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Everything posted by K D

  1. Friendly reminder that in the NFL you can punch a woman square in the face or choke your pregnant girlfriend and be a total piece of human garbage...just as long as you don't place a sports bet!
  2. He will. He's been in politics for like 50 years. If Trump wins they will find something
  3. Range and charging are important. All of the EV manufacturers jumping on the Tesla supercharger network will help but nobody wants to track down a charging station and then sit there for an hour to charge. Resale value is going to be a concern as well. We might get to the point where we have disposable vehicles as nobody wants to buy a 10 year old EV that only charges to 75% and a new battery costs more than the car. On paper electric could be something but when it comes to work trucks you just can't compromise which is what everyone who owns an EV is doing whether they want to admit it or not. I will be in the market for a truck and it seems dumb to buy a diesel now but that's what I'm probably going to have to do if I want to tow.
  4. That thing is a turd unfortunately. I was really hoping electric trucks would be something but the tech just isn't there yet. Give me a diesel super duty every day of the week and twice on Sundays
  5. Did I say anything about our owner? Clearly he has more money than brains if he's up with the Jets and Browns in spending. I asked the question, what is the incentive for an owner to win? Look at the Patriots. They are one of the most valuable franchises on the planet and they spend next to nothing according to your chart. That's smart business
  6. This country was founded by "insurrectionists." When a govt becomes too powerful history shows that you sometimes need to knock them down a notch. You are acting like the sissy guy in the Hamilton play saying noooo guys behave! Pray that we don't get to the point that real insurrection takes place. There are a lot of frustrated and angry people that are tired of getting crapped on with this nonsense.
  7. You throw around that word like how liberals throw around racism. Yes everybody's a racist insurrectionist apparently. It loses it's meaning after a while
  8. What would be the incentive for an owner to want to win a championship? They make the same money either way and if you win then all over the players and coaches want more and more money. I think an owner just wants to put a competitive team on the field, just good enough for the fans not to go nuts and demand change. I think what we have now is an owner's dream scenario
  9. They will hire whoever will do whatever McDermott says (run the ball and play safe). That pawn will probably be Brady because he can be controlled
  10. No the weakest was the last time Lamar won. He's always going to be pretty exciting to watch and on a good team so if everyone else is inconsistent then he sneaks to the top of the list even though he's never going to have the stats to back it up. He's the MVP because everyone else is up and down and he's pretty consistent
  11. I think Diggs gave up on the team and has decided to sabotage us until we trade him. Hopefully someone explains to him that he's stuck here so he can snap out of this funk he's in
  12. When the plane crashes you can die happy knowing that the flight crew is woke
  13. I don't think anyone should be banned unless there is good reason for it like they are breaking the law. If they are nuts then people should see how nuts they are and keep receipts
  14. I haven't really followed her at all to be honest but I thought she was considered more of a moderate. They try and pump her up as competition for Trump in the media but she never had a shot. The only time I've seen her is when Vivek is dismantling her in debates. What stances of hers would you be against?
  15. Maybe she should run on the Dem side. She might have a better shot over there. If Dems don't like Joe but want anyone but Trump then there's your answer
  16. I'd like to be able to turn on the news and see what's going on in the world without whatever opinion talk show being on. Maybe I need to find some good international channels. But I'd still like to see what's going on in this country as well.
  17. It's not though that's the weird part. Ratings are in the toilet because nobody trusts the news. Tucker Carlson gets way more views online than he ever did on Fox. His type of content belongs online as it's very 1 sided. No, things have definitely changed in the past decade. I'm not for either party and I can't even watch the news because of how biased it is on either side. No reliable sources out there anymore
  18. I don't. The vast majority of media has a liberal bias. I don't want ANY bias.
  19. Would like to see all "opinion" based people in mainstream media fired as well. It's the news not a soap opera. If you want to be entertained watch whatever weird low testosterone liberal stuff that's out there on YouTube
  20. 👆🤡 Fired because he's entertainment. He can do his show online like he has been doing. I don't want people like that in the mainstream media on either side
  21. If the media wanted to regain trust they would fire anyone who offers opinions or entertainment. We just want the news with no bias attached. They know what they are doing and now they must face the consequences
  22. Wild how only right wing voices are silenced these days. There are people straight up supporting terrorism and genocide on the left. I personally want to hear all sides and then decide for myself
  23. It's going to be amazing when Josh finally gets it done...for the LA Rams
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