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Everything posted by K D

  1. Legend. His music will live on
  2. I had always wanted a son but the thought of being in the youth sports scene makes me want a girly girl now.
  3. Lamar is so good that he was a free agent and received ZERO offers. He's a good runner though...for now
  4. Doesn't seem strange at all. Anything they don't like online or social media or books they try and ban or block. It's in the twitter files and now it's in the Amazon files apparently. We know Google and Facebook do it as well. No big surprise here. The only surprise is when they get caught and people are so committed to their side that they make excuses for it. I understand your point about blocking in that you don't want to see it but meanwhile anyone who wants to can. I just meant as a personal choice I want to see all information and then decide for myself. If you are only hearing 1 side then you are in an information vacuum so how do you know what's real?
  5. Comedian Shane Gillis was fired as a cast member from SNL for making an Asian joke years before being hired. As a result, he gained a lot of support and notoriety and is now HOSTING the show he was fired from. Another L for "Cancel Culture." If you tell people you can't do something guess what they want to do? I expect a lot of Lib tears on Feb 24.
  6. Do you see the irony that you blocked certain accounts but are against blocking books? Why block anyone? I want to see everything - the good the bad and the indifferent. I'm 100% against banning books or blocking of any information, but I also believe certain books should be age appropriate just like a rated R movie isn't for elementary school kids. Absolutely nothing wrong with removing porn from school libraries. If you want your kids to read that trash then buy it for them yourself. Meanwhile, on the other side, it's literally trying to ban the sale of certain books. I hope to see EVERYONE condemn this from both sides.
  7. There's a certain segment of the population doing almost all of the crime here too. We aren't allowed to say who or do anything about it though.
  8. There's no way you seriously believe any of that. I'm guessing a lot of this back and forth is just goofing around at this point. I'd like to be in on the joke if so.
  9. You first Chuck. Anyone that threatens to send our boys to war should be the first to go if they are so sure it's a good move.
  10. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-border-mexico-chinese-migrants-60-minutes/
  11. What is his appeal? He left KC and they still won. He went to Washington and they didn't win. What does he have to hang his hat on? That he coached maybe the best young QB in history? Not a tough job. Clearly they didn't need him and neither did Washington
  12. Same tactics used today were also used in Bolshevik revolution in Russia aka the height of communism. The tactic is "we are the good guys let us help you." The end game is give up all of your freedom and power. We already know the ending. They don't care about you, they just want all of the money and power for themselves. If you are relying on the government to help you then you are a special kind of stupid. Don't drag the rest of us down with you.
  13. Where I live the Republican always wins local and Democrat wins the big stuff. I agree everyone should vote. I just don't feel like I missed out on much by not. I'll continue to follow along and see if and when my input is needed however
  14. Yep I tried to explain it as genuinely as I could above. If I thought the power really was with the people I would vote. I'm pretty jaded by the whole thing if these dummies around here vote Dem no matter what. Feels like my vote doesn't count. At some point it could come down to Dem vs Socialist and then I'll vote for the Dem but hopefully we don't get to that point as a country but you never know.
  15. What has Allen accomplished over Rivers? I think you guys are assuming we will continue to be good with basically half the team in free agency or that Allen will play significantly longer and at a higher level than other "mobile" quarterbacks.
  16. Should have moved on last year when they first had drama. Could have gotten a 1st round pick and then some. Instead they restructured his deal and now it's impossible to trade him
  17. Sorry but you guys aren't allowed to go to anymore games!
  18. 20 + 23 (his first season) is 43. Yeah I'd say that's abnormal and 99% of players won't get there You are assuming Josh wants to play 10 more years. They asked him on a podcast and he says he goes back and forth if he wants to play that long and that the style he plays he knows his career will be shorter. Cam Newton was toast by age 32. Josh might only have 4-5 more years
  19. That and can he do it for 20 years? Brady had the longevity. Mahomes looks like a doughboy. I doubt he watches what he eats or takes care of his body like Brady did
  20. Allen is Phillip Rivers. Maybe he can pop out 7 kids so he can be known for more than being the guy that always loses in the playoffs
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