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Everything posted by K D

  1. It's a sad day for MILFs in and around the greater NY/NJ metropolitan area
  2. Right...because all of the people involved with the NDA signed an NDA lol. The only proof you need is that she continues to wear high end couture and go on amazing vacations (if you check her Instagram). I've heard she received anywhere from $2-7 mil but who knows! I know she is living it up in NYC and that's not a cheap place to live.
  3. I know people who work with and for the team. She got a payout to sign an NDA and it's pretty standard practice in the NFL. The amount would be speculation but it's in the millions of $. That's how she funds her lifestyle
  4. We are literally living in the end of days. They are going to write a new entry in the Bible about this stuff and future generations living in mud huts will laugh about it. I really can't understand how Libs can see the destruction they are causing and be ok with this stuff
  5. He should pass Belicheat in wins in 4 years and Shula in 6 years. Could go down as the best coach in NFL history if he can lay off those twinkies 😮
  6. If Andy Reid coaches 4 more years he could potentially catch up to Belicheat in career wins assuming 11 wins per year. Also assuming he wins 2-3 more Superbowls, would that make him the greatest coach ever? Andy never had to cheat to win so he gets my vote
  7. When Josh didn't shake his hand that was the last straw. These young punks have no respect
  8. Hard to fly under the radar with the Mad Hatter top hat from Alice in Wonderland.
  9. Why give any teams bulletin board material? He did this with KC too and said Mahomes had to come to our house so good luck. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut?
  10. In an interesting turn of events, Deshaun Watson has now signed up to play football for Colton High School. He said they have a top notch training staff
  11. Yea unfortunately you aren't going to get a fair shake in football if you look like that. Lots of testosterone flowing in those locker rooms. It's unfortunate but if you want to be a football coach you need to be ugly. Nobody deserves that treatment, just sayin' I can imagine she will have similar issues anywhere. She should sue for more and go into another profession. Again, not fair or warranted but she's going to have a tough time.
  12. Josh Allen isn't even the 4th best QB currently playing let alone 4th best all time. Yikes
  13. The Chiefs are our daddy. I'm so depressed
  14. First rule of order: all teams that are winning with 13 seconds left the game is automatically over. It's like a gimme in golf. Nobody is going to screw that up
  15. I used to think that as a kid. I'm the main character and you are all NPC's. You don't exist unless I see you or communicate with you. If you believe that at any point in human existence that we will have the technology to simulate a reality that is indistinguishable from the real world then the chances that this is the first time that is happening is almost 0%. It's billions of times more likely that this is already the simulation.
  16. If Russia is trying to get Trump elected then they are doing a bad job. They need to start forging some mail in ballots
  17. I don't know what a bobo is but I'm real. I'm not an AI bot as far as I know if that is what you mean
  18. It's the same thing every time. Xfl, usfl, ufl. What's the difference? Nobody cares. This is what I proposed probably 10 years ago and nobody listened - 1. Put the teams in cities where people will care. Nobody in the big city is going to one of these games. Put a team in like Oklahoma City or Orlando (home games at Disney) or Rochester. Somewhere where they want football but can't get it otherwise 2. Make us care about the players. Have a TV show that follows their back story. There's probably a lot of great stories about how some of these guys were highly recruited but didn't make it for whatever reason. This is WAY more important than the actual football. Make us care! 3. QB play is essential. It's not a good game without great QB's. Pay big QB contracts to get guys if you need to. Maybe a practice squad NFL guy will want to play just to make some money.
  19. He's a fill in the gap player, not a franchise QB. Someone might give him a short term contract knowing they will draft a guy but I can't imagine anyone giving him big money long term
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