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Everything posted by K D

  1. I have more than I know what to do with. It might sound strange, but I've never shot anyone before. Weird! I'm 3D printing a new holster as we speak!
  2. I will resign from using re-sign incorrectly
  3. Enough of this nonsense. Who's with me?
  4. Jaleel White's career got off to a fast start as well but soon fizzled. Family curse?
  5. Probably should have skipped dessert. Been there done that
  6. Is that a typo? Hopefully that's with all kinds of crazy incentives
  7. Let's review his hit list of government officials before we decide if this is good or bad 😉
  8. Elon has F U money meaning he's not under anyone's power. He doesn't have to bow down to the deep state and that makes him dangerous in their eyes. Whoever is really running this country needs to be defeated. It goes deeper than Democrats vs Republicans. They own politicians on both sides
  9. Because Musk voted for Biden then said he made a huge mistake and now everyone hates him. He was Time's person of the year like 3 years ago and will likely accomplish more than any human in history when he's finished
  10. Watch his tape. He can have all of the measurements and still be very underwhelming
  11. They said he acted like he was running for political office and not trying to be the leader of a team. I don't think he's a jerk I just don't think he fit in with the locker room culture
  12. Keith Olberman used to be fun on ESPN. I think he has since dissolved his brain
  13. This is a win for DEMOCRACY. Even if you hate Trump, we shouldn't want anyone, let alone the leading polling candidate, to be removed from a ballot. If he's such a bad guy then nobody will vote for him.
  14. Good. For a min there it seemed like they had some kind of handshake agreement that he wouldn't sue them if he got a spot on the team or something. Glad that's not the case
  15. Bills need to get this Worthy guy. I don't care if he's only a decoy. Run as fast as you can down the field and Josh launch it 75 yards to him the first play of every game just to keep the defense honest! Plus he returns punts. Seems like the ideal #2 guy and he was expected to be there end of round 1 but now who knows
  16. Belichick is a genius is how this will be interpreted
  17. The same reason non profits like Black Lives Matter have multiple mansions. They can't "profit" so they buy property. They all do it. You can't pick and choose who you go after with this stuff. Let's get rid of it all!
  18. 800 rounds per second! Lol. Just when you think they can't get any dumber. Even if they figured out how to do that (impossible) nobody could afford that. 5.56 or .223 is like .50 cents per round times 800 is like $400 per second. You will have to take out a loan to shoot for 10 seconds. Then how are you going to pick up all of that brass? What a mess!
  19. Nancy and Biden next. If you move from Washington directly to hospice then you stuck around too long
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