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Everything posted by K D

  1. I disagreed with my parents politically when I was young. I was against war and believed that we should have freedom of speech and expression. Even our Dem president was against gay marriage which I thought was silly, let adults marry whoever they want. I thought I must me far left at the time. That was about 15 years ago. Now it makes me far right apparently.
  2. Kamala's plan: "We need to free the hostages and bring peace to the region." CNN: "Wow great plan, I have no further questions."
  3. You are the problem. I had my first discussion at length with a Communist back in around 2015. He is a family member on my in-laws side and the political environment was not as heated back then so he felt very comfortable discussing this at length with me over many hours. He is also a minor celebrity and some people may know him and be like oh hey I know that guy from somewhere. I was not political at all at that point in my life. What he told me shook me to the core and even to this day makes me upset. The plan to make a more EQUITABLE society was for the downfall of the white American Christian male. According to the communist community, of which he is a highly regarded member I am told, white men run everything and you can't have a fair playing field for women and people of color unless you take them down first. Mind you he himself is a white American male (sort of, I don't have a lot of respect for artsy beta males) and he's telling this to another white Christian American male and he's visibly excited like yes this is going to be a great thing. At the time I took this as this is a fringe movement and people won't go along with this nonsense. Then in 2018 everything turned "woke" and I was like holy crap. This is exactly their plan and it has been in process for many years but I couldn't believe how quickly things were accelerating. They want white men to be ashamed of their masculinity and their whiteness. They are teaching them this from a young age in schools and in the media. Good luck getting into the best colleges or going for a competitive job as a white male. You have a better chance of winning the lottery so start buying Powerball tickets. So you have been told your whole life that you are toxic and that everything you stand for and your entire existence is wrong and now you can't get a job and you have no purpose. Yea no kidding people are offing themselves or turning to drugs or alcohol. There are also more and more sissy men being created. Look up those stats and add them to your post. Testosterone levels are at their lowest in history. And that's exactly what they want. Women can't compete with strong men so they want a bunch of liberal c*cks with man buns and skinny jeans. I'm a man. I like working out and having big muscles, fast cars, sports, and action movies. I like building things and getting dirty. I would never be dominated by a woman and luckily in my industry it's still the best of the best and the strong that survive. If that's toxic then oh well, deal with it. Young boys need fathers and mentors in their lives to teach them how to be strong men and that masculinity is not only ok but it's a super power. Men have run the world for thousands of years for a reason. You aren't going to change this in 1 generation with DEI. It will eventually reach a tipping point and men will fight back. You see it with the popularity of people like Andrew Tate. There is a huge demographic of males that are being cast off so they are grasping for something or someone to follow. Equity and inclusion means someone else is being purposely excluded. Don't fall for these gimmicks or vote for people who support this nonsense. Otherwise you are the problem.
  4. "In an interesting turn of events, Ricky P has been arrested for assuming the gender of the shooter. Our thoughts and prayers are with the shooter." -SF dirtbags probably
  5. "We don't need no stinkin debate or any policies. Trump is a felon and we have joy!" The vast majority of people are stupid. Think about how many dumb people you encounter on a daily basis. I weep for the future of this country
  6. Sure except that I make way more than any salaried doctor or lawyer and when you own a business you limit your income/tax by reinvesting into the business and then borrowing against it if you need cash. The fact is you could never do what I do physically (and nor would you want to it seems) and it's doubtful mentally. Medical professionals are notoriously bad with money and investing. The part of your brain that is nurturing makes you bad at other things. I wouldn't disparage anyone for their career choices. I used to be the one getting ragged on for having a degree but I wouldn't have had the funds to start my business without working a 9-5 white collar job first so it is what it is. As long as someone is challenging themselves and working hard I think that's what it's all about. People need to feel valuable and fulfilled in life.
  7. Wrong that an arm is a musket? You and the liberal courts can continue to make up your own politically slanted interpretations and they will continue to get shut down on appeal. Shall not be infringed. Can't be any clearer than that.
  8. An arm is a musket? You just went full r*trd. Never go full r*trd
  9. They know because they have it and can't think critically when it comes to Trump. They are brainwashed by mainstream media and newspapers. They don't need to be online
  10. Where does it say anything about muskets? In fact it was the same artillery that the national armies had so there is in fact no limit whatsoever. They are trying to take away our 1st amendment and next up is the 2nd. Good luck. And the Left can't say anything about my body my rights when they force vaccines on people or you lose your job. What world are you living in? Neither side is innocent but I choose the one that isn't actively trying to take away my 1st and 2nd amendment rights. And maybe some day those issues will switch sides as seems to be the case. 12 years ago the Dems were the ones for free speech and yet here we are.
  11. If these people didn't write the Constitution then they don't know. They are interpreting it with their own political bias. This happens all the time with gun rights. The Left takes away rights, they challenge in court, the rights are restored, there is an appeal, they go away, they come back. Happens every 4 years. Weird how that works
  12. I don't want to regulate the bodies of anyone. Do whatever the heck you want as long as it doesn't bother me. Literally, everyone F off. Let me do my thing and you do your thing and I won't care as long as it doesn't impact my life negatively.
  13. I've done all of that and being on call and traveling and working long hours and mental stress etc and then I did physical labor. There's no comparison. It's not the type of back pain that you get surgery for. Your muscles give out after a certain period of time. It starts in my hands and then my lower back due to tight hamstrings. Nothing you can do about it, the human body can only do so much. I used to be a powerlifter so I thought I'd be good but someone told me I have show muscles not go muscles and they don't help much. I don't do that every day, sometimes I'm doing paperwork or marketing or sales but then the physical stuff is a different ballgame. You can think you work hard but go work construction or landscaping or roofing for 1 day where maybe it's just you and 1 other guy so you can't hide and slack off like a normal laborer. You will cry for your mommy and beg to go back to an office. Yes there are many ongoing court cases and decisions, most of which are political in nature, but all you have to do is read a history book. The colonies were in a war with a tyrannical government that suppressed their rights. The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to protect the 1st. Simple as that. Shall not be infringed.
  14. His posts are trash so it was mostly in regards to the first line. But we can talk jobs. Physical labor where your muscles give out, you injure yourself but have to keep going to get the job done before it gets dark, you come home dirty and sweaty and collapse on the couch and your back is locked up but your kids want to play but you can't hold them because your hands are sore and bleeding. And then you have to wake up and do it all over again. Now that's grueling. My white collar job early in my career was so easy that it was like a day off. I worked "hard" in that I was a go-getter and worked longer hours to get ahead which led to promotion after promotion. But I didn't know what hard work was until I opened my own business and it was either sink or swim. It's 24/7, there are no breaks or time off and if you fail you go out of business and everything you worked for is ruined. It's mentally and physically draining and I haven't had to do it for many years but I don't expect anyone to do something that I won't do myself so I stay in the trenches. And now if I sell Kamala wants 44% of my capital gains. Get lost creep. I did this for my family not for some illegal aliens to get free debit cards and hotels. She call literally F all the way off. People who work hard like me are not going to take this absurdity. We want to do what we have to do and to be left alone.
  15. Mandatory gun buybacks is against the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. So you are a traitor.
  16. You are really going to make me post them all. Ok here we go...
  17. It's videos of her saying all of those things smart guy lol. Were those "cheap fakes?" You have to click it broooo
  18. Here you go, video evidence of everything in this thread
  19. Don't make me root for Brittany Mahomes! I'm guessing she won't be in the Taylor Swift suite this football season
  20. Then you are misinformed. Kamala is on record that she is going to confiscate guns, they are already shutting down free speech, they are attacking the church and anything white/Christian as racist colonizers. If you are against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights then you are evil and need to be stopped. We have fought wars over much less.
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