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Everything posted by K D

  1. Same type of game as last week except different result. Last week they were bums and this week they are great? I don't know about that. KC had every opportunity to win it. Bills did nothing in the 2nd half. This team is too bipolar. Still a lot of things to figure out with this offense and their identity
  2. Had to be indisputable evidence which was not the case. They wouldn't have to look at it that long if it was obvious. Bad call
  3. Then you didn't watch the end of the half
  4. THE BILLS ARE .500 BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD AT SITUATIONAL FOOTBALL. It would be like if you were playing PlayStation against a friend and you pick the best team and you lose. I doubt you were overmatched, they just did the right things at the right times. There's no other way to make sense of this team this year. Bad coaching, bad situational football. Fire McD, we can get literally any dummy to run a zone defense. You need someone who knows situational football.
  5. Do they not practice big situations? I mean if every single talking head is saying your team makes mistakes at inopportune times wouldn't you literally practice that every single day until you get better at them? It's 20 seconds and 3 and 1 at midfield what do you do? How did they have no idea what to do? We used to call 2 plays in those situations. They had that whole time while they were reviewing the previous play. I just don't get it
  6. I literally can't wait for them to fire McDermott. What an absolute mess this team is in big situations
  7. That's incorrect and you would know that if you had an economics degree (like I do) or read that book I suggested (great book you will like it). This is not a political discussion. I'm not a Trump supporter and this is bigger than either party. Long story short, one of the greatest economists in history proved what you said is not true and won the Nobel prize in economics for it. Because we live in a country where we print our own money on demand, the normal rules of a free market economy do not apply when it comes to inflation. Milton Friedman: "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” Of course, we all know the driver of the quantity of money is government spending priorities, and recently the government has been spending more than ever in history! CNN and the White House (in lock-step like a state run media) will say it's a number of factors including pandemic, supply issues, Russia, energy, greedy businesses etc. Friedman - "But none of them produce inflation for the very simple reason that neither the businessman, nor the trade union, nor the housewife has a printing press in their basement on which they can turn out those green pieces of paper we call money." Our politicians have little incentive to not spend ridiculous amounts of money and fund foreign wars. Their supporters praise them for it. Both sides have done it, but under Joe we have never seen anything like this. Socialism is expensive and the only solution they have had is to print more money to pay for it. Thus INFLATION. Every time they pass a "save the environment" bill that has nothing to do with the environment and has a million other spends added to it, you are the one paying for it through inflation! It's not a win. We all lose...
  8. Oof this comment shows you have little understanding of economics and how the Fed printing money results in inflation (hidden tax on everyone). Please read "The Creature from Jekyll Island."
  9. And if Biden was winning then they wouldn't let all of this dirt come out! Who is THEY though?? You are hung up on maga but they aren't the ones pulling the strings!
  10. People are already conditioned to think he's a nut job so the message gets lost. It doesn't make the info any less real, but people will brush it off as conspiracy theory bs. But this is all happening in real time. COVID gave them the opportunity to gain more power, take away our freedoms, and push the "great reset" agenda which is the same one world government power grab that has been in the works for generations. If people can't see that the entirety of government, media, celebrities, corporations, are all in lock step then they must live under a rock or are completely brain washed by mainstream
  11. Dems want to replace Biden on the ticket with Newsome, that's the only reason this stuff is now allowed to come out. Bills want to replace McDermott, that's why stories from 2 years ago are now coming out. If the Bills were winning nobody would care. If Joe was leading in the polls nobody would care. They were the same people the whole time. Pretty sad how that works
  12. I'm sure he was just joking and a disgruntled OL (Spain) is using this absurd story as ammo. I saw Torrence at Lowe's yesterday and he was wearing shorts and flip flops in a snow storm, no Carhartt
  13. I want to say Buddy Nix destroyed EJ's career when he picked him in the 1st round instead of the 3rd or later like a normal non-senile person would do. Too much pressure as a 1st rounder and he might have stuck around as a backup if he was just a 3rd rounder who didn't have the expectations to start right away. But in the end I think EJ destroyed EJ's career by not being good at football. He was never really a g good at any level. Has the EJ Manuel stock price officially hit $0 yet? Or were the shareholders able to cash in now that he is a commentator?
  14. I've been told Knox and Gabe are good blockers. I sure hope so because they certainly can't catch. Do other teams have terrible pass catchers who are good blockers? I don't recall that being a thing that was in high demand. I don't think we have missed him. When someone at my work is out a month and we don't miss them I think it's pretty clear that we don't need them anymore.
  15. It's an honest question. He was picked too high for a TE so they said think of him as a slot WR. Well as a WR he's not making much of an impact compared to other WR's that were in the draft. You can get a good TE later in the draft. Look at LaPorta. You draft based on value. Taking a TE in round 1 is almost as dumb as taking a RB. There's almost always players available that will give similar output later in the draft. It's just not good value
  16. I don't know, I like seeing Murray running full speed into the line for 1 yard
  17. You must be joking. Who do you think is in the military? Alpha males from the country or soy boy hippies from the city?
  18. If you really think that's true then he clearly didn't do a very good job. I have family in the military and probably 90% of the armed forces love Trump. If he really wanted to violently overthrow the government I think he could have. What happened was a fringe movement of extremists and not at all what you are suggesting. You really think 1,000 retirees and Qanon nerds are going to overthrow the government of the United States? Are they going to poop on people's desks until they change the election results? Please stop watching CNN, it's rotting your brain.
  19. Is that the 10 year old Chiefs fan who they tried to cancel? 😆
  20. And this is every time the Left has "political discourse." What's your point? I don't agree with either. Keep that same energy for both sides.
  21. I think they meant to say "Pop Warner" as in he makes similar mistakes as the 9 year olds playing pee-wee (pursuit angles, shedding blockers, play recognition)
  22. I heard he's a big Cole Beasley so why would we care about TE records if he's a slot receiver?
  23. If that is true then they should have no problem legally applying for asylum. But we both know it's not. It's evil because you are letting them into the country without the ability to work. How will they make a living? Making $5 an hour doing odd jobs while standing in the Home Depot parking lot? That's evil and borderline slavery. At least slaves had food and a place to sleep. You are setting them up for failure and it's inhumane.
  24. Mac Jones made the Pro Bowl as a rookie. That was officially the end of the NFL Pro Bowl. Now they only have a skills competition. They knew they had gone too far
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