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Everything posted by K D

  1. So what you're saying is we should have drafted Mitchell, Worthy, or Leggette.
  2. We have the receipts. Look at these morons. And they think people are going to trust them in the future. We could have a real (non lab created during an election year) pandemic and nobody is going to trust the government. They used us as political pawns. They really blew it. Anyone who is ok with this needs to get their head examined. Trust the science!
  3. As an optimistic poster mentioned, perhaps it shows how hard working he is to sprint when everyone else was jogging. But on the other hand he didn't follow the directions or couldn't stop himself from running out of bounds. Either way, I'm not sure why people keep passing around this article as if it shows how fast he is when that wasn't the point at all of the drill.
  4. About a decade too late for these guys. They are lucky they lasted that long imo
  5. I always wanted to catch someone like that in the act. I've had my car keyed as well as someone walked up the front and down the back and dented it up along their path. What an entitled piece of crap
  6. Who tried a coup? It was mostly peaceful protests. Being a bit dramatic I see
  7. Turning 28 next month. Let's say Bills miss playoffs or are 1 and done and everyone wants McD fired. They will just say it's a rebuilding year. Next year he's 29 and then let's say they crap the bed again. Then the next season he is over 30. Cam Newton was only good until 30, just saying....
  8. I don't vote. Not worth my time when NY votes Democrat no matter what. How brain dead would you have to be to always vote for 1 party? What incentive do they have to do right by their constituents when they know they will vote for them no matter what?
  9. They are already laying the groundwork for the "it's a rebuilding year" excuse. They will likely get another shot next year and then by then Josh will be in his 30's already and nothing to show for it
  10. When Trump wins and there are riots I will point back to this post as inciting violence and would fully expect Kamala to be thrown in jail
  11. What's his 40 time running to the Macy's clearance rack?
  12. Please show me a post where I said anything about 40 yard dash is key to success. I didn't even say I didn't like the pick. The guy is slow. He can hopefully figure it out and make due. Simple as that. You can post he had the fastest ever time running to the bathroom at the combine, that doesn't change his speed or his game tape.
  13. It's another piece of the puzzle. We don't need to know his 40 time to know that he's slow. Watch the tape how the db is with him step for step on any route longer than 10 yards
  14. Well there you go that might be something. He might be slow but he will put in the effort. Hopefully that's the case The answer is watch his film. Everyone knows MHJ is the best WR in the country and is almost always double if not triple teamed. And he still gets open. Nobody is questioning any of his tools. But it's understood by scouts that his 40 time is likely in the 4.3's if you really need to know.
  15. Not trying to be difficult just responding to the post. These combine links keep getting posted as evidence that he's not slow. I think we need to compare in game speeds and not drills. But all you have to do is watch his film to see that he has defenders on him every play. Maybe the ACC has amazing db's and he will have better luck in the NFL but I highly doubt that All you need to know about MHJ is his jacket size for Canton
  16. I never gave any opinion on the pick at any point other than to provide and respond to data about his speed which people keep trying to make excuses for
  17. This is not that. This is his speed in COMBINE DRILLS
  18. That's how fast he ran at the combine when everyone else was jogging. He ran himself right out of bounds on that gauntlet drill that everyone keeps linking to. He did it wrong. The whole point is that you are supposed to stay in bounds and tip-toe down the sidelines to show your balance and awareness. He ran 5 yards out of bounds before he figured out where he was on the field
  19. Jerry Rice was a great route runner and was open every single play. Coleman was open on no plays, that's why his highlight film is so fun because he has to Moss the defender to catch the ball. But watch his full tape where he doesn't catch a lot of those balls. Pretty underwhelming when you watch all of his film.
  20. McConkey will be a day 1 every down starter and a reception machine. The other guys will need time to get going. Worthy will add return yards and big plays so I picked him for most yards but it could be McConkey again based on his volume. I put Thomas for TD's because that might be his roll to start, as the jump ball TD guy, but Worthy will certainly have a number of big plays that result in TD's
  21. Bills following the KC model of having absolutely nobody in the receiver room
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