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Everything posted by K D

  1. They are eating ducks and geese yes. Not cats...yet!
  2. These are the same idiots that turned a blind eye to 24 sexual assault accusers (now 25) because they wanted a good QB. Also the same fans that supported Miles Garrett's fake race baiting accusations. They deserve everything they get.
  3. Interesting how the other accuser waited until Watson had a terrible game to prove that he's not the same QB anymore. Maybe they are one of the Browns fans that wants them to bring back Flacco
  4. By giving him a platform to speak out against the police is just making it worse. This guy broke the law, mouthed off to the cop, and didn't obey his orders. Maybe he doesn't need to get thrown on the ground but he's definitely no victim.
  5. So you think because I'm a Bills fan that I support players who brutalize their family because they are "gladiators?" That's quite a reach. The point is the cop might have gone too far but for Tyreek Hill to be on TV saying he's a victim or some kind of social activist now is laughable. The guy is a piece of crap and for them to give him air time to talk bad about the police is a joke. This crap just makes more of a divide in our society. To suggest there is something racial about this when the cop speaks broken English himself is ridiculous. Stop with these false victims narratives and use this as a learning opportunity for kids to learn how to act or or not act when confronted by police.
  6. Trump is a threat to our jobs, say people who make money on war! Time to put these a-holes out of business
  7. What a role model. Beat your wife and kids, drive 100mph, mouth off at cops, and be the victim. What a world we live in
  8. Now who is overreacting? This wife beater thinks he's Rosa Parks now. If you want change then get with the PD and put out a joint statement saying what you did was wrong and what they did was wrong. All this will lead to is more people breaking the law and disrespecting cops and then cops overreacting after dealing with 100 of these a-holes every day.
  9. Who is Ann Bauer? I didn't know who that is but it looks like she went from Dem to independent since last election and is now willing to vote for a Republican, same as many of us who never have before
  10. That's nice. The cop can't see that when you have tinted windows. You can see in the video the only thing the cop can see is his own reflection. He overreacted though, that's why it's the first thing I posted in my reply. Both wrong. Could be a learning opportunity if they worked together to say why and didn't point fingers like this. What's he going to do? Sue and get the cop fired when Tyreek made over $1 million that DAY and the cop makes probably less than $100k per year dealing with people who want to kill him every day? Wow I guess he really showed him. Or maybe be a standup guy for once and say this cop overreacted but I will take the high road and say I was also rude for yelling at him and was wrong for speeding 100mph but I'm going to work with the police department to make a video to show kids how to react when being pulled over so both sides can learn how to do the right thing. Be calm and respectful, communicate clearly, make sure the police can see you at all times, and everyone is happy and you aren't on the evening news.
  11. The cop will likely get disciplined, he was a bit excessive sure, but Hill was not innocent either. Keeping your window down and hands in sight is for the cop's safety. They don't know what you are doing in there. Possibly getting a weapon or getting ready to drive away. It would be a good opportunity to use this to show how both sides should have acted so people learn rather than both sides pointing fingers and causing more of a rift
  12. Is it possible that she will look even dumber than Biden? Who would they replace her with? Why not just always wait until the last min to replace a candidate so then they have all of the momentum without answering any questions? The brain dead left will vote for them either way
  13. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That's the point of Twitter. It's supposed to be a town hall. If you disagree or have a different point of view it doesn't make you Hitler or authoritarian. But in this messed up Lefty world where they have all the power, if you disagree then you get cancelled or lose your job prospects or get thrown in jail.
  14. Something something racist cops. How dare they pull over someone of color. Just let them do whatever they want
  15. Keep in mind that this is in a small town where 20,000 Haitians have invaded an area with a total population of only 58,000. My question is, how the heck did 20,000 Haitians end up in a small town in a swing state?
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