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Everything posted by K D

  1. Yep the point is give people the freedom to out themselves for their dumb beliefs and then you know where they stand. If you censor them, they still have those beliefs you just won't know about it! I'd much rather know where people stand
  2. They are trying to make it illegal that's the thing. And yes, many including some on here would compare right wingers to Nazis. And even so, they interviewed Hitler many times. Heck, they even had a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden at the height of the war! Because this is America so you should be free to be as dumb as you want to be
  3. Read the book 1984. I think you would like to live in that kind of world. The rest of us do not. Nobody should have the power to pick and choose who gets censored and who does not. If Trump wins and says only right wing people are allowed to be on TV and everyone else gets silenced because they are evil would that be ok with you?
  4. I don't agree. They aren't saying there should be a Russian TV channel. They are saying this guy started a war let's see why and what he has to say about it. If he's a bad guy then we should know about it. Nobody should be censored because then who decides who gets censored? Like with the COVID stuff. They censored a lot of DOCTORS who ended up being completely right. Give us the information and we will decide for ourselves
  5. Hitler was interviewed many times, hosted an Olympic games, and his books are still available for sale. Who decides who can and cannot be interviewed? That person has too much power apparently
  6. Fact: Kaepernick OPTED OUT of his contract with the 49ers to become a free agent. He was never released and was under contract but decided he wanted to be an activist. He then turned down 3 offers to be a backup, notably with Baltimore and Miami. It wasn't until 2022 that he announced he would take a backup role.
  7. Fitz made a career as a BACKUP. Kaepernick said he would not be a backup and then he changed his mind in 2022 Knowing full well nobody is going to sign him by then. This guy is a joke. Some of the arguments in here are dumb but this one at least we are all football fans and know what really happened here. He wasn't good anymore and was holding out for a starting job which never came because he wasn't good Should Cam Newton sue the NFL? Maybe nobody signed him because he has dreadlocks. Who knows, that argument might fly with the lefties Tebow should sue for religious persecution. Everyone who sucks should just sue the league apparently.
  8. When was Colin Kaepernick cancelled? He wasn't good at football anymore. He wasn't any more "cancelled" than Tim Tebow was
  9. She lied and said she was in love with him ... Can't find a Fetterman 🎵
  10. I remember this guy being an absolute beast coming out of high school. To be good enough to play basketball at North Carolina when that was basically the best program in the country plus play football there as the starting QB is nuts. I just hope he is not buddy buddy with Josh and can hold him accountable
  11. Watch the highlight reel of Lamar's best plays. It's him running and the only one of him throwing (what quarterbacks do) is him throwing it up for grabs and luckily his guy catches it in a sea of defenders. Terrible throw. Lamar is not a good quarterback, he is actually below average. But hey, look at him run around. That's fun!
  12. Anyone who is for suppressing information and against freedom of press is a traitor to this country and what it stands for. It starts at the top.
  13. A small price to pay for the best player and MVP of the entire NFL. The Dolphins gave up that for Tyreek Hill
  14. Ah yes Hitler...the socialist, cancel culture, propaganda, throw your opponent in jail, start wars all over the world guy
  15. But he's the MVP right? How can he not be worth it? Teams should be dying to get a QB like that. Unless...he's not that good
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chicagoland-criminals-expanding-enterprises-training-migrants-suburban-crime-sprees-expert
  17. Even if they can't prove it, make them go through the process and be publicly shamed
  18. So you admit that it's people, not guns, that kill people. They also need to hold the bullies accountable. Anyone who contributed to this situation.
  19. Non-exclusive tag which means he was free to negotiate with other teams. There were zero teams interested
  20. If you have a kid who plays soccer...teach him to kick a football. If you have a big kid, teach him to long snap. Every college and NFL team needs these guys. Their chances of going far in other sports is much much much less
  21. Black people vote Dem every time and nothing ever changes. Blame the marketing. The media said Republicans, the party of Lincoln, were the racists and the Dems, the party of the Confederacy, were there to save them. How's that working out for them? I mean Planned Parenthood was literally started to kill black babies and the welfare state keeps them relying on the system. It's wild
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