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Everything posted by K D

  1. Is this real? Or an April fools he quit halfway through life joke?
  2. Chiefs fans: "How do we know it was him?" Video comes out of crash "That could have been someone else driving" Photos of him leaving the scene "That's not him, it could be anybody" His football cleats found in the car "Nobody died, it's not a big deal, maybe he will get suspended 1-2 games"
  3. Putting America first is somehow racist apparently
  4. From the Cris Carter playbook. He told the rookies to get a fall guy and I'm guessing leaving the scene of the accident was also one of the top suggestions. Rice will be sober and lawyered up by the time they find him. He will likely say his car was stolen or that a lot of people have access to his vehicles so it could have been anybody. He will get a slap on the wrist when he should be in jail. What a world we live in 😞
  5. This was all planned many years ago. It's a slow and steady destruction of America as the global superpower and the globalization of a one world government. The only way that can happen is if Americans give up their freedoms, which we seem to be doing without much of a fight.
  6. In Buffalo you can be completely drunk and run people over if you are rich or famous https://www.wbfo.org/crime/2012-05-31/not-guilty-verdict-on-all-of-the-major-charges-against-corasanti
  7. The Chiefs were searching for Rice the entire first half of the season. If he was at fault hopefully he ends up in jail. It's pretty wild that you can leave the scene of an accident and then they can't pin it on you. Hopefully there's some good security footage.
  8. A lot of people picked the Bills to win it all the past couple of seasons and now they look stupid. Similar with Dallas and Dak. People have jumped ship and now they have become critics. They are on to the next click bait team (Texans are quite popular these days)
  9. Who cares? They never gave us a reason to watch. I couldn't name 1 player. Missed opportunity
  10. Have any of these guys ever made a team and earned an NFL salary or just practice squad?
  11. I'm guessing Fetterman is a Bill Maher type of Democrat (or like some of the posters here). They hate all of the woke stuff and say how off the rails their party has become but then keep voting Democrat no matter what. They would rather have nonstop crime, no border, crazy inflation than have someone who says mean things. We don't want anyone's feelings to be hurt boo hoo😢
  12. I'm in my 30 years so forgive me if I don't know the ins and outs of this terrible system that I have little to no chance of utilizing in 30 years. So what you are saying is that it's not like an IRA at all and in fact it's a socialist system used by the government for socialist programs that don't make money and then they wonder why it's running out.
  13. I don't want it, as mentioned. I'd much rather invest the money myself. Now they are saying it will be out of money. If you are telling me it's like an IRA then how could it run out? It would be gaining interest. Anything state run is a trainwreck, who would want that unless you are a complete idiot and need the government to take care of you
  14. I'm not getting all of the money back that I put into it. Plus all of that money could have been invested. If I wanted it to go towards my retirement I should have that choice. It's not free market capitalism correct? So then what is it?
  15. The government giving people money for doing nothing is socialism. Social security is a form of socialism, it's in the title. I am 100% against all socialism. Handing illegal immigrants debit cards and paying for their hotels is the absolute epitome of socialism. You should get out of life what you put into it.
  16. It's broken. From the creator himself: https://youtu.be/mUc9T0qkO1A?si=Dejyld0BBHcJfvPc
  17. So my tax money didn't pay off people's student loans or give debit cards and hotels to illegal immigrants? I wish that were true
  18. I would also like to see more than 2 parties. That's too much "us vs them" and concentrated power. Currently if you vote 3rd party you might as well stay home. I'd like to see 5-6 less powerful parties.
  19. Ok understood. By that I mean to say I want changes to government that were not intended or have become corrupt. Common sense changes such as term limits, lobbying, insider trading, eradication of the "deep state" or the "swamp" essentially
  20. As far as I know he is talking about exporting ILLEGALS only. I would be very much in favor of drastically opening up LEGAL immigration as well. Add whatever resources they can to speed up the process and do this the right way.
  21. ILLEGAL immigrants are good for the economy? That's a new one. LEGAL immigrants are awesome for this country and we need more of those after we do full background checks and ensure they have skills that will lead to a successful life in America. We don't need criminals and drug runners coming across bringing more crime with them.
  22. We also need to shut down CIA. That was a war time creation and it was never meant to exist during peace times. I'm against shadow government and non-elected officials having any power whatsoever.
  23. Nope but he's the only one going against the socialists that has a chance to win and policy wise I'm very much aligned with his views. He will stop the illegal immigration and deport the criminals who snuck in, he will end all wars, he will put America first and fix the economy and crazy spending. And then in 4 years get someone who is not a nut job on either side
  24. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/27/us/rockford-illinois-stabbing-home-invasion Yet another stabbing spree! When are the politicians going to do something about this? Ban all knives and kitchenware immediately!!!
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