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Everything posted by K D

  1. McD made some ballsy calls tonight. They didn't get the last 4th down but it was the right call
  2. Glad it worked out but he did catch the punt at the 4 which is something you never do. Go Bills
  3. We do it's called give the ball to the other team. Josh is the best at it in the NFL
  4. Josh decided he was going for the NFL the turnover lead. Sam Howell doesn't deserve it!
  5. It's a pimp walk aka I'm about to get my first sack walk
  6. You guys are counting on the Titans offense. Lol good luck with that. Run, run, pass
  7. Toronto...wait no jk definitely not Toronto - JBJovi
  8. Let me know how you are feeling in the 4th quarter if it's a close game. It could come down to the last play. Either #2 and hosting playoff games or locker cleanout day. No pressure!
  9. You can lose 1-2 of those but not have 4-5 games where you don't show up. Bills lost some gimmes this year and only 1 more win over a bottom feeder and you are in the playoffs. They deserve whatever they get today
  10. And Hill was in a walking boot 3 days ago so likely not 100%. No excuses for the Bills. Win or early vacation
  11. If Jags lose and Bills win then Steelers would come here next week. About as easy of a win as you can get in the playoffs. Which means we would probably lose lol
  12. Can we get Chubb back out there for them? I don't remember him ever playing well against us
  13. Bills couldn't beat Jets or Pats. Division rivals. If they lose tomorrow they deserve to be out
  14. Ravens will do what it takes to lose this at the end if it's still close. The players definitely won't lose on purpose but I predict a lot of "questionable" calls at the end of the game to lead to a Steelers victory
  15. Ravens want Steelers in the playoffs, not the Bills. They will punt on 1st down if they need to
  16. We should donate to a South Florida domestic abuse charity in his name He will be staying at his gf's house and his wife and baby will be at a Motel 6
  17. Sounds like we have a trans problem to me. I have at least 20 guns and I've never shot anyone :edit: I think I found the evil gun. It's black and it has a extendable stock. Please let me know how to dispose of it before it does something bad! I'm going to wrap a chain and padlock around my safe just to be sure it won't get me while I'm sleeping!
  18. Now let's see how many died because they thought they were protected with a fake "vaccine" forced by the government. I'll wait while you count
  19. I was sitting in the bathroom and some a-hole behind me was talking s***. I turned around but didn't see anyone, just the wall. Must have been a Dolphins fan I thought. Flush
  20. Maybe blue states but which cities in those states? I'm sure we all know which way they lean. Sounds like cherry picking stats.
  21. You guys are anti Trump, so imagine a world where all corporations, media, celebrities were telling you to vote for Trump and if you vote for Biden you are a nut job racist and you will be cancelled. I will never be for any side that yields that much power and influence. Stop being brainwashed. This isn't right vs left anymore. This is about total global power for the elites and they think the rest of us should be grateful to have their scraps!
  22. Houston can put up points, I'd be more worried about them. Go Indy!
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