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Everything posted by K D

  1. I find it funny that the story leaked about Saleh threatening the leaker 🤣
  2. MATH https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2018/4/24/17271686/josh-allen-nfl-draft-2018-stats-analysis-comparisons
  3. If your best strategy is to have a fundraiser with Mr. Epstein Island himself then I think you need a new strategy. Personally, I think Joe Biden should legally change his name to "Not Trump" as that's the only reason anyone would ever vote for him!
  4. I think it would be rather expensive to move Lake Ontario but I don't know, he is a billionaire
  5. I believe that would be referred to as a bossom
  6. I believe voting is an essential part of the democratic process and I fully support and strongly recommend all citizens exercise their right to vote. Having said that, I have not voted myself as I have felt jaded that my vote doesn't count (living in NY) and the Democrat is going to win either way. I would definitely not share that information publicly (in real life) and I would probably be upset if someone with a strong opinion told me that they did not plan on voting. It sounds very hypocritical, I am very aware of this. I just personally have not liked the options presented to me and have not felt that it was worth my time to vote. Quick story, but when I was 18 I was excited to vote for the first time. I was at school and I thought after my classes I would go down to the polls but as I was getting ready they had already called NY. How can they call it when I didn't even vote yet? Ever since then I felt like why even bother, this electoral system is stupid and my vote doesn't matter. I think everyone else should vote and if it comes down to 1 vote I'll feel like a jerk but typically it's going to go how it's going to go around here (Dem wins, doesn't matter how much of a piece of crap they are). I'd be more likely to vote in a local race. If I lived in the city of Buffalo I would have voted for Byron Brown as I'm 100% against socialism/communism and perhaps in a race like that my vote would matter. In the meantime, I like reading other people's opinions to gauge where the country is as a whole. I don't subscribe to any political party and I don't like the extremes of either side. It feels more and more that 1 side is gaining too much power and influence and I'll fight that as much as I can and tell people how ignorant I think they are to their face and maybe that form of political activism is more persuasive than 1 additional vote. Or at least I like to think so.
  7. It was more of an homage to his incredible physique
  8. So your hypothesis is that a war in Europe is making people from Africa move to Europe?
  9. Maybe...as per Brady he was thiiiiiis close to playing last season and had already started making plans to do so. Are we sure he wouldn't try to play another season as it looks like Mahomes may break many of his records?
  10. I don't watch those sports and neither do the elders that placed this curse on us!
  11. As mentioned this is not a Democrat or Republican thing. It's happening all around the world. I don't think the Mexican cartels are making Muslims and Africans move to Europe in record numbers
  12. Those reasons you gave have always been around. Look at illegal immigration numbers lately. And is it just a coincidence that this is currently one of the biggest issues in Europe as well?
  13. This thread is brought to you by Pfizer. Vote Democrat you mindless sheep!
  14. Who is the best of the no Superbowl bunch? I'd say right now Marino and then Moon. Could Josh be up there with them some day?
  15. Somehow Trudeau is going to freeze their bank accounts again!
  16. If the entirety of media, corporations, and celebrities are all saying to vote one way then you can be assured that you should vote the opposite. The power should be in the hands of the people. We should never fear our government, our government should fear us!
  17. I've never voted in my life but if I did there would be zero consideration for whoever f***ing Taylor Swift wants. In fact, I'd be inclined to vote the other way based on how uneducated she is while living in lollipop land
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