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Everything posted by K D

  1. "Coach Prime" is a bit much and he's about to be humbled. But the kids love it. Apparently all of the top recruits are now looking at Colorado. It's like how Oregon has cool shoes and Jay-Z has a sports agency. Doesn't have to be the best but if people thinks it's cool then all of a sudden it's legit
  2. I'm curious what nickname you guys gave Elam last year. "Magnum PI" would work
  3. Let's see if he's any good first. His nickname could be bust if they don't use him like we are expecting. A good season for a rookie TE would be like 500 yards receiving. I don't think that warrants a nickname
  4. So nobody is allowed to have guns except criminals? Sounds fair. I'm sure the criminals will love to hear how everyone is now unarmed and easy "targets"
  5. It's about being honest and critical. That's my honest analysis, no emotions, which is more than 90% of this board can say. The Bills are the better team but we saw on Thurs the better team doesn't always win. Neither team could get the passing game working well enough so it was the consistent superior Detroit running game that won it. The Bills will win next week. Will next week's prediction make me a homer too? Yay!
  6. Could go either way. I think Bills have some early season mistakes and jitters, however do make some big plays, but ultimately drives stall out and they settle for too many FG's and let the Jets stay in the game. I don't trust Dorsey and I think he's overmatched against this more experienced defensive coach. I think Jets can run at will up the gut and our MLB will look like a top spinning around. Quinnen Williams will spend more time in the backfield than our own players. As we saw with the Lions, the team that can run will more consistently move the ball down the field when the passing game isn't working. Jets 24 Bills 23
  7. The only film he watches is Pitch Perfect 2
  8. He turned off his comments for a reason. If you think what you are saying has any basis why turn off the comments unless you know you are just trolling and not interested in a discussion? If you are a heroin user then you shouldn't have a gun. I think everyone can agree on that. Not that it matters because he has secret service protection on the tax payers dime for some reason. I thought that was only for presidents?
  9. The Onion probably has more truth than mainstream media these days
  10. This thread is worthless without live singing and music video. Let's have it!
  11. I think his arm is shot. He better just focus on keeping his brother out of jail and helping his wife fix her horse face
  12. His skills are declining. He better retire
  13. Jones said he's holding out until week 8. Last word was they are waaaay apart on what he wants vs what they are willing to offer
  14. Toney is a dbag too so couldn't have happened to a better guy. KC looks bad without Kelce. It just proves my point that you double team him at all times and make these other clowns beat you
  15. "There's not a lot of teams running over the Titans." Lol uhhh
  16. It was going to be 4th down? Why did they take the penalty?? That cost them 7 points and that's the game folks
  17. The difference between us and KC. When they get inside the 10 they are scoring a TD
  18. If you are a professional athlete you shouldn't be operating one either. Sounds like it was specifically in his contract and yet he did it anyways
  19. Chiefs calling up TE from practice squad. They must not think Kelce is playing
  20. She probably didn't like having the assistant with the video camera spying on them in the bedroom
  21. When I say they stink and I get my account suspended 🥺 Gabe Davis = Stinka Butt
  22. If they go 1-3 the hype will die down fast. Looks at what happened to the Mets. If they win Monday though, look for the hype to be next level (Superbowl, Rodgers MVP, etc).
  23. Incoming 12 penalty game where McD talks about how the team lacks discipline so he will have them run laps every time they jump Offside in practice 😵
  24. To go along with our new billion dollar bed pan looking stadium
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