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Everything posted by K D

  1. Unbelievable the double standards that exist. How is that not super racist? Also I wouldn't give these kids too much credit. UNC is definitely not ivy league, that's ACC country. Bunch of rednecks that couldn't get into Duke
  2. "Yea it was pretty good" lol 😂 "better than your sister"
  3. I don't think anyone would consider Trump a Christian in good standing. The guy on the other side and his crackhead son isn't much better. That's why you vote for the policies and not the person.
  4. She is a MILF though. I think we can all agree on that right?
  5. Because it was full of other crap that has nothing to do with closing the border. Par for the course
  6. Yep I just don't think about it or I probably would need to be too. Pigs are super intelligent, I feel really bad about liking pork
  7. I think it needs to be cut and dry. They are really reaching with some of these charges. If it's an open and shut case then you might get support. I don't agree with absolute immunity. But I also don't agree with political persecution. It's just a matter of time before they come for "the Big guy"
  8. I would never do it myself because I'm privileged enough to not have to but I have neighbors that cut off their chicken's heads and eat them and they stay alive for a period of time with no head. That's where the term "chicken with it's head cut off" came from. You would think there would be a better way to do it but that's life I guess. I try not to think about that kind of stuff because I eat chicken every day of my life
  9. Anti white racism too. Not sure how it became ok to only be openly racist towards whites and Jews but here we are
  10. I plan on living forever. So far so good 💪
  11. Sorry to hear that. My co-worker's dog fell out of his truck and they amputated both of his rear legs and it has a scooter attachment now to get around. I also know that it was very expensive to get him to this point and not the route a lot of people would have taken.
  12. I'm just telling you that's how they do it out in the country. They don't drive an hour to a nice animal hospital to pay $300. Is it humane to raise a cow from a calf and then cut it's head off and eat it? Because they do that too.
  13. I have a loser cousin that likes to protest. I don't think he cares what the protest is for or against. He just wants to see the world burn because he's an unhappy piece of poo. I'd say the majority of these people don't really care, they just want to belong to something
  14. I love dogs and personally could not imagine doing this, but things are different out in the country and it sounds like she didn't break any laws. People kill their our own chickens, livestock, deer, etc every day. Would it be better if she let the dog run off and starve to death? My neighbor had a hunting dog that lived outside in a pen even in the winter and was pretty much neglected. Now that is cruel. Our dog is like a member of our family so very different. I could see why people are upset and I can also see why people are like that's just how it is sometimes
  15. They are pushing the narrative that they are going after the rich and that's not true. Still tons of loopholes and write offs. They are going after the small businesses and middle class, who used to be the Democrats bread and butter. People who work hard can't get ahead and so they give up and are like why am I working so hard when I can sit at home and get welfare? They went from supporting the working class to supporting the non-working class
  16. https://www.wsj.com/articles/irs-tax-collectors-audit-middle-class-tigta-5071d622 63% of new audits targeted those making under 200k. Democrats used to support the working class. Now they support the non-working class and go after the hard working class
  17. Because people don't trust the news. Not sure that correlates to low information. It correlates to low propaganda which is a good thing
  18. Imagine being on the side of big government. Anyone who is for the establishment is a sheep
  19. JJ was always their target...is what they will say
  20. My daughter will never play sports which is sad but I don't want her getting hurt playing against boys. I thought that was the whole point of title 9? So girls have an opportunity too
  21. From plagiarism to riding Obama's coat tails to reading from a teleprompter. Please tell me what has Joe Biden the person ever done? He's literally a puppet for the uniparty
  22. Taking someone hostage is kidnapping which should require serious jail time. Why is Columbia ok with terrorism?
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