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Everything posted by K D

  1. Yes some old fart businessman is the biggest threat to America. Not the millions of illegal immigrants (many of which are terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, criminals), funding of other countries wars, crippling inflation, communism/socialism, loss of freedoms, etc etc. Trump was already president for 4 years and it was pretty good from what I can remember. I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for him but what has happened to this country in the past 4 years is disgusting. You woke joke progressives should be ashamed of yourselves. I can't believe you can even post online in good conscience when we all have half a brain and can see what the world has become. Disgusting
  2. She looks like what you would expect a Disney casting for a "wicked witch" character would be
  3. This was a great watch. Super humble guy, soft spoken, thoughtful. The fact that he walked away after 10 years was only strange back then. Most RB careers are over by then these days anyhow. He was one of my favorite players to watch. It was like he was built in a lab to be a RB. Low to the ground, powerful, and it was like his hips were disconnected from his body the way he would shake people out of their shoes. He was the best I've ever seen do it
  4. And then you just say we were trying something different. If it doesn't work then it was worth a try. My prediction is the Bills would score 30+ just by surprising the defense
  5. He better fire Dorsey and make him the scapegoat otherwise fire them both
  6. The Pats haven't scored 20+ this entire season. Closing in on that today
  7. So let someone else call a game and see how it goes. If it's the same thing then you know for sure. Why is it such a big deal to let someone else call the plays? You don't have to fire him, just try something different. McD took over play calling from Leslie on numerous occasions
  8. Fire Dorsey or fire them both if he won't
  9. I'm going to throw a party when Belichick gets the all time losses record. Who's coming? Free rub n tugs and a guy secretly video recording as they deflate your footballs
  10. If they are extending him then he has been told by Kraft to tank for Caleb Williams. Belichick would only do so if he had a long term commitment. Connect the dots at the high level business meetings!
  11. If you want a comedy about Bills fans, come to this forum after a loss!
  12. Remember when the Bills used a 1st round draft pick on a TE and tried to justify it by saying he was a slot receiver like a "big Cole Beasley? That was funny 🤣
  13. You found the 1 guy that made it without a Superbowl. I only asked the question if that was even possible and apparently there is 1 guy ever. I wouldn't put Josh in that category. Hopefully he has 10 more years to prove me wrong and not 5 more like Cam Newton
  14. Warren Moon was at least Offensive Player of the Year. I don't think Josh has a good case for 1st ballot HOF. I'm actually kind of shocked that even on a Bills forum that people would suggest that. Making the HOF at all might even be questionable but I think he will if he plays long enough and can put up some stats. There's also a good chance he has a Cam Newton career and starts to suck after he can't scramble. We'll see
  15. 1st ballot HOF? I don't know about that. He hasn't even been to a Superbowl. What QB's are first ballot HOF having not ever been to a Superbowl?
  16. The job should be up to a Twitter poll. I got either Antonio Brown or Kanye as my write ins for the job
  17. You guys are assuming NFL players will be the best at this. Flag football is a different game. There's a lot of talented guys that were too small or didn't go to the right school to be picked in the NFL that would probably beat NFL players. Should be interesting to see how they determine the qualifiers.
  18. Gabe often plays like #2. He would be the best WR3 in the league if we had a real #2 on this team. I want either a corner or a WR2 at the trade deadline or I'm challenging Beane to fisticuffs
  19. I'm a semi-professional QB scout and I played long enough to have had multiple concussions. And I've played long enough to have had multiple concussions.
  20. It's a top offense because of Josh Allen running around and improvising. This offense would be top 5 with my dog randomly choosing the play. He would probably do a better job because he knows not to be in shotgun for short yardage. I tell him all the time
  21. This thread is also about firing everyone and giving Daboll a blank check to hire whoever he wants but not all of us do crack cocaine
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