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Everything posted by K D

  1. Absolutely nothing wrong with this. He gets paid very very very well. If he can't take the heat there are other professions where nobody cares how bad you are at your job. If you want a public facing job then be prepared to face the public on occasion
  2. Interesting how all of these illegals ended up in Ohio and Minnesota. How the heck did they get there?
  3. What if he's the Thigh Master??
  4. You are gaslighting. They wouldn't add him to certain ballots and now they won't take him off others. Multiple lawsuits all over the place. This is all political in nature and has nothing to do with free and fair elections
  5. Happy to discuss things with you. I prefer to have open dialogue and I don't get offended. Sometimes posting on here is just shouting into the abyss. People have already made up their minds. I hope you have not made up your mind on Elon for instance because you are just repeating fake news lies about him. I'm somewhat of an expert having followed most of his career and life and have read a couple of books about him. He's a fascinating guy. Completely self made and had a really tough upbringing. He has no interest in making money as you say. He owns no houses, no yachts, he doesn't have an exotic car collection. In fact, after he sold PayPal and had money for the first time in his life, he went and bought a McLaren F1, one of the rarest cars around, just to show off. He said he felt stupid driving it and it left him feeling empty inside. He quickly learned that material things would not bring him happiness. He usually sleeps on a couch or on the floor in an empty office somewhere. He suffers from depression and he said he looked around him and saw that the human species was not progressing and he doesn't want to live in a world where people aren't doing cool things so he decided to do it himself. His main goal in life is to get us to Mars to make our species interplanetary. You need redundancy in case a meteor or other catastrophe wipes us out. He is "pro-human" as he said and got into a heated argument at a party with Google founder and best friend Larry Page who argued that AI was a superior intelligence and it would be natural selection for it to wipe us out. Yes the founder of Google doesn't care if humans are extinct, think about that when you are using his products. Needless to say they are not friends anymore. He was a darling of the left with Tesla. All of the celebs and tech bros traded in their Prius for a model s. He supported Obama and Biden. The big change for him politically was the cracking down on the 1st amendment online. Twitter was his favorite pastime and he didn't like what he saw so even though he knew he would lose a ton of money, he bought it just to try and save free speech. If he was so interested in making money as people say, why would he do that knowing it was not a profitable company? Another catalyst was his son becoming transgender and turning into a girl at a young age. He blamed it on the left propaganda in California and if you look at the stats there's waaaaay more trans or sexually confused youth in California than anywhere else. Coincidence? So in summary, people loved Elon up until he bought Twitter and threatened their takeover of free speech. What came next was a full on media assault that people that don't know any better believe. He has accomplished more (electric cars, privatized space, satellite Internet, free speech social media, solar, AI, robotics, cure for neurological disorders, underground transit, and soon to be interplanetary colonization) than maybe any private citizen in the history of the world. Here's how much they loved him in 2021 before Twitter...
  6. Voting should take place on 1 day in person with ID and paper ballots and make it a national holiday
  7. 2004 Dems: "Dick Cheney is a war criminal and should be in jail" 2024 Dems: "Dick Cheney is a patriot!" This one is absolutely embarrassing. If Dick Cheney is for you then that should be the kiss of death. This guy is one of the most corrupt people in our government's history.
  8. Way to believe the fake news. Elon's dad was a scammer who cheated on his mom constantly and had pretty much no relationship with him and he and his mom and brother lived in a 1 bedroom apt. Elon came to Canada with no money and worked his way through school. And now as the richest person in the world he owns no house or pretty much anything of value. His only goal in life is to improve humanity. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-father-errol-never-owned-emerald-mine-telling-truth-2023-9#:~:text=Elon Musk Really Was Telling,Never Owned an Emerald Mine You should be p*ssed that the media constantly lies to you. But you choose to support them and their propaganda machine.
  9. I was worried people around here were going to be too sensitive. I didn't want to crash and burn like Rashee Rice
  10. Everything *they* said about COVID was misinformation and people were cancelled, berated, and lost their jobs as a result. Now they are saying there are infinite numbers of genders and it's a hate crime for any scientist to say otherwise. "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - Orwell
  11. Does Josh do his own stunts or do they use Trubisky and then put his face on there with CGI?
  12. If this was in Chicago it would just be another day. I'd wager way more than 4 people were killed there today
  13. The kids are sitting ducks. Stop letting people walk into schools with guns. You know where there's never mass shootings but tons of guns? Police stations with locked down entrances and bars on the windows.
  14. When that fails and Trump wins they will need to find something to throw him in jail or impeach him for. Shameful
  15. Gotta love that insider trading as it tanked way before this news came out. I'm sure Nancy Pelosi took her money out already
  16. Sounds like Kamala. The CCP has infiltrated all levels of our government
  17. It's over for Kameltoe but there's 0% chance they will let Trump win. Something big will happen in the next 60 days guaranteed if this continues.
  18. I always stand at the trough but if you want to pop a squat you do you
  19. I wonder what about her gave it away. I highly doubt there are any American ladies in Chinese government.
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