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Everything posted by K D

  1. You would have voted for Harris if you had other choices? Then not only are you naive but you are a liar
  2. Then you are voting for the wrong party. They literally just told you this is the one and only person you get to "vote" for. It's not much of a vote if there's only 1 choice. That's how Putin does it too
  3. Who and who? Didn't he play for the Bills? Nah, Beane wouldn't trade up for a below average Guard with DK Metcalf still on the board. I find this whole thing hard to believe
  4. What are the party values and goals? To make it so only they can tell us who will run for president and so a Republican or outsider can never win an election again? You don't even know what her positions are. You want the swamp to remain in power and nothing will ever get better that way. Sad. Let me guess, you would have rooted for the British in 1776? There were plenty of people like you back then too. You want the ruling class to reign over us apparently.
  5. RFK Jr laughed that she hasn't given an interview. He said he routinely gives about 6-10 PER DAY. How is this even possible that this is where we are at as a country? Absolutely embarrassing
  6. And Kamala is better? 93% of her staff quit. We need to get these power hungry elites out of there but you want to vote for them to stay just because "Trump." It's not a good reason, he's only one old man. You can't give up your freedoms and this country because he's a jack@$$. He's 1 guy. The other side actually has the power and they are getting more powerful every day
  7. Your only response on Kamala is "but Trump..." No response to Kamala being an absolute moron who everyone hates at best, a Marxist at worst? I personally don't even agree with Trump on many things but for now he's useful in taking down the power hungry trash bags in Washington. If you are for the Washington elites then I don't know what to say, you are too far gone.
  8. Now do Kamala. Literally the worst rated VP in history. 93% of her staff quit. Failed her bar exam and can't do an interview. Use your head. You just listed all of the elites in Washington who don't want to lose power. If Trump gets in it's over for them. They tried to smear him in the press, impeach him, jail him, assassinate him, and he just keeps on coming! They are getting desperate. Politicians are the absolute scum of the earth and I can't wait to see them all go down. You love to see it!
  9. Yes it's been discussed. Nice of them to voluntarily out themselves as part of the Uniparty elite. It will be easy to tell who's who now
  10. Lol WTF is she 10 years old? She needs an adult with her to hold her hand? And can't be live they have to pre tape and edit it? Holy crap dude, I don't know if she's smart enough to run a Starbucks let alone the United States of America
  11. There are thousands of these and nobody watches them. This should be illegal yet here we are How about a management program for only people of color? It specifically says if you are white or Asian you can't apply. Sounds super illegal right? I got one of those too if you know a good lawyer.
  12. I'll have to find it but my wife works a corporate job and on the dress code policy it states you can only wear inclusive clothing such as BLM, LGBTQ etc and you can't wear hateful items such as MAGA hats. This is a publicly traded company too.
  13. Or find one of the random drop boxes that nobody monitors and look for people stuffing more than 1 ballot in thete
  14. I did have a good insurance scam idea. Get some junker car and put the best insurance on it and then park it in the hood with a Trump banner and American flag. Come back in 1 hour and collect your insurance money 🤑
  15. There's only 1 side where wearing a red hat gets you assaulted, fired from your job, or kicked out of a restaurant
  16. So you want me to walk around with a Trump pin on amongst the "mostly peaceful" and inclusive nut jobs on the Left? So much joy!
  17. They are relying on honest people to say what they have by threatening them with jail time. Good hard working people have more to lose than common criminals. All this would do is unarm the best of us leaving them to be sitting ducks vs the bad guys
  18. Michael Obama is by far the biggest man there and should be playing MLB for the Bills
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