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Everything posted by K D

  1. Conspiracies are only conspiracies until they are proven true. And if they own the media and the narrative then good luck
  2. He's walking around taking cell phones and the leaker is like just a sec let me finish this email... 😂
  3. What's the hoax? Both things I said are true. He doesn't have to live with the repercussions of his actions. He is happy to send the world into chaos and then hide away during retirement in his underground fortress in Hawaii https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mark-zuckerberg-spent-187-million-191118946.html
  4. Zuckerberg is a heavy Democrat funder. He is also secretly building a $100 million apocalypse bunker in Hawaii. Nothing weird about that at all....
  5. Definitely making millions. Isn't it funny how your socialist saviors end up multi-millionaires themselves making a 200k per year salary. Hmm interesting 🤔
  6. What conservative media do I watch? I'm not a conservative. I watch her speak and she is a dumb bartender bimbo
  7. Yes I'm sure that's how she got into that college. Because of grades. Lol
  8. AOC is as dumb as a rock. Would love to see her debate even a high schooler.
  9. And AOC isn't? I think they are both equally ridiculous
  10. I think we are going to need a coaches salary cap. This is getting ridiculous
  11. He's already in the Dems pockets. He will get his cut for delivering the fake endorsement then get voted out and retire so what does he care? Just another crook selling out his members. 9 out of 10 union guys will vote Trump. I've never seen a truck going down the road with a Biden sticker on it, how about you? I do see a lot of Prius cars with rainbow stickers and maybe a Biden Harris. Was that you I drove by Princess? 😂
  12. One thing I noticed is that the final 2 teams in the AFC were likely the 2 best kickers in the conference. The Bills have a low end kicker on an otherwise top team. Instead of drafting guys in round 7 that won't make the team, how about we get a top kicker and punter? Unfortunately they are an essential part of the game for better or worse. I'd be ok with getting rid of kicking completely but that's just me. In the meantime, our special teams need to be addressed
  13. Who cares? Are you a Taylor Swift fan? A Lauren Boebert fan? I doubt anybody here is a fan of either of them. I think everybody equally hates Taylor Swift unless you are a 14 year old girl
  14. Wow this was even better than I expected and I already had high hopes. Amazing stuff. All of you dummies arguing about which side is better have a listen because the answer is neither side.
  15. And after every play the game will show Taylor's reaction lol
  16. Oh thank goodness. Yes I think all Libs should offer their homes to the illegals. That is unless they want to be RACIST!!!
  17. Resources in the cities are going towards the illegals and that's going to rightfully make the LEGAL residents upset. And then the media will frame this dissatisfaction as "racism" when it has nothing to do with that.
  18. I have to call BS. Everyone knows far right wing extremists use Rumble and Truth Social. The feds gave themselves away with this psyop
  19. I was hoping to watch this yesterday, hopefully get some time today. Russell's political view is that all governments are bad and that people should govern themselves. In the past that would have made him a left wing hippie but somehow that now makes him far right apparently lol
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