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Everything posted by K D

  1. The world is in trouble if whoever Taylor Swift endorses wins, don't you think? Pretty sure she didn't even graduate high school. She lives in a world where none of this effects her. She's a billionaire with armed security and she lives in a gated community and flies private jets. You literally couldn't be anymore disconnected from reality than that
  2. I don't know but it's happening in every western society around the world. It seems very well organized. Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that this is also one of the top issues in Europe? Why are the borders all of a sudden open and record number of illegals coming through all around the globe? It's not a Democrat or Republican thing. It's bigger than that
  3. Please show us a photo of the millions of single mothers and babies. I've only seen single military aged men. It's an invasion. We aren't getting the best of the best that's for sure
  4. I don't know about you, but the parallels between last night's game hit a little bit too close to home for me. To me it seemed inevitable that Detroit was going to lose that game as SF started battling back. There was nothing Detroit could do, they were going to choke. We have seen it ourselves. A well rounded team with an explosive offense and a good defense comes out of nowhere and shocks the league. That was us in 2020, and like Detroit we almost rode that wave all the way to the Superbowl. "We'll be back next year" echoed many of the Detroit Lions faithful. Don't be so sure. For whatever reason, Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo are all eerily similar. Rust belt cities that have been down on their luck for the past 50+ years or so. We also share a common geographic feature...Lake Erie. Is it something in the water? Could it be a native American curse? Or just a coincidence? You decide!
  5. Wouldn't it be funny if all of these illegals actually vote Republican after all of this? A lot of the Muslims infiltrating Europe are about as conservative as it gets. I'm not sure who is infiltrating our border because they try to ignore it but if it's Mexicans then they are all super Catholic.
  6. Yea this one is pretty desperate lol. Trump doesn't even drink alcohol. Meanwhile Hunter Biden is literally on video smoking crack with hookers. What a world we live in
  7. Could Josh go down as the best playoff QB to never win a Superbowl? Who is his competition? Marino and Rivers come to mind. Usually if you are a great QB then you win a Superbowl. Usually if you are a great QB on a team with a top defense you are guaranteed to win the Superbowl. Bills are really working hard to go against the grain on this one.
  8. I find the tomahawk chop offensive. Not sure why they pick and choose which teams are offensive and which ones are not
  9. How about just have an offense that scores a ton of points like what we used to have with Daboll?
  10. Is there any rules against designating someone as injured who is not injured?
  11. I'll come back from the dead and haunt all of those young punks who didn't have to deal with the suffering that led to my early demise
  12. They would miss the connecting flight. Ya know, cuz the female pilot would have to stop and ask for directions!
  13. Let's try it and find out. Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world
  14. I don't agree with murder no matter who does it. I do enjoy other forms of punishment, however. In Singapore they beat you with a cain. I also enjoy work camps instead of a vacation in a jail cell. Implement those and watch the crime rates plummet
  15. What is better, no nukes, or more nukes? Do more nukes lead to more nuclear bombings? Or do we have no nuclear bombings because we have nukes?
  16. All single women should be forced to do manual labor jobs then tell them half of their pay will go towards the women sitting at home doing nothing. They will change their views on the world pretty quickly 😂
  17. No you need a guy that can box out and grab the rebound. What's the point of the guy separating and being wide open if Josh can't hit him? Need someone with the wing span to grab the inaccurate pass. Case in point the catch against Syracuse!
  18. Keon Coleman looks like what everyone hoped Gabe Davis could be. They have the same limitations (long strides, doesn't get out of cuts smoothly) but Coleman knows how to box out and use his size to out jump the defenders. Gabe has the size but played small vs the smaller db's. I like the guy from Oregon the best, which means he will probably be long gone by 28
  19. Maybe Von should retire and take up painting!
  20. We need more single room non-gender bathrooms. This was probably 10 years ago but I was taking a leak at the movie theater and in walks a he/she and she/they/whatever heads to the urinal next to me and whipped it out. At this point they were probably like 50/50 in their transition so basically a dude with long hair dressed in full lady attire. I had never been in that position before so I just did my business and got out of there. The point is, I doubt anyone was happy in that situation. If there was a single room non-gender specific option I think that would be best for everyone. I don't think it's political, everyone needs to pee.
  21. Aaron Maybin! Most talented painter we've ever seen on the Bills DL
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