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Everything posted by K D

  1. Nope I wouldn't feel ok with Trumpers doing that stuff either! We never lost more freedoms than when Bush and Chaney were starting fake wars...that is until the plandemic!
  2. Nah, nothing weird at all about truck loads full of mail in ballots and not checking ID's. I feel totally secure with computer generated results from the Pelosi invested company. Nothing to see here!
  3. He should restructure his contract first. Not sure if that's possible but if he knows he's not playing at $20 mil per season level then the team shouldn't be on the hook for that I understand that would probably be unprecedented but it feels like stealing to me.
  4. So he's going to do the right thing and let the Bills out of the contract right?...RIGHT???
  5. Secure the perimeter. You can fence in the school and still practice fire drills. And while doing so for those 15 min have the police there as backup just in case. 1 entrance in and out which is fully secured with metal detector, bullet proof gates, and armed guards. Nobody enters without an appt and then they are escorted in and out. This is just nonsense at this point and would be ready to remedy if they really do care about the kids
  6. No I'm not talking about Barney Fife or Paul Blart mall cop at the front door. Lock it down like a prison. Nobody in and nobody out until the bell rings. People shoot up schools because they know nobody is armed and they are easy targets. Nobody is shooting up prisons because you can't get a gun in and then everyone in there is armed so you would be toast if you tried
  7. Because they have security is the point I was making. You didn't read my post did you? Lock down the schools. Nobody in and nobody out.
  8. Lots of bizarre records. First QB to score a rushing TD with 3 min left in a Thursday night football game. How about some real trophies please?
  9. It's only pessimistic if you don't like or agree with the response. I was being optimistic in saying the Bills would possibly be a playoff team with a win and in scenario and look here we are with a chance to be. If you thought the Bills were a better team you might think that's being pessimistic. But if you thought the Bills were a joke that can't ever win the big games like some of my friends you would think that's being overly optimistic. It's all in your perception
  10. I don't have a lot of faith unfortunately. The Bills are too streaky to play (including this weekend) 4 great games in a row. People will say they won the last 4 in a row and I'd respond that we played like crap the past 2 weeks and still won over really bad competition. There are no last place teams in the playoffs. You can't take a week off and barely win anyhow. We need to win Sunday to get in. So that means beating Miami on their field, followed by home game against Miami again, home game vs KC, away at Baltimore. If you look at it like that as if it was a regular season schedule you would assume Bills lose 1 if not 2 of those games. Just being realistic sorry!
  11. Forget shooters, how about pedos? Why can someone just walk into a school where we are supposed to be protecting children? What would stop someone from going in there and kidnapping your child? How about having some kind of security? You know what I never see? Mass shooting at police station. Mass shooting at prison. Lots of bad guys at both of those places.
  12. It's just what you would expect from a team fan forum so it's par for the course and I wouldn't expect anything less. Any time you say anything against the team you get a lot of thumbs down and people upset. The most blatant tends to be Josh is the best QB in the NFL and a hall of famer and before every season he is the favorite to win MVP. Clearly Patrick Mahomes is the best and possibly top 5 best ever and is on another level. I don't think that's too crazy to say because it's true but people go nuts here. We are lucky to have a good QB but he's too inconsistent to be considered the best at anything. He has good days and bad days, not a lot in between. Before the season I picked the Bills to go 10-7 with a win and in scenario in the final game. My reason being was that the team was sliding towards the end of last year and they did nothing over the offseason to add a #2 WR which would just let teams double Diggs. We should find that post because not only was it likely but it was 100% accurate and people still went nuts about how the Bills were a Superbowl team and would easily win the AFC East (I had them #2 and maybe even #3 in the East). The responses were delusional but I wouldn't expect anything less from a fan forum. By saying the Bills are an above average team that could miss the playoffs you would have thought I kicked their dog but now that we are here maybe my takes aren't as controversial as they seem. People want to stay in their little cocoon and not face reality. You see that everywhere online these days. I won't say anything "political" but if you say certain things deemed controversial yet also totally factual, they ban you from certain social media sites now. Some facts are maybe not pleasant to say but when people say something that's not factual and you correct them then somehow you are the bad guy. Perhaps a lot of people just keep it to themselves or go with the flow because it's not worth the risk or the argument. I guess I don't mind saying what I'm thinking perhaps more than most. Maybe that makes me the bad guy.
  13. First the fan with the nachos on Hard Knocks, (not to mention the multiple infidelities), and now this! His poor wife
  14. I try to have a more open minded "league-wide" view as I have a lot of friends who are not Bills fans. Typically what you get around here is "the Bills are amazing and can do no wrong" and we know that's not true as they have a very good chance of missing the playoffs. The Bills have been a good team the past few years but clearly not as good as people around here would lead you to believe. You would think we have won the past 3 out of 4 Superbowls and Josh has back to back MVP's. I don't think I'm as controversial as it seems, I'm just stating unpopular opinions and facts
  15. I didn't say I'm arguing for the sake of arguing. I skip over the topics I agree with and I respond to those I disagree with. If that upsets you then you can mute me. I personally want to see other points of view. If everyone said "I love the Bills" and there was no discussion I would probably go to another team's board, which I've done in the past
  16. He's a good TE. I'm not a fan of TE's high in your draft. Value positions are QB, WR, T, DE, CB (less so on this team/zone). Also as for being negative, if everyone was negative I would likely be the most positive. I often take the opposing point of few in my responses. I'm not going to post in a thread and say "I agree." What's the point?
  17. I'm much less of a fan of the Browns after the Deshaun Watson fiasco. Also not a fan of Myles Garrett. I hope this franchise suffers some more personally!
  18. He's gotten better at that but he's still good for at least 1 wtf moment per game. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm more conservative, especially when playing a team you are better than and the only way they can beat you is if you beat yourself with dumb plays. We could have definitely done without that one even though it worked!
  19. If you read what I said I stated we needed a #2 WR. You can get one easily end of 1st or even later on. The #2 receiver on your team is almost always going to have better production than your TE (especially when you already have one). It's just common sense, which is why most teams don't draft one in the 1st. Nobody was sitting here last April saying "you know what we really need is another TE." Everyone and their mother knew we needed a #2 WR though
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