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Everything posted by K D

  1. Buffalo is the nicest place! F*** you Rochester!!
  2. Well he's divorced now. He ran his marriage similar to how he runs the country...right into the ground
  3. If this really happened even I wouldn't have anything to complain about!
  4. I don't know I'm not Republican. I think free school lunch is one of the most important programs there are. I think kids should get free school supplies too. And I support after school programs. Everything they need to be successful (if they want to be).
  5. If Ukraine needs money then that can be it's own bill. I have no interest in paying for other country's wars when our own people need help
  6. Why wouldn't he just play for Philly?
  7. You mean the bill that allowed illegal immigration forever and more money for Ukraine? Not sure how that would have helped. We want real reform.
  8. Most of our families ARE immigrants. For you to imply that we don't want more good immigrants coming here is ignorant and not synonymous with ILLEGAL immigration full of criminals, castoffs, terrorists. Speed up the LEGAL immigration process and kick every single illegal out of this country and make them do it the legal way so they can be vetted.
  9. According to Spotrac, Bell made in excess of $45 million as an NFL RB. I guess with inflation and the cost of gas and groceries that doesn't get you too far these days!
  10. "Accounting errors." And Tom Brady had a defective ball pump and his phone accidentally got smashed into a million pieces. What a coincidence
  11. This thread is making me hungry 🤤
  12. This is true. My wife's corporate DEI program is for black and latino and excludes white and asians specifically. Not sure how that is legal
  13. Canada is almost fully communist at this point. How sad
  14. Here we go again. There were a number of people who predicted Kincaid with 800-1000+ yards last year. A very good year for a rookie TE is pretty much what he gave us which was around half that. A very good season for a rookie WR would be like 600-700 yards. If he's our 2nd best receiver then that means we are in trouble. It better be Samuel and Kincaid with more than any rookie
  15. When you draft a bunch of guys with veterans ahead of them what you get is a Wyatt Teller situation where you don't give the kid a fair shot and then another team gets them for free. Happened last year with Austin our 6th or 7th rounder, not that he's a pro bowler or anything but he started for the Pats at a position we now need help at. Oops! Trade up and get guys that actually have a shot at making the team!
  16. Is he going to take his wife's name? Tyler Tuten would be pretty sweet
  17. Yep but I mean to say it seems like they signed Wilson to be the starter and if they make it a real competition then I don't think he will be. Fields is what Wilson used to be 5 years ago
  18. The one that they just signed to be the starting QB and sadly will likely get beat out by Fields. If I was Russ I'd be pissed.
  19. He's better than Wilson. I don't get it
  20. The plan has been in place for years. The goal is so much chaos that you beg the government to take all of our freedoms in order to save us. And then at that point we will be helpless as they move to control every aspect of our lives. It's a coordinated effort, you see the same exact things in every western society. It's communism without force which was the original goal of Fabian society. The great reset as it's now called. And nobody seems to care at this point which is the whole point of a slow methodical process rather than accomplishing it with a war or other violent uprising.
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