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Everything posted by K D

  1. Why do you keep going back to Trump? I'm not defending Trump lol. You are obsessed
  2. So the difference is one gets elected to cheat people
  3. Then why wasn't he in jail before becoming president and pissing off half of the country? The answer is this is all political and it will be when they go after Biden next as well. I don't want to live in a country where the outgoing president gets prosecuted
  4. Biden has been in politics for like 50 years. You think he hasn't committed crimes? It's not if it's how many they will be able to pin on him. And back and forth we go every 4 years.
  5. Is that what you want? Every election cycle the former leader of the other party gets put in jail? Biden is too weak for jail. My guess is he goes directly from the White House to hospice
  6. Snow should not be a factor by Sunday evening. The snow storm should end today and maybe we get a couple of inches between now and Sunday but nothing to be concerned about. They will essentially have 3 days to clear it out before game time. Right now it says it should be low to mid 20's so it will be cold 🥶
  7. Haack is so good that the Bills drafted a punter to replace him after 1 season with the team. Ouch!
  8. What makes you think I wouldn't vote Democrat? I've never voted in my life and if I did I would have voted Democrat in previous elections. The Bush administration took more rights away than maybe any in history. I will always be against the status quo. Whoever the media, corporations, and celebrities are pushing can't be good. One side currently has too much power and we need more of a balance. I never would have followed these types of threads in the past but about 10 years ago things started to change. I'm an admittedly self centered person and I honestly don't give a crap about anyone's agenda besides my own. When you start messing with me then I am forced to take notice. Strike 1 was Cuomo limiting rounds in guns and trying to outlaw certain types. It's nobody's business how many bullets I have or how I spend my money so F off. I will protect my family at all costs. Strike 2 was making it illegal to carry my gun into businesses unless there is a sign on the door saying it's ok. They know damn well nobody is going to go out of their way to invite guns into a business. It's against the Constitution and they know it is and they want to wait for it to get overturned in the courts and in the meantime put good people in jail. I'm not ok with that. Strike 3 is all of the racist stuff. Nobody is trying to purposely kill black people and in fact the data shows the only people that do are other black people. When I saw the entire media, corporations, and celebrities in cahoots pushing their agenda that was enough for me. Sorry, you are on the side of the fascists that are passing laws based on race and hatred, abolishing free speech, going against the Constitution, and you are so loyal to a "party" that you can't see it or don't want to see it. The real elites in power are not loyal to any party so why should you be? They will be on whatever side is fashionable and will get them more and more power. Nobody is going to tell me that I've oppressed anyone or that I can't protect my family when there are criminals out there not following these laws. This is absolute nonsense and it's gone too far. We are all Americans and the real enemies are just sitting back and watching us argue and devour ourselves. It's very sad. I live out in the country on purpose, I don't want to be around people are their ideologies. Leave me be and let me take care of my family. That's it and that's all.
  9. And water is wet. Wow can you believe it?
  10. What kind of snowblower is it? Is it the belt or is it the wire from the handle to tighten or loosen the belt? I'm no expert but snowblowers are typically pretty easy to fix. I fixed one last week for someone where the belt was slipping and it was because something was caught in the auger and not allowing it to spin freely. I think a lot of people are in similar situations and your best bet is fixing the snowblower and being self sufficient again. You might get a snowplow today but how about tomorrow?
  11. They are directing our futures and meanwhile setting themselves up to prosper further and have total power. Yes that's evil. The Federal Reserve exists because JP Morgan and other elites got together in Georgia and wanted to make sure their banks could never fail and they would ensure total power over our financial system. Nobody should have that kind of power, especially rich people most of whom are wealthy because they or families lied, cheated, and other to get to the top.
  12. Yes rich people hate money and wish they had less. Mo money mo problems!
  13. Sounds racist to me. They want to limit access to weapons from poor people. Everyone who can legally have one and passes all checks should have access to a weapon to protect themselves. Poor people live in areas where you absolutely want to be armed.
  14. I really wish I could just be oblivious to what's happening in the world. I'm sure I would be much happier. I try not to closely follow politics but the big stuff is very alarming. They (DAVOS) want us to own nothing and be happy. As a business owner and landowner I can tell you that one of the greatest achievements in my life has been owning assets and securing financial well-being for my family. Everyone who wants that should be able to work hard and achieve that. If we don't own things then who does? The answer is the people who want to own and control EVERYTHING. That doesn't sound like freedom to me. That's not the American dream.
  15. They do say ignorance is bliss and you seem very happy in your beliefs
  16. There's literally a place where evil elites gather and talk about taking over the world and you are posting about Trump? He's not part of this discussion or this club. Have some awareness and open your eyes to what the actual threats are to the world
  17. Isn't he the guy that got beat out by another guy who is also available?
  18. I'd bet any money that Lenny ends up back in Tampa. The only reason he didn't sign with them is he wanted to be on a playoff team and nobody expected Tampa to still be in it at this point
  19. They said on the radio he's had multiple concussions this year so it will take longer than usual
  20. We need another snowstorm if we are going to get Taron Johnson back. That injury is going to be a killer
  21. Keeping Murray sounds like a loyalty thing as he's been there all year and is a team leader. There's zero chance Murray is better than Fournette unless all you want from that player is pass blocking and leadership
  22. I definitely don't agree with that. LeBron is probably the 2nd best player ever or top 5 at worst. Josh is nobody... yet
  23. Josh made it look worse than it was. At some point the refs will know that he flops like LeBron and to be on the lookout for that so then those calls won't go our way. I think he could have saved it on that play
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