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Everything posted by K D

  1. Name a rookie WR that was that good. It takes young WR's 2-3 seasons to be good let alone a WR1 for a Superbowl team
  2. Bills saying we aren't a good enough team this year, see you next year
  3. And then Harrison tears his ACL and the entire franchise is ruined for the next 10 years
  4. They were the #3 seed and didn't turn it on until the playoffs
  5. Houston is building their team right. Going all in on OFFENSE. This is an offensive league and whoever scores the most points wins. The Bills are trying to run the ball more and play good defense. Someone needs to tell this isn't 2005
  6. And because of the contract it makes it a bad trade. Both can be true
  7. It's a bad trade no matter how people try to rationalize it. GM's do dumb things sometimes. It happens
  8. I disagree. I think he panicked. He had a diva WR he could no longer control and he took the best offer he could to unload him. Our cap is screwed and you can never rely on a rookie WR in their first year. This is bad
  9. He can, it's just completely idiotic to do so. And yet here we are!
  10. Why do it now and show your hand in the draft? Now everyone knows we are going WR. Why not wait until after we get a guy?
  11. I hope you are right. Why do I feel like we are getting a bad DE and a 4th round WR?
  12. Tyreek Hill was worth 2x 1sts. Diggs is worth a 2025 2nd? Ouch
  13. A 2nd in 2025? Is that right? That's equivalent to a 3rd this year. Ouch we got fleeced!
  14. I've seen that movie. She will need an abortion after the outlaws in the homemade mad max pursuit vehicles come through town and have their way with the women
  15. My rule would be if you want to have an abortion then they get to sterilize you as you have clearly shown you can't be trusted with such rights. You can then apply in the future for a reversal once you are married and have a steady income and can show that you can support a family. Fair compromise?
  16. His comments are likely political in nature. There's a lot of naive comments in this thread. If Florida is so bad then why is everyone moving there and real estate is through the roof?
  17. So it sounds like the barrier to entry is even lower then. And every team needs at least one of those guys. Seems like a no brainer if you have some size and athleticism
  18. Most of the big guys I grew up with wanted to play basketball. Basketball is probably the toughest professional sport to make a living at. Any one of them probably could have played TE or OL/DL in college. If you are an athletic 6'5+ and in the neighborhood of 250-300 you can pretty easily get a football scholarship. There's only so many of those guys to go around. But football practices are tough if you are a big guy and lack conditioning and none of them seemed interested. Longsnapper is where it's at. If you know any abnormally large kids on your local bball teams, teach them to longsnap and they can go to any college they want for free.
  19. My car from college didn't cost $1,750 total let alone that much per day. I remember being at the gas station asking myself how much money I had left vs how much a Subway sub costs so I could do the math to see how much gas I could afford. But I'm told I am privileged because I got to go to college (loans) and could afford a car (barely) so I guess it's all relative.
  20. Looks like we are due for a S. Do we take Dejean if he falls to us or Nubin in round 2?
  21. And meanwhile Bass can't hit from 50 let alone 60
  22. That's a poor argument. Who's to say it would only be used on people doing illegal ****? What if you simply disagree with them? Or politically oppose them? People are usually ok with or indifferent to injustices until they find themselves on the wrong side against those with the power
  23. If he gets cut, how long would it take for the "throw him in jail" crowd to turn into the "let's give the young man another chance" crowd?
  24. If my math is correct, Josh Allen makes 3 times as much per game as Brock Purdy does all season
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