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Everything posted by K D

  1. The people will need to rise up and overthrow the government. We have done it before and it's going to have to happen again. People should not be scared of their government, the government should be scared of the people!
  2. KC, Dallas, LAC, Miami. A great team loses 1-2 of those games. The current Bills are not that team. Joe Brady is still learning on the job, he's bound to have a dud in there unless he's an absolute OC prodigy the likes of which this league has never seen. And we know what the defense is. They are being held together by duct tape at this point. Let's check back in a couple of weeks. If the Bills can beat KC and Miami rests their starters it could happen. It's also possible they go 0-5 and lose every game by 1 score. For all we know this team will beat all of those teams and then lose to NE! The most Billsy outcome is the most likely
  3. He's the new Duke Williams. We have to hear how great he is at practice without him ever playing in games or making any sort of impact on the active roster
  4. HC/ST coach would be pretty cutting edge. They always say it's 3 phases and all are equally important. If that's true then why don't any top ST coaches also become HC's?
  5. How many consistent double digits sacks guys will be available? My guess is 3 years 40-45 mil for Floyd
  6. I don't understand how the cap works. I would have thought the guy walks away on his own then we don't have that hit but guess not. I was thinking too bad Beane can't make Von Assistant to the GM so he walks away but I guess that doesn't solve the problem
  7. Floyd will be one of the hottest names in FA. This is apples to organges. Maybe Von will do the right thing and retire so we can keep both.
  8. I'm not only talking about the turnovers. In the first game against the Jets it looked like it was his first time on a football field. He got outplayed by ZACH WILSON. How about against the Giants? Almost made you wish Tyrod was still on our team. Vs the Broncos, a team that Miami out 70 on? He has full games where he struggles to complete passes and then he has complete games where he could be a HOF'er. Very bizarre!
  9. Did you love him after the first Jets game? Pats game? Giants? Denver? Have you seen the movie The Prestige? I'm convinced there are 2 Josh Allen's. I've never seen a more bipolar player in my life. In the movie the character tells his wife he loves her and on certain days she agrees and on others she doesn't believe him. You will have to see the movie too understand why. Do you love us today Josh?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icing_the_kicker#:~:text=One variant of this tactic,after the play is over. To summarize, the practice has been attributed to Mike Shannahan. In studies, on short FG's the difference was negligible and was slightly more significant on longer FG's but the results of that study have come into question. Since you can't call back to back timeouts anymore then the kicker can get very comfortable after that first timeout knowing they have all of the time they need to set up and hit the FG
  11. Who invented this? My theory: it was invented by a kicker! One day there was (probably) a kicker that thought to himself gee I wish I didn't have to rush the kick the game winning FG. I wish someone would call a timeout so I had extra time to set everything up perfectly. What if I made people think "icing the kicker" would be a good strategy to psyche us kickers out. But nobody would be that dumb, would they? 👏
  12. Daboll for OC, Frazier for DC, AI analytics computer for head coach. McClappy can be outsourced
  13. McDermott just signed an extension. He will get another shot next year guaranteed. Too much $ owed to him. Terry is cheap
  14. Let's just keep changing the rules until the Bills win. Clearly it's not fair!
  15. Connor McGregor for PM. Any challengers can meet him in the octagon! Anyone else find it weird how all countries have some kind of coordinated open border situation going on? Are they trying to make all "white" countries multicultural and if so what is the reason?
  16. Lots of good black Friday deals. Arm yourselves my fellow Americans. The founding fathers wanted you to. To not is to be anti-American!
  17. I think they need to SELL Davis. Kincaid is the clear #2 and should continue to be targeted as such. HOLD on Jimbo Cook. His production needs to continue to be steady, no off games or fumbles. We need to lean on the running game and the passes in the flat. BUY Josh. It's our only hope. It starts and ends with him. If he doesn't play well we will lose. Doesn't matter what anyone else does. Put all your chips on him.
  18. Be scared of the entirety of media, celebrities, corporations, leaning to 1 side! The Left used to be against the establishment. To the Lefties on here - what happened? You want to take away the 1st and 2nd amendments, you support war, you are pro-criminal, you do whatever the TV tells you. Did you forget how to think for yourselves?
  19. Christmas season officially starts for me as soon as the turkey is in my belly!
  20. May God bless you this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of his son Jesus Christ 🙏
  21. Absolutely reached his ceiling athletically 2 years ago and is now in decline. He can continue to play at a high level if he relies less on his athleticism and is able to develop his game mentally. But he got to this point by having a strong arm and scrambling ability and not needing to have good timing and good play recognition so it would be re-learning how to do things. Cam Newton could not do it. As soon as he declined athletically he was done. Michael Vick was able to somewhat. He became more of a pocket passer after prison. Big Ben was never the fastest guy but once he lost his athleticism he was basically a statue out there but he was so big and hard to bring down that he was able to take some hits and still deliver the ball. Could go either way but yes I think Josh has already peaked and it will be a completely different Josh than what we are used to by the end of his contract. If he re-signs we will be signing a completely different guy at that point.
  22. My guess is these were "refugees" who were in this country illegally
  23. Yes some old fart businessman is the biggest threat to America. Not the millions of illegal immigrants (many of which are terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, criminals), funding of other countries wars, crippling inflation, communism/socialism, loss of freedoms, etc etc. Trump was already president for 4 years and it was pretty good from what I can remember. I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for him but what has happened to this country in the past 4 years is disgusting. You woke joke progressives should be ashamed of yourselves. I can't believe you can even post online in good conscience when we all have half a brain and can see what the world has become. Disgusting
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