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Everything posted by K D

  1. Oh so that's what's different...
  2. I hate Cleveland after they sold their soul for Deshaun and then it turns out he's not even any good and they could have just got Flacco or someone like that from the start and avoided this whole thing. Garrett is also a dbag. Go Bills
  3. Who cares about the regular season. Superbowl MVP is what matters
  4. If you protect the football it's very rare for you to turn it over. Holding onto the ball with 1 hand while getting sacked is not protecting the football. Throwing to nobody in the end zone for a pick is not protecting the football. Throwing short of the end zone with no timeouts it's just stupid, high school kids know not to do that
  5. This is football, not tiddlywinks. I'm fine with the hit given the situation. I wouldn't want them getting a flag if that was our D making the stop. As for Josh, that cost us at least 3 points. Also the first INT to nobody in the end zone was another 3. Also the sack fumble was possibly another 3. That's 9 points Josh alone cost us. Yes he also scored some points but we won't have the luxury to give up 9 points to the good teams in the playoffs
  6. Drinking water source, canned goods, toilet paper, and ammo! Oh and lots of socks. In trench warfare a lot of guys get swamp foot and you need to protect your feet.
  7. My neighbors don't disagree with me politically. I live far away from the scum in the cities. The neighbors will likely pick off intruders by the time they get to me. Don't try that in a small town
  8. It's money laundering and all of the buyers have ties to the president. Uh duh?
  9. Watt's on 2nd, I don't know's on 3rd
  10. This is a legitimate interview. Definitely not checking any boxes. *Wink wink* This interview should last all of 13 seconds and then the Chargers can hire the person they really want
  11. Josh was on Tom Brady's podcast and he said Josh reminds him of his oldest son. I'll see if I can find it
  12. Josh doesn't fit into that offense. He wants to run around and do whatever he wants. The McDaniel's & Shannahan offense is 1 read, 3 steps and throw. It's timing based. If Josh would play in structure he would potentially extend his career but as Tom Brady put it Josh is like a hard headed kid and will not listen and just do whatever he wants.
  13. The magic is wearing off in Miami. They are realizing McDaniel's might not be the genius they thought he was and Tua is a 1 read QB with a noodle arm
  14. Would love to know which one of my guns is the bad one. Is it the black one? Seems racist. Black guns matter. Clearly this shooting was with a shotgun and hand gun so are we banning those too now? Here's an idea. How about when a whacko says they want to have no gender we try and get them help for their mental problems?
  15. Tik tok is so cringe. Aren't these people embarrassed? Nobody has any shame anymore
  16. Does anyone here do Tik Toks? Post here so we can laugh at you
  17. All of them? I have like 20. How about my knives? Hammers? I have lots of tools depending on the job and also because I'm not a little sissy that can't take care of themself or their family
  18. Would be great if you could get it down the field that much to average 30 yards per catch! Trouble is they like to blitz Josh and he needs to be dumping it off to Cook or Kincaid
  19. That's why I said dump it off to him and let him run. Any 30 yard pass to a RB is going to be a good catch. Have you tried making a 30 yard catch in a game? It's not easy. Those throws are on a rope. That's why RB's don't play WR
  20. He was already high on lists as a potential OC. He either remains ours or he will be the OC in another city within a week
  21. Yep India is the biggest economic opportunity since...China. A weak China might become a desperate China though so we should be on alert
  22. I like McDermott's D Feel free to screenshot this for future blackmail.
  23. True but Josh's heroics also covers up a lot of poor play. They wouldn't be in those situations if they would execute. I don't remember Tom Brady needing to run through 5 guys to get a 3rd and 13. It's nice to have that ability but it would be better and more consistent to do it the good old fashioned easy way.
  24. Clearly we need more laws because criminals always follow the law! Good thing that criminal is safe to get out of his car and shoot knowing nobody at the game is allowed to have a gun to shoot back. Protecting criminals is what the Left does best
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