backup in there and call it a day
  22. This is what I read. They did not take it as sarcastic: https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/08/09/joe-burrow-calf-injury-weeks-away-return-bengals-zac-taylor I believe the Bengals insiders more than SI but I guess it's just confusing that we can get 2 different stories from different sources based on a coach's comment
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