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Everything posted by K D

  1. Williams too aggressive. He's been boom or bust in his opportunities. He's either making a great play or getting completely fooled and out of position. They can't trust him
  2. At least take him out to dinner first! Then if it doesn't happen then Josh is just being a tease
  3. I think Vrabel was the only good thing going for the Titans. Pretty dumb imo but they must be targeting an OC as they will be completely changing their offense without Henry back there
  4. Cook is one of the fastest guys on the team and I'd like to see him more involved over the middle and swing passes. It doesn't have to be 30 yards down the field where he has to make a great catch. Dump it off and let him run. It's like an extended handoff. Kincaid I think has the ability to run away from the LB or run over S/CB. They drafted him there for a reason so let's see it. There's no way there should be a blitz coming and Josh doesn't know what to do. Kincaid should be replacing the LB and available for a quick hitter over the middle then let him run people over. I'd also like them to add a replacement for Gabe. I think this offense is really missing a #2 guy. That means less or same targets for Shakir (as a #3) who I also think is doing well but I don't think he is a #2. Just my opinion
  5. I don't agree. He is doing well but I'd like to get the ball to those other guys first (Diggs, Kincaid, Cook). Shakir is just a guy in this league and that's fine. As long as he continues to produce he will have a job. He's not the guy in our offense though and never will be
  6. I don't agree that he should get it more. I think he's done a fine job and has solidified our 3rd wr spot. By giving him the ball more than means less for Diggs, Kincaid, Cook. You want to get the ball to your playmakers first. Shakir is doing fine in his role
  7. Huh? Did you just see McD's defense hold the #1 offense in the NFL to 40 yards in the 2nd half last night? Why would we change our entire defense?
  8. Something tells me Mr Dunne isn't going to have any press access to the Bills at any point in the future.
  9. The point of these shows are to be controversial so they get clipped and get views etc. You are better off banging your head against a wall if you need entertainment. Do yourself a favor and find a non-biased podcast/streamer that breaks down the actual plays and learn something about the game.
  10. No he's saying there will be a crash, not that he wants one. He's hoping it's before the election so everyone can see if you fund foreign wars and print fake money to pay for socialism then the economy will tank. I'm not sure where you guys think this money comes from to pay for this stuff. They aren't taxing the rich I can tell you that. They are the rich, they aren't going to tax themselves. I own businesses and there's so many loopholes to allow us to not pay fair taxes it's ridiculous. So then where does the money come from? The answer is nowhere. It's all fake dollar bills backed by nothing so when they print more and more then it becomes worth less and less. It's pretty simple. Everyone wants more money but if everyone has more money and everything costs more then how are you any farther ahead than you were? It's lunacy
  11. The problem is the weather or it might even be longer. I bet the owners are chomping at the bit for a 20 game schedule
  12. He goes to the left every time. I understand that's our best side of the line but if we notice it then the other teams notice it and will stack the biggest mofos on the team on that side for any future short yardage plays
  13. If you want to kiss him that's on you. I don't swing that way but no judgement. I think we are better off without him. I doubt he has any kind of serious injury as he would have been on crutches if that was the case
  14. I don't know if this one is ignorance or stupidity or both
  15. Bills offense is better without Gabe and Knox. Get these guys out of here and get a legit #2 or 1B option!
  16. Fields is Tyrod Taylor? Fields is a blue chip prospect on a terrible team. I don't know if he would be much of an improvement over Tua but I think he could do what Tua does, 1 read throws. Tua led the NFL in passing this season so that's saying something, plus Fields would add the extra dimension of being able to run if the play is not there. Everyone knows if you get Tua off his first read he has absolutely no solution. It's not as crazy as it sounds if they decide to go in another direction rather than make Tua the highest paid player in NFL history!
  17. It's bizarre how there are no hotels near the stadium. They are investing billions into the stadium itself and then $0 surrounding the stadium.
  18. Gabe is better but I don't think we are missing a ton. Gabe is either always in the wrong spot or Josh is throwing to the wrong spot. Maybe just having a body there will be better than someone who is not where he's supposed to be
  19. One can only hope! Call me crazy but maybe get a real WR2? They had been focused on getting a pass catching RB and a pass catching TE but how about a pass catching WR?? Wild
  20. You always root against the good QB. Who would you take in the playoffs, Tua or Mahomes? Enough said
  21. Doesn't work like that Tim from Orlando. If you do the wrong thing and it works doesn't mean it was the right thing. It worked this time but you don't field punts inside the 10, definitely not at the 4.
  22. Douglas said in an interview after the game that he was going to come back in during the 2nd half but Dane said "I got you" and they let Douglas heal up. He said he's fine and I doubt he misses any time
  23. It looked like Rapp got the wind knocked out of him. I didn't see anything about it but that was my take on the play. He landed right on the ball
  24. This is one of the best catches I've ever seen in my life. Bad pass, lucky bounce, yes. To stay composed, track that bouncing ball over your shoulder, and keep your feet in is one of the most amazing things I've seen. I don't know how he had the awareness to do this. Wow!
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