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Everything posted by K D

  1. Awesome speech! I hope he joins Trump on stage
  2. He's on
  3. Yes Trump is a part of this. That's why they keep trying to throw him in jail or kill him. Makes sense
  4. Showtime!
  5. The point is anyone can have an event at a Trump owned property including you are your communist friends. "Obese Dudes for Kamala"
  6. I see they have factored in the US and Russia nuclear war. India has a chance to be the #1 economy by then and they have zero migrants going across their border
  7. He's "hosting" but he won't be there? So if I rent out a room in Trump Tower and I take a dump in a box and mail it to you will the headlines say Trump hosts man taking dump in a box? Also, which cops were killed on Jan 6?
  8. Her plus Tulsi on a ticket would raise a few polls
  9. That's a Kamala supporter if I ever saw one. Blame everyone else for your problems and no accountability or self respect. Hope this election brings her a lot of "Joy"
  10. I work out all the time and I don't think I have as broad of shoulders as Michael Obama. What a beast
  11. Fair enough. I think we are pretty close on our views. You just have to go a step further and understand the evil side is the one with the power. Trump is just a guy and will be gone in 4 years. In the meantime, hopefully he can shake things up and piss a lot of the establishment off
  12. "But Trump..." is always the response from the Left. They turn a blind eye to the atrocities of their own party because "Trump." Absolutely shameful
  13. She's gross, nobody likes her
  14. The party that comes off as brain dead and can't do interviews really might be brain dead. No surprise there. Kamala would be by far the dumbest president we have had and we just had a senile Biden
  15. Trump took over the Republican party because they were vulnerable and you need to be part of a major party to win. If he thought he could take over the DNC I think he would have done so. This was his easiest barrier for entry imo. His views more align with mine which are closer to libertarian. Less government "swamp" and more individual freedoms. I am against the ultra religious stuff and white national stuff but that's the old Republican party which no longer exists. Trump's party is not the Republican party. If this was 16 years ago I would have been the most vocal lefty on this forum. Times have changed. The Left has become the establishment, big government, pro war, big pharma, big tech, etc.
  16. It's actually quite important to me. I'd fight against that as strongly as I fight against commies. I'm for strong families. If someone said I couldn't marry my wife I'd move. I just don't think that's a real concern, I've never heard anything about that in many years. Sounds like media fear mongering.
  17. I'm super religious. Haven't heard anything about gay marriage in at least 10 years when Barry Obama said marriage was between a man and a woman https://www.politico.com/blogs/ben-smith/2008/08/obama-says-marriage-is-between-man-and-woman-011026
  18. So what would happen to the people that are already married? This seems super far fetched. The only people that would be against that would be ultra religious groups and that's such a small percentage of the population. What 2 adults do is nobody's business and marriage is such a declining institution in this country that everyone should be for it. Even if you think it's against your religion, it's not your place to force your religion on anyone.
  19. People weren't making fun of him for being special needs. They saw a young man crying which is unusual, I doubt much thought went into his diagnosis and medical records before posting their immediate reaction. If after his mental condition became known and people made fun of him then that's another thing. People are really reaching for reasons to be offended. Nobody cares about gay marriage. How is that even a topic of conversation? What scare tactic will they come out with next? That blacks have to sit at the back of the bus?
  20. Walz -Lied about his military rank -Lied about using weapons in war -Lied about using IVF -Strong ties to communist China -Let his own city burn during BLM riots But people should vote for him because he likes "Joy" and he didn't go to a good college. Makes sense. He seems super qualified.
  21. Oprah single handily proved that racism won't stop you in any way. People are racist towards Asians and they make more money than any other race in the US
  22. Yikes you are lost man. I'm not maga I'm just a guy that doesn't have his head so far up his @$$ that he can't see what's going on in the world
  23. That's all they currently have left at their disposal. Bad mouth him in their media and big tech propaganda machine. He's not a big enough problem to try and kill him like his dad and uncle... yet
  24. They literally tortured people in Guantamo bay. It's all on record. There are pictures. They also invaded a country and overthrew their leader for absolutely no reason and caused thousands and thousands of deaths. Bush and Cheney should be in jail. But they are going after Trump for a misdemeanor that they were able to turn into a felony just this one time. And RFK is currently in 9 lawsuits not just that 1 in NY which was also frivolous. This is not a party of Democracy. They are currently the party against Democracy. They have all of the media, celebrities, big tech, corporations and they are weaponizing all of it including the legal system against their opponents . If they win it's game over. They are too powerful. We need to stop them or at least slow them down. Vote accordingly.
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