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Everything posted by K D

  1. Then you are misinformed. Kamala is on record that she is going to confiscate guns, they are already shutting down free speech, they are attacking the church and anything white/Christian as racist colonizers. If you are against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights then you are evil and need to be stopped. We have fought wars over much less.
  2. He will be gone in 4 years and probably dead in 10. He's almost 80. We need to fix this country in the meantime so we can get on the right path. Deport all of these illegal criminals and get the economy back on track and stop funding wars and then maybe we have the funds to invest in actual Americans. If families are doing well maybe they are stronger and people aren't having kids out of wedlock or running around being promiscuous. I don't think we are in a position as a country right now to be so picky. For whatever reason we are stuck with Trump because the other side is far more evil
  3. So then who are they going to vote for? The side that wants to kill their kids or take them away and turn them into drag queens? Not voting for Trump is a vote for Kamala. All of my libertarian friends that think they are so hip for voting 3rd party are just allowing the Dems to win
  4. Only $30 mil per. Gave them a discount it seems. I bet the Patriots would have paid him the $33-35 he was looking for
  5. If Trump didn't film it they would say he didn't go and he doesn't care about the military. Luckily everything is filmed and online so we can decide for ourselves who the scumbags are. Hint, it's the ones that got these soldiers killed and then didn't show up
  6. I pledge allegiance to the Land of the United States Constitution.
  7. This pretty much sums up her political views. She is against the Constitution of the United States. She will take our rights away and laugh while she throws innocent Americans in jail
  8. Eventually but it will take time. Spring 2025 should be wild. There's still a housing shortage. Will people with 3% rates be willing to give them up and move for ~6% rates. Some will but many still won't I think
  9. Houses about to get another artificial bump up. Lower interest rates + Kamala free 25k.
  10. I'm a clear Trumper who has never voted for the guy? Sure keep telling yourself that. Hopefully more and more independents are opening their eyes to this nonsense
  11. This is satire right? This is similar to the WEF articles on why bugs are a good source of food and we need to stop eating meat.
  12. The ones having kids out of wedlock. No God leads to premarital sex, leads to single parent households, leads to poverty, leads to the children repeating the same mistakes, and around and around er go. This has already been proven with data time and time again.
  13. Sounds like you have never spent time in the hood or around low quality people. They can come up with whatever excuse they want but the real answer is that they are trash humans. Why do they do drugs, why do they have promiscuous sex, why do the eat too much, why don't they work hard, why this why that. It's not hard to understand. They have no reason to do the right things in life and so they do whatever feels good in that moment. They are losers and every society has them. There were much less of them when people had religion and were scared to shame God or their family. It gave them a purpose which is what these people lack today.
  14. Ok now we are getting somewhere and coming up with solutions!
  15. They get abortions because they have all but abolished religion. Just do whatever feels good man, free love. When my parents were growing up it would have been so shameful for them to get an abortion that they would be outcasts for even discussing it. Some good old fashioned shame goes a long way. But in a society where Lizzo posts bikini pics and half of the country is like wow she is so brave and beautiful then there's no chance in fixing this. My body my choice...as long as it's not in regards to vaccines because then f me!
  16. You wouldn't agree with it if it was the other way around and the pro choice movement had to win the hearts and minds of voters. You only agree with it because you like the outcome Giving the states the power to choose is how it should be and if they choose abortion then that's the will of the people. The Dems would not be so forgiving or "inclusive" if the tables were turned. They are fascists
  17. How about the border wall? How about fracking? How about packing the courts? How about 2nd amendment and confiscation of "assault weapons" and what is her definition of an assault weapon?
  18. You can hear Trump talk all day every day about his policies. He's got nothing to hide. Unlike Kamala who can't put an original thought together.
  19. Democracy would be her in a primary trying to argue her points vs others in her party that have different points. She would lose and has. Democracy is not here is the person that will be president, there will be no further questions. That's how they do it in Russia. They keep voting for Putin (supposedly).
  20. She's running for PUBLIC office. She's a public person and needs to be out in the public representing the people. What are her policies? She can't state them or argue for them because she knows they will get torn to shreds by anyone with a brain. Look at her vs Tulsi in 2020. Kamala is a joke
  21. That's not democracy. You need to be able to state your policies and defend them. You approving of this just shows you are a traitor to this country and what it stands for
  22. There wasn't a primary what are you talking about? Because she wouldn't have won
  23. You like primaries? Watch the debates leading up to the 2020 Dem presidential primaries and tell me you would have voted for Kamala. But now she's the best to run the entire country? Lol ok suuure. You are lying to yourself. She's brain dead
  24. Absolutely. I would have voted for Tulsi in 2020. She absolutely wrecked Kamala because she's real and Kamala is a bum. Dem vs Republican doesn't matter if they are part of the Uniparty regime. Bush, Cheney, Romney. All trash. That's the beauty of being independent. You aren't brain dead and stuck with 1 person to vote for. RFK would have had a good chance to win the Dem nomination if this was actually a Democracy and not an autocracy or at the very least an oligarchy.
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