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Everything posted by K D

  1. I'm taking the day off if that happens and watching all of the tv shows. I wasn't for Trump in 2016 (and I also hated Hillary) but the next day the liberals going nuts was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Absolute cringe watching all of their brains explode. It's going to be so good if he wins.
  2. It's in response to Kamala saying she is going to go after the black vote by legalizing weed and giving them reparations, which I thought was satire when I first heard it. Super racist indeed
  3. "Why is Trump Hitler?" He just is He's racist He's evil Because "How so? Can you give me an example?" *Crickets* At minimum I'd say 90% of people are very stupid. I deal with the public often. I'm not talking book smarts aka memorizing answers and repeating them over and over (which is what Kamala does). There are people with street smarts and there are people who live in their own little world and are happy there and unfortunately they are very gullible and easily swayed. Here is how you should feel, now memorize it and repeat it. In sales you learn scripts to easily manipulate these types of people. Once you are good at it it's almost like mind control. That's how propaganda works. The vast majority of people have been ideologically captured by either side and then there's a small fraction in the middle that can still think for themselves (hopefully). Now they want to destroy the "think for yourself" types by banning speech so there's only 1 source of information (theirs) and you can't openly discuss other ideas. They want to tell us how to think and feel.
  4. She was also 6'9" and much bigger than him and could have easily overpowered him. This was no ordinary woman. He's lucky to be alive. When Lefties don't concede these points it absolutely ruins their entire case and they lose all credibility.
  5. 2008 we finally had a black president and it was supposed to be a unifying moment for our country and we could move past slavery and all of the evils of the past. And then the financial crisis and they BAILED OUT WALL STREET because they were "too big to fail." That is not true. Big companies fail and then new companies come in, that's how it works. They were too big to fail for Obama and he didn't want to look bad so in a feeble attempt to save the economy for political reasons they gave away billions of dollars to bankers to keep making bad decisions with no consequences. That's not capitalism. Also instead of unifying the country, Michelle Obama took the opportunity to turn this country woke. Everyone is racist was the message. Oh really, don't we have a black family in the white house? How racist can we be? Because of the Obama's we got Trump. And because of Trump, the Left went completely cuckoo for cocoa puffs and they are so far gone that I don't think it's ever going to come back. Thanks Obama!
  6. FREE SPEECH is still undefeated. Don't call us FAR RIGHT just call us RIGHT SO FAR!
  7. He's already an anonymous person why would he need to deepfake his face?
  8. They are all egomaniac dirtbags. Among being known as an absolute jerk, he said he knows Harvey Weinstein was raping people so instead of do something to stop it he said he peed on his hand before shaking hands with him as if that was some moral high ground. I can't wait until Hollywood falls into the sea. We are only 1 big earthquake away. https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/donald-trump-jr-accuses-ron-perlman-harvey-weinstein-piss-handshake-1201978877/
  9. Lol why would they need to deepfake someone who nobody knows? Do you understand the purpose of deepfake?
  10. She posted the one of her losing her cool herself as if it was a good thing lol. The video speaks for itself. The deranged anti Trump people have something weird going on where they have lost touch with reality and they probably saw this as her doing well. It's TDS
  11. They said Fox has the largest audience of independent voters (and it also has the highest ratings of any TV news channel). But if you think about why someone would do that your first thought is they are losing big and this was a hail Mary attempt. Unfortunately for her Damar Hamlin wasn't back there and this one fell incomplete
  12. This would be assuming she had a soul to begin with 😂
  13. These pedos in Hollyweird are unhinged lunatics. I can't wait to see them all locked up with P Diddy.
  14. Oh no lol they should have kept her in the basement. She's a nutjob and she makes Trump look sane and the safe pick
  15. Neither because Trump doesn't eat that garbage. He eats steak and potatoes because 'merica
  16. Yes I agree that Kamala's policies are racist. When I heard she wanted to appeal to black voters by legalizing weed I thought it was Babylon Bee satire. Couldn't believe that was real!
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