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Everything posted by K D

  1. Jets and Dolphins both have rosters that far surpass that of the Bills imo. The question remains, can they put it all together and consistently win games. We'll see!
  2. Rebuilding year. Hot take - Bills won't make the playoffs and possibly finish 3rd in the division. Don't @ me bro
  3. In OP and EA it's all Trump signs. Don't think I've even seen a Harris sign. When is the Harris boat parade? I was on a Chaparral that cost more than my first house. As for WV, Dems are closing the mines and fracking operations so where are they supposed to work? I'm sure they are open to options. Nothing gets manufactured here anymore. I'm done with globalism. Time to focus on America.
  4. Not sure what MAGAs you know. They have boat parades and car shows. Stuff that costs more than most people's houses I saw a funny video recently where this black lady said that she didn't know you got to choose sides, she thought if you were poor you were a Democrat and Republicans were only rich white people. Then she found out she can choose to be a Republican and she's like why wouldn't everyone choose this side? Everyone wants to be rich. Nobody wants to be poor and on welfare in a rundown Dem city.
  5. If my business failed I would do something else. I would never sit around and do nothing like what Dems on welfare do. You can give them free school free everything and they will never change. They have no interest in doing anything except playing video games and doing drugs. I've seen it first hand. It's a cultural problem that is only further enhanced with government incentives to not work. Socialism never works.
  6. Fetterman skipping the DNC. If he leaves and becomes an Independent, how long before the kind folks on the Left start attacking him for his cognitive disabilities?
  7. Also, I'm already planning on never getting that social security money. They are either going to go bankrupt by then or they will say if you have X amount saved for retirement then you don't get anything or you get less and less amounts depending on need. They are already going to raise the age, that's a given. It's not if it's when. I fully expect it to be age 70 in the very near future. "It's my money and I want it now!"
  8. I own a business and can "retire" at any time. I don't need any help from anyone, especially the government. I worked for someone until my 30's and instead of that money going into social security and 401k I could have used that to start my business. Socialism is assuming we are all lumped in together as the "working class." It shouldn't be a one size fits all solution and the absolute last people on earth I would trust with my money is the government. They have already proven to be completely incompetent and untrustworthy.
  9. Social security is a scam. If you invested that money instead you wouldn't need the government's help. What kind of investment do you put money into every paycheck and only get back what you put in? They are getting rich off of us. Are you a child? Do you need the government to take care of you?
  10. Making houses they already can't afford more unaffordable by driving up the price. Genius move
  11. Maybe he wants to join Anquan Boldin in saving the world
  12. They got the guy with 23 murders but meanwhile they are releasing criminals in CA with 2 or less murders. They have determined that's an acceptable amount of murders.
  13. Alright, which one of you was bangin a monkey again?
  14. Quietly and slowly
  15. PROPAGANDA. Welcome to 1930's Nazi Germany or early 1900's Soviet Union. How stupid would you have to be to believe these lies? There's at least 5-6 of you in here that are.
  16. Career earnings: $7,418,808 For 700 yards passing, 4 TD's, 13 int's. That's over $10,000 per yard.
  17. It's for neither of us. It's for the ruling class. Their policies hurt the middle and working class no matter which side wins. Even when Kamala helps the people that don't work by raising all of our taxes they are still going to be poor and they want us to join them. Ruling class and working class. Nothing in between
  18. Your government? Lol what have they ever done for you except take your money to spend it on things you don't want while also making themselves rich? The only reason they get away with this is because of idiots that don't know history and if they do close a blind eye to what's happening right in front of their face
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